[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR135.419]

[Page 1149]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
     Subpart J_Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations
Sec. 135.419  Approved aircraft inspection program.

    (a) Whenever the Administrator finds that the aircraft inspections 
required or allowed under part 91 of this chapter are not adequate to 
meet this part, or upon application by a certificate holder, the 
Administrator may amend the certificate holder's operations 
specifications under Sec. 119.51, to require or allow an approved 
aircraft inspection program for any make and model aircraft of which the 
certificate holder has the exclusive use of at least one aircraft (as 
defined in Sec. 135.25(b)).
    (b) A certificate holder who applies for an amendment of its 
operations specifications to allow an approved aircraft inspection 
program must submit that program with its application for approval by 
the Administrator.
    (c) Each certificate holder who is required by its operations 
specifications to have an approved aircraft inspection program shall 
submit a program for approval by the Administrator within 30 days of the 
amendment of its operations specifications or within any other period 
that the Administrator may prescribe in the operations specifications.
    (d) The aircraft inspection program submitted for approval by the 
Administrator must contain the following:
    (1) Instructions and procedures for the conduct of aircraft 
inspections (which must include necessary tests and checks), setting 
forth in detail the parts and areas of the airframe, engines, 
propellers, rotors, and appliances, including emergency equipment, that 
must be inspected.
    (2) A schedule for the performance of the aircraft inspections under 
paragraph (d)(1) of this section expressed in terms of the time in 
service, calendar time, number of system operations, or any combination 
of these.
    (3) Instructions and procedures for recording discrepancies found 
during inspections and correction or deferral of discrepancies including 
form and disposition of records.
    (e) After approval, the certificate holder shall include the 
approved aircraft inspection program in the manual required by Sec. 
    (f) Whenever the Administrator finds that revisions to an approved 
aircraft inspection program are necessary for the continued adequacy of 
the program, the certificate holder shall, after notification by the 
Administrator, make any changes in the program found by the 
Administrator to be necessary. The certificate holder may petition the 
Administrator to reconsider the notice to make any changes in a program. 
The petition must be filed with the representatives of the Administrator 
assigned to it within 30 days after the certificate holder receives the 
notice. Except in the case of an emergency requiring immediate action in 
the interest of safety, the filing of the petition stays the notice 
pending a decision by the Administrator.
    (g) Each certificate holder who has an approved aircraft inspection 
program shall have each aircraft that is subject to the program 
inspected in accordance with the program.
    (h) The registration number of each aircraft that is subject to an 
approved aircraft inspection program must be included in the operations 
specifications of the certificate holder.

[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as amended by Amdt. 135-
104, 71 FR 536, Jan. 4, 2006]

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