[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR150.23]

[Page 79-80]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
  Subpart B_Development of Noise Exposure Maps and Noise Compatibility 
Sec.  150.23  Noise compatibility programs.

    (a) Any airport operator who has submitted an acceptable noise 
exposure map under Sec.  150.21 may, after FAA notice of acceptability 
and other consultation and public procedure specified under paragraphs 
(b) and (c) of this section, as applicable, submit to the Regional 
Airports Division Manager five copies of a noise compatibility program.
    (b) An airport operator may submit the noise compatibility program 
at the same time as the noise exposure map. In this case, the Regional 
Airports Division Manager will not begin the statutory 180-day review 
period (for the program) until after FAA reviews the noise exposure map 
and finds that it and its supporting documentation are in compliance 
with the applicable requirements.
    (c) Each noise compatibility program must be developed and prepared 
in accordance with appendix B of this part, or an FAA approved 
equivalent, and in consultation with FAA regional officials, the 
officials of the state and of any public agencies and planning agencies 
whose area, or any portion or whose area, of jurisdiction within the 
Ldn 65 dB noise contours is depicted on the noise exposure 
map, and other Federal officials having local responsibility of land 
uses depicted on the map. Consultation with FAA regional officials shall 
include, to the extent practicable, informal agreement from FAA on 
proposed new or modified flight procedures. For air carrier airports, 
consultation must include any air carriers and, to the extent 
practicable, other aircraft operators using the airport. For other 
airports, consultation must include, to the extent practicable, aircraft 
operators using the airport.
    (d) Prior to and during the development of a program, and prior to 
submission of the resulting draft program to the FAA, the airport 
operator shall afford adequate opportunity for the active and direct 
participation of the States, public agencies and planning agencies in 
the areas surrounding the airport, aeronautical users of the airport, 
the airport operator, and the general public to submit their views, 
data, and comments on the formulation and adequacy of that program. 
Prior to submitting the program to the FAA, the airport operator shall 
also provide notice and the opportunity for a public hearing.
    (e) Each noise compatibility program submitted to the FAA must 
consist of at least the following:
    (1) A copy of the noise exposure map and its supporting 
documentation as found in compliance with the applicable requirements by 
the FAA, per Sec.  150.21(c).
    (2) A description and analysis of the alternative measures 
considered by the airport operator in developing the program, together 
with a discussion of why each rejected measure was not included in the 
    (3) Program measures proposed to reduce or eliminate present and 
future noncompatible land uses and a description of the relative 
contribution of each of the proposed measures to the overall 
effectiveness of the program.
    (4) A description of public participation and the consultation with 
officials of public agencies and planning agencies in areas surrounding 
the airport, FAA regional officials and other Federal officials having 
local responsibility for land uses depicted on the

[[Page 80]]

map, any air carriers and other users of the airport.
    (5) The actual or anticipated effect of the program on reducing 
noise exposure to individuals and noncompatible land uses and preventing 
the introduction of additional noncompatible uses within the area 
covered by the noise exposure map. The effects must be based on 
expressed assumptions concerning the type and frequency of aircraft 
operations, number of nighttime operations, flight patterns, airport 
layout including planned airport development, planned land use changes, 
and demographic changes within the Ldn 65 dB noise contours.
    (6) A description of how the proposed future actions may change any 
noise control or compatibility plans or actions previously adopted by 
the airport proprietor.
    (7) A summary of the comments at any public hearing on the program 
and a copy of all written material submitted to the operator under 
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, together with the operator's 
response and disposition of those comments and materials to demonstrate 
the program is feasible and reasonably consistent with obtaining the 
objectives of airport noise compatibility planning under this part.
    (8) The period covered by the program, the schedule for 
implementation of the program, the persons responsible for 
implementation of each measure in the program, and, for each measure, 
documentation supporting the feasibility of implementation, including 
any essential governmental actions, costs, and anticipated sources of 
funding, that will demonstrate that the program is reasonably consistent 
with achieving the goals of airport noise compatibility planning under 
this part.
    (9) Provision for revising the program if made necessary by revision 
of the noise exposure map.

[Doc. No. 18691, 49 FR 49269, Dec. 18, 1984; 50 FR 5063, Feb. 6, 1985; 
Amdt. 150-2, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989; Amdt. 150-4, 69 FR 57626, 
Sept. 24, 2004]