OPE Program Data

Loan Volume Updates

Summary loan volume data on the major student loan programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Pell Distribution Data by Institution

Distribution of Federal Pell Grant Program funds by institution and award year.

Program Data Books

Federal Pell Grant Program

Federal Pell Grant Program 2006-2007 End of Year Report

download files Federal Pell Grant Program 2006-2007 End of Year Research Tables Zip File (631K)

Academic Competitiveness Grant and National SMART Grant Programs 2006-2007 End of Year Report download files Zip file (137K) | PDF (270K)

download files Academic Competitiveness Grant and National SMART Grant Programs 2006-2007 End of Year Research Tables Zip File (487K)

Federal Pell Grant Program 2005-2006 End of Year Report

download files Federal Pell Grant Program 2005-2006 End of Year Research Tables Zip File (632K)

Federal Pell Grant Program 2004-2005 End of Year Report download files Zip file (223K) | PDF (319K)

download files Federal Pell Grant Program 2004-2005 End of Year Research Tables Zip File (634K)

Federal Pell Grant Program 2003-2004 End of Year Report download files Zip file (579K) | PDF (457K)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 2002-2003 End of Year Report download files Zip file (765K) | PDF (660K)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 2001-2002 End of Year Report download files Zip file (396K) | PDF (1 MB)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 2000-2001 End of Year Report download filesZip file (233K) | PDF (1.2 MB)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 1999-2000 End of Year Report download files Zip file (262K) | PDF (366K)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 1998-1999 End of Year Report download filesZip file (134K) | PDF (265K)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 1997-1998 End of Year Report download files Zip file (112K) | PDF (230K)

Title IV/Federal Pell Grant Program 1994-1995 End of Year Report

Federal Student Loans Programs

Federal Student Loans Program Data Book FY 1997 - FY 2000 HTML Version | download files PDF Version (1.6 MB)

Federal Student Loans Program Data Book (tables only) FY 1997 - FY 2000

Federal Student Loan Programs Data Book for Fiscal Years 1994, 1995, 1996

Federal Campus-Based Programs

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2008

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2007

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2006

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2005

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2004

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2003

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2002

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2001

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 2000

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 1999

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 1998

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 1997

Federal Campus-Based Programs Data Book 1996

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Federal Family Education Loan Program Data - Largest Originators and Holders

Top 100 Originators of FFEL Loans -- FY 2002-2003 download files Excel (42K)

Top 100 Originators of FFEL Loans -- FY 2001-2002 download files Excel (41K)

Top 100 Originators of FFEL Loans -- FY 2000-2001 download files Excel (42K)

Top 100 Holders of FFEL Loans -- FY 2001 download files Excel (43K)

Top 100 Originators of FFEL Loans -- FY 2000 and FY 1999

Top 100 Originators of FFEL Loans -- FY 1999 and FY 1998

Top 100 Holders of FFEL Loans -- FY 1999

Top 100 Originators of FFEL Loans -- FY 1997 and FY 1998

Top 100 Holders of FFEL Loans -- FY 1997 and FY 1998

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Other Data Sources

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Cohort Default Rates (Federal Student Aid Programs site)

Federal Student Aid Programs - School, Lender, and Program Data

National Center for Education Statistics

FedStats - Gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. federal agencies

Stat-USA - Internet source for business and economic information (U.S. Department of Commerce)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

U.S. Bureau of the Census

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Last Modified: 10/07/2008