[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR161.211]

[Page 199]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
         Subpart C_Notice Requirements for Stage 2 Restrictions
Sec.  161.211  Optional use of 14 CFR part 150 procedures.

    (a) An airport operator may use the procedures in part 150 of this 
chapter, instead of the procedures described in Sec. Sec.  161.203(b) 
and 161.209(b), as a means of providing an adequate public notice and 
comment opportunity on a proposed Stage 2 restriction.
    (b) If the airport operator elects to use 14 CFR part 150 procedures 
to comply with this subpart, the operator shall:
    (1) Ensure that all parties identified for direct notice under Sec.  
161.203(b) are notified that the airport's 14 CFR part 150 program will 
include a proposed Stage 2 restriction under part 161, and that these 
parties are offered the opportunity to participate as consulted parties 
during the development of the 14 CFR part 150 program;
    (2) Provide the FAA with a full text of the proposed restriction, 
including any sanctions for noncompliance, at the time of the notice;
    (3) Include the information in Sec.  161.203 (c)(2) through (c)(5) 
and 161.205 in the analysis of the proposed restriction for the part 14 
CFR part 150 program;
    (4) Wait 180 days following the availability of the above analysis 
for review by the consulted parties and compliance with the above notice 
requirements before implementing the Stage 2 restriction; and
    (5) Include in its 14 CFR part 150 submission to the FAA evidence of 
compliance with paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(4) of this section, and the 
analysis in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, together with a clear 
identification that the 14 CFR part 150 program includes a proposed 
Stage 2 restriction under part 161.
    (c) The FAA determination on the 14 CFR part 150 submission does not 
constitute approval or disapproval of the proposed Stage 2 restriction 
under part 161.
    (d) An amendment of a restriction may also be processed under 14 CFR 
part 150 procedures in accordance with this section.