[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR135.429]

[Page 1152-1153]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
     Subpart J_Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations
Sec. 135.429  Required inspection personnel.

    (a) No person may use any person to perform required inspections 
unless the person performing the inspection is appropriately 
certificated, properly trained, qualified, and authorized to do so.
    (b) No person may allow any person to perform a required inspection 
unless, at the time, the person performing that inspection is under the 
supervision and control of an inspection unit.
    (c) No person may perform a required inspection if that person 
performed the item of work required to be inspected.
    (d) In the case of rotorcraft that operate in remote areas or sites, 
the Administrator may approve procedures for the performance of required 
inspection items by a pilot when no other

[[Page 1153]]

qualified person is available, provided--
    (1) The pilot is employed by the certificate holder;
    (2) It can be shown to the satisfaction of the Administrator that 
each pilot authorized to perform required inspections is properly 
trained and qualified;
    (3) The required inspection is a result of a mechanical interruption 
and is not a part of a certificate holder's continuous airworthiness 
maintenance program;
    (4) Each item is inspected after each flight until the item has been 
inspected by an appropriately certificated mechanic other than the one 
who originally performed the item of work; and
    (5) Each item of work that is a required inspection item that is 
part of the flight control system shall be flight tested and reinspected 
before the aircraft is approved for return to service.
    (e) Each certificate holder shall maintain, or shall determine that 
each person with whom it arranges to perform its required inspections 
maintains, a current listing of persons who have been trained, 
qualified, and authorized to conduct required inspections. The persons 
must be identified by name, occupational title and the inspections that 
they are authorized to perform. The certificate holder (or person with 
whom it arranges to perform its required inspections) shall give written 
information to each person so authorized, describing the extent of that 
person's responsibilities, authorities, and inspectional limitations. 
The list shall be made available for inspection by the Administrator 
upon request.

[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as amended by Amdt. 135-20, 
51 FR 40710, Nov. 7, 1986]