[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 4]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR212.12]

[Page 37-38]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
                         (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS)
Sec. 212.12  Waiver.

    The Department may grant a waiver of any of the provisions of this 
part upon a finding that such waiver is in the public interest. A 
certificated or foreign air carrier may request a waiver by filing a 
written application with the Department, citing the specific provision 
to be waived and providing justification for such waiver.

  Appendix A to Part 212--Certificated or Foreign Air Carrier's Surety 
      Bond Under Part 212 of the Regulations of the Department of 
                    Transportation (14 CFR Part 212)

    Know all persons by these presents, that we -------------------- 
(Name of certificated or foreign air carrier) of --------------------, 
(City) -------------------- (State or Country) as Principal (hereinafter 
called Principal), and -------------------- (name of Surety) a 
corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of --------
-------- (State) as Surety (hereinafter called Surety) are held and 
firmly bound unto the United States of America in an unlimited amount, 
as required by 14 CFR 212.8, for which payment, well and truly to be 
made, we bind ourselves and our heirs, executors, administrators, 
successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these 
    Whereas the principal, a certificated air carrier holding a 
certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under 49 U.S.C. 
41102, or a foreign air carrier holding a foreign air carrier permit 
issued under 49 U.S.C. 41302 or an exemption issued under 49 U.S.C. 
40109 authorizing that foreign air carrier to engage in charter trips in 
foreign air transportation, is subject to rules and regulations of the 
Department of Transportation relating to security for the protection of 
charterers of civil aircraft and has elected to file with the Department 
of Transportation such a bond as will guarantee to the United States 
Government the performance of all charter trips (other than cargo 
charter trips) originating in the United States and of all Overseas 
Military Personnel Charters, as defined in 14 CFR part 372, to be 
performed, in whole or in part, by such certificated or foreign air 
carrier pursuant to contracts entered into by such carrier after the 
execution date of this bond, and
    Whereas this bond is written to assure compliance by the Principal 
with rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation relating 
to security for the protection of charterer of civil aircraft for 
charter trips (other than cargo charters) originating in the United 
States or of Overseas Military Personnel Charter trips and shall inure 
to the benefit of any and all such charterers to whom the Principal may 
be held legally liable for any of the damages herein described.
    Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the 
Principal shall pay or cause to be paid to such charterer any sum or 
sums for which the Principal may be held legally liable by reason of the 
Principal's failure faithfully to perform, fulfill, and carry out all 
contracts made by the Principal while this bond is in effect for the 
performance of charter trips (other than

[[Page 38]]

cargo charter trips) originating in the United States and of Overseas 
Military Personnel Charter trips, then this obligation shall be void, 
otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
    The liability of the Surety shall not be discharged by any payment 
or succession of payments hereunder in any specified amount. The surety 
agrees to furnish written notice to the Department of Transportation 
forthwith of all suits filed, judgments rendered, and payments made by 
said Surety under this bond.
    This bond is effective the ------ day of ----------------, --------, 
12:01 a.m., standard time at the address of the Principal as stated 
herein and shall continue in force until terminated as hereinafter 
provided. The Principal or the Surety may at any time terminate this 
bond by written notice to the Department of Transportation at its office 
in Washington, D.C., such termination to become effective thirty (30) 
days after actual receipt of said notice by the Department. The Surety 
shall not be liable hereunder for the payment of the damages 
hereinbefore described which arise as the result of any contracts for 
the performance of air transportation services made by the Principal 
after the termination of this bond becomes effective, as herein 
provided, but such termination shall not affect the liability of the 
Surety hereunder for the payment of any such damages arising as the 
result of contracts for the performance of air transportation services 
made by the Principal after the termination of this bond becomes 
effective. Liability of the Surety under this bond shall in all events 
be limited only to a charterer who shall within sixty (60) days after 
the cancellation of a charter trip with respect to which the charterer's 
advance payments are secured by this bond give written notice of claim 
to the certificated or foreign air carrier, or, if it is unavailable, to 
the Surety, and all liability on this bond for such charter trip shall 
automatically terminate sixty (60) days after the termination date 
thereof except for claims filed within the time provided herein.
    In witness whereof, the said Principal and Surety have executed this 
instrument on the ------ day of ----------------, --------.



By: Signature and title_________________________________________________




By: Signature and title_________________________________________________


Bonding or surety company must be listed in Best's Insurance Reports 
(Fire and Casualty) with a general policyholders' rating of ``A'' or 
better or in the Department of the Treasury listing of companies holding 
certificates of authority as acceptable sureties on Federal bonds. In 
addition, the bonding or surety company shall be one legally authorized 
to issue bonds of that type in the State(s) in which the charter 
flight(s) originate. Agents must provide satisfactory proof that they 
have the requisite authority to issue this bond.

           Appendix B to Part 212--Certification of Compliance

 Organization Charterworthiness for Affinity Charter Air Transportation 
  and Eligibility of All Prospective Passengers for Such Flights Under 
Part 212 of the Regulations of the Department of Transportation (14 CFR 
                                Part 212)

    I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United 
States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.