[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR121.374]

[Page 809-812]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
     Subpart L_Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations
Sec. 121.374  Continuous airworthiness maintenance program (CAMP) for two-

engine ETOPS.

    In order to conduct an ETOPS flight using a two-engine airplane, 
each certificate holder must develop and comply with the ETOPS 
continuous airworthiness maintenance program, as authorized in the 
certificate holder's operations specifications, for each airplane-engine 
combination used in ETOPS. The certificate holder must develop this 
ETOPS CAMP by supplementing the manufacturer's maintenance program or 
the CAMP currently approved for the certificate holder. This ETOPS CAMP 
must include the following elements:
    (a) ETOPS maintenance document. The certificate holder must have an 

[[Page 810]]

maintenance document for use by each person involved in ETOPS.
    (1) The document must--
    (i) List each ETOPS significant system,
    (ii) Refer to or include all of the ETOPS maintenance elements in 
this section,
    (iii) Refer to or include all supportive programs and procedures,
    (iv) Refer to or include all duties and responsibilities, and
    (v) Clearly state where referenced material is located in the 
certificate holder's document system.
    (b) ETOPS pre-departure service check. Except as provided in 
Appendix P of this part, the certificate holder must develop a pre-
departure check tailored to their specific operation.
    (1) The certificate holder must complete a pre-departure service 
check immediately before each ETOPS flight.
    (2) At a minimum, this check must--
    (i) Verify the condition of all ETOPS Significant Systems;
    (ii) Verify the overall status of the airplane by reviewing 
applicable maintenance records; and
    (iii) Include an interior and exterior inspection to include a 
determination of engine and APU oil levels and consumption rates.
    (3) An appropriately certificated mechanic that is ETOPS Qualified 
must accomplish and certify by signature, ETOPS specific tasks. A 
certificated mechanic, with an airframe and powerplant rating, who is 
ETOPS Qualified must certify by signature, that the ETOPS pre-departure 
service check has been completed.
    (c) Limitations on dual maintenance.(1) Except as specified in 
paragraph (c)(2), the certificate holder may not perform scheduled or 
unscheduled dual maintenance during the same maintenance visit on the 
same or a substantially similar ETOPS Significant System listed in the 
ETOPS maintenance document, if the improper maintenance could result in 
the failure of an ETOPS Significant System.
    (2) In the event dual maintenance as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of 
this section cannot be avoided, the certificate holder may perform 
maintenance provided:
    (i) The maintenance action on each affected ETOPS Significant System 
is performed by a different technician, or
    (ii) The maintenance action on each affected ETOPS Significant 
System is performed by the same technician under the direct supervision 
of a second qualified individual; and
    (iii) For either paragraph (c)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section, a 
qualified individual conducts a ground verification test and any in-
flight verification test required under the program developed pursuant 
to paragraph (d) of this section.
    (d) Verification program. The certificate holder must develop and 
maintain a program for the resolution of discrepancies that will ensure 
the effectiveness of maintenance actions taken on ETOPS Significant 
Systems. The verification program must identify potential problems and 
verify satisfactory corrective action. The verification program must 
include ground verification and in-flight verification policy and 
procedures. The certificate holder must establish procedures to indicate 
clearly who is going to initiate the verification action and what action 
is necessary. The verification action may be performed on an ETOPS 
revenue flight provided the verification action is documented as 
satisfactorily completed upon reaching the ETOPS Entry Point.
    (e) Task identification. The certificate holder must identify all 
ETOPS-specific tasks. An appropriately trained mechanic who is ETOPS 
qualified must accomplish and certify by signature that the ETOPS-
specific task has been completed.
    (f) Centralized maintenance control procedures. The certificate 
holder must develop and maintain procedures for centralized maintenance 
control for ETOPS.
    (g) Parts control program. The certificate holder must develop an 
ETOPS parts control program to ensure the proper identification of parts 
used to maintain the configuration of airplanes used in ETOPS.
    (h) Reliability program. The certificate holder must have an ETOPS 
reliability program. This program must be the certificate holder's 
existing reliability program or its Continuing Analysis

[[Page 811]]

and Surveillance System (CASS) supplemented for ETOPS. This program must 
be event-oriented and include procedures to report the events listed 
below, as follows:
    (1) The certificate holder must report the following events within 
96 hours of the occurrence to its certificate holding district office 
    (i) IFSDs, except planned IFSDs performed for flight training.
    (ii) Diversions and turnbacks for failures, malfunctions, or defects 
associated with any airplane or engine system.
    (iii) Uncommanded power or thrust changes or surges.
    (iv) Inability to control the engine or obtain desired power or 
    (v) Inadvertent fuel loss or unavailability, or uncorrectable fuel 
imbalance in flight.
    (vi) Failures, malfunctions or defects associated with ETOPS 
Significant Systems.
    (vii) Any event that would jeopardize the safe flight and landing of 
the airplane on an ETOPS flight.
    (2) The certificate holder must investigate the cause of each event 
listed in paragraph (h)(1) of this section and submit findings and a 
description of corrective action to its CHDO. The report must include 
the information specified in Sec. 121.703(e). The corrective action 
must be acceptable to its CHDO.
    (i) Propulsion system monitoring. (1) If the IFSD rate (computed on 
a 12-month rolling average) for an engine installed as part of an 
airplane-engine combination exceeds the following values, the 
certificate holder must do a comprehensive review of its operations to 
identify any common cause effects and systemic errors. The IFSD rate 
must be computed using all engines of that type in the certificate 
holder's entire fleet of airplanes approved for ETOPS.
    (i) A rate of 0.05 per 1,000 engine hours for ETOPS up to and 
including 120 minutes.
    (ii) A rate of 0.03 per 1,000 engine hours for ETOPS beyond 120-
minutes up to and including 207 minutes in the North Pacific Area of 
Operation and up to and including 180 minutes elsewhere.
    (iii) A rate of 0.02 per 1,000 engine hours for ETOPS beyond 207 
minutes in the North Pacific Area of Operation and beyond 180 minutes 
    (2) Within 30 days of exceeding the rates above, the certificate 
holder must submit a report of investigation and any necessary 
corrective action taken to its CHDO.
    (j) Engine condition monitoring. (1) The certificate holder must 
have an engine condition monitoring program to detect deterioration at 
an early stage and to allow for corrective action before safe operation 
is affected.
    (2) This program must describe the parameters to be monitored, the 
method of data collection, the method of analyzing data, and the process 
for taking corrective action.
    (3) The program must ensure that engine-limit margins are maintained 
so that a prolonged engine-inoperative diversion may be conducted at 
approved power levels and in all expected environmental conditions 
without exceeding approved engine limits. This includes approved limits 
for items such as rotor speeds and exhaust gas temperatures.
    (k) Oil-consumption monitoring. The certificate holder must have an 
engine oil consumption monitoring program to ensure that there is enough 
oil to complete each ETOPS flight. APU oil consumption must be included 
if an APU is required for ETOPS. The operator's oil consumption limit 
may not exceed the manufacturer's recommendation. Monitoring must be 
continuous and include oil added at each ETOPS departure point. The 
program must compare the amount of oil added at each ETOPS departure 
point with the running average consumption to identify sudden increases.
    (l) APU in-flight start program. If the airplane type certificate 
requires an APU but does not require the APU to run during the ETOPS 
portion of the flight, the certificate holder must develop and maintain 
a program acceptable to the FAA for cold soak in-flight start-and-run 
    (m) Maintenance training. For each airplane-engine combination, the 
certificate holder must develop a maintenance training program that 
provides training adequate to support ETOPS. It must include ETOPS 
specific training for all persons involved in ETOPS

[[Page 812]]

maintenance that focuses on the special nature of ETOPS. This training 
must be in addition to the operator's maintenance training program used 
to qualify individuals to perform work on specific airplanes and 
    (n) Configuration, maintenance, and procedures (CMP) document. If an 
airplane-engine combination has a CMP document, the certificate holder 
must use a system that ensures compliance with the applicable FAA-
approved document.
    (o) Procedural changes. Each substantial change to the maintenance 
or training procedures that were used to qualify the certificate holder 
for ETOPS, must be submitted to the CHDO for review. The certificate 
holder cannot implement a change until its CHDO notifies the certificate 
holder that the review is complete.

[Doc. No. FAA-2002-6717, 72 FR 1880, Jan. 16, 2007, as amended by Amdt. 
121-329, 72 FR 7348, Feb. 15, 2007; Amdt. 121-329, 72 FR 26541, May 10, 