[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR135.265]

[Page 1118-1119]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
 Subpart F_Crewmember Flight Time and Duty Period Limitations and Rest 
Sec. 135.265  Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Scheduled 


    (a) No certificate holder may schedule any flight crewmember, and no 
flight crewmember may accept an assignment, for flight time in scheduled 
operations or in other commercial flying if that crewmember's total 
flight time in all commercial flying will exceed--
    (1) 1,200 hours in any calendar year.
    (2) 120 hours in any calendar month.
    (3) 34 hours in any 7 consecutive days.
    (4) 8 hours during any 24 consecutive hours for a flight crew 
consisting of one pilot.
    (5) 8 hours between required rest periods for a flight crew 
consisting of two pilots qualified under this part for the operation 
being conducted.
    (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no 
certificate holder

[[Page 1119]]

may schedule a flight crewmember, and no flight crewmember may accept an 
assignment, for flight time during the 24 consecutive hours preceding 
the scheduled completion of any flight segment without a scheduled rest 
period during that 24 hours of at least the following:
    (1) 9 consecutive hours of rest for less than 8 hours of scheduled 
flight time.
    (2) 10 consecutive hours of rest for 8 or more but less than 9 hours 
of scheduled flight time.
    (3) 11 consecutive hours of rest for 9 or more hours of scheduled 
flight time.
    (c) A certificate holder may schedule a flight crewmember for less 
than the rest required in paragraph (b) of this section or may reduce a 
scheduled rest under the following conditions:
    (1) A rest required under paragraph (b)(1) of this section may be 
scheduled for or reduced to a minimum of 8 hours if the flight 
crewmember is given a rest period of at least 10 hours that must begin 
no later than 24 hours after the commencement of the reduced rest 
    (2) A rest required under paragraph (b)(2) of this section may be 
scheduled for or reduced to a minimum of 8 hours if the flight 
crewmember is given a rest period of at least 11 hours that must begin 
no later than 24 hours after the commencement of the reduced rest 
    (3) A rest required under paragraph (b)(3) of this section may be 
scheduled for or reduced to a minimum of 9 hours if the flight 
crewmember is given a rest period of at least 12 hours that must begin 
no later than 24 hours after the commencement of the reduced rest 
    (d) Each certificate holder shall relieve each flight crewmember 
engaged in scheduled air transportation from all further duty for at 
least 24 consecutive hours during any 7 consecutive days.