[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR139.203]

[Page 1200-1202]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
                 Subpart C_Airport Certification Manual
Sec. 139.203  Contents of Airport Certification Manual.

    (a) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, each 
certificate holder must include in the Airport Certification Manual a 
description of operating procedures, facilities and equipment, 
responsibility assignments, and any other information needed by 
personnel concerned with operating the airport in order to comply with 
applicable provisions of subpart D of this part and paragraph (b) of 
this section.

[[Page 1201]]

    (b) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the 
certificate holder must include in the Airport Certification Manual the 
following elements, as appropriate for its class:

                                 Required Airport Certification Manual Elements
                                                                   Airport certificate class
               Manual elements               -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Class I          Class II        Class III         Class IV
1. Lines of succession of airport                          X                X                X                X
 operational responsibility.................
2. Each current exemption issued to the                    X                X                X                X
 airport from the requirements of this part.
3. Any limitations imposed by the                          X                X                X                X
4. A grid map or other means of identifying                X                X                X                X
 locations and terrain features on and
 around the airport that are significant to
 emergency operations.......................
5. The location of each obstruction required               X                X                X                X
 to be lighted or marked within the
 airport's area of authority................
6. A description of each movement area                     X                X                X                X
 available for air carriers and its safety
 areas, and each road described in Sec.
 139.319(k) that serves it..................
7. Procedures for avoidance of interruption                X                X                X
 or failure during construction work of
 utilities serving facilities or NAVAIDS
 that support air carrier operations........
8. A description of the system for                         X                X                X                X
 maintaining records, as required under Sec.
9. A description of personnel training, as                 X                X                X                X
 required under Sec.  139.303..............
10. Procedures for maintaining the paved                   X                X                X                X
 areas, as required under Sec.  139.305....
11. Procedures for maintaining the unpaved                 X                X                X                X
 areas, as required under Sec.  139.307....
12. Procedures for maintaining the safety                  X                X                X                X
 areas, as required under Sec.  139.309....
13. A plan showing the runway and taxiway                  X                X                X                X
 identification system, including the
 location and inscription of signs, runway
 markings, and holding position markings, as
 required under Sec.  139.311..............
14. A description of, and procedures for                   X                X                X                X
 maintaining, the marking, signs, and
 lighting systems, as required under Sec.
15. A snow and ice control plan, as required               X                X                X
 under Sec.  139.313.......................
16. A description of the facilities,                       X                X                X                X
 equipment, personnel, and procedures for
 meeting the aircraft rescue and
 firefighting requirements, in accordance
 with Sec. Sec.  139.315, 139.317 and
17. A description of any approved exemption                X                X                X                X
 to aircraft rescue and firefighting
 requirements, as authorized under Sec.
18. Procedures for protecting persons and                  X                X                X                X
 property during the storing, dispensing,
 and handling of fuel and other hazardous
 substances and materials, as required under
 Sec.  139.321.............................
19. A description of, and procedures for                   X                X                X                X
 maintaining, the traffic and wind direction
 indicators, as required under Sec.
20. An emergency plan as required under Sec.              X                X                X                X
21. Procedures for conducting the self-                    X                X                X                X
 inspection program, as required under Sec.
22. Procedures for controlling pedestrians                 X                X                X
 and ground vehicles in movement areas and
 safety areas, as required under Sec.
23. Procedures for obstruction removal,                    X                X                X                X
 marking, or lighting, as required under
 Sec.  139.331.............................
24. Procedures for protection of NAVAIDS, as               X                X                X
 required under Sec.  139.333..............
25. A description of public protection, as                 X                X                X
 required under Sec.  139.335..............
26. Procedures for wildlife hazard                         X                X                X
 management, as required under Sec.
27. Procedures for airport condition                       X                X                X                X
 reporting, as required under Sec.  139.339

[[Page 1202]]

28. Procedures for identifying, marking, and               X                X                X
 lighting construction and other
 unserviceable areas, as required under Sec.
29. Any other item that the Administrator                  X                X                X                X
 finds is necessary to ensure safety in air

[Doc. No. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; Amdt. 139-26, 69 FR 
31522, June 4, 2004]