American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Reason

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A Pilgrim's Progress Illustrated

The Pilgrims Progress From This World to That Which is to Come. (Part II)
John Bunyan
The Pilgrims Progress From This World to That Which is to Come. (Part II)
Worchester: Issiah Thomas, 1790
Rare Book & Special Collection Division (102A.2)

Pilgrim's Progress, first published in America in 1681, also encouraged a focus on heavenly rather than earthly concerns. Christian Pilgrim, author John Bunyan's hero, overcomes temptation at every turn on his way from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. The woodcut shown here is captioned ". . .see Christian's Wife/Who did oppose his heavenly road to life/Now sets her face on Pilgrimage to go/And leads her Babes to escape impending Woe."

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