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Hanford Nuclear Cleanup


DOE's Hanford cleanup official resigns - "I have been deeply disappointed in the lack of a cooperative approach the department has taken over the past several years on issues related to Hanford cleanup," Murray said in a prepared statement.
- Tri-City Herald - June 16, 2004

Senate lets DOE reclassify nuclear waste - "For more than a year, the Department of Energy has been trying to change the ground rules so it can leave more waste untreated, declare victory and walk away from out nation's most contaminated nuclear sites," Murray said.
- Tri-City Herald - June 4, 2004

Energy Department audit uncovers discrepancies in worker illness records - "Safety must be the top priority in fact, not just in rhetoric, and unfortunately this report shows that standard is not being met," said U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, a Washington Democrat. "I hope the Department will now recommit itself to the highest possible safety standards under the law."
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer - May 25, 2004

Energy Dept. threatens no nuclear cleanup - "They didn't get their way in court, so now they want the law changed," said Murray. "Everyone is for accelerated cleanup as long as it's done in a way that protects workers' safety and we don't cut corners."
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer - April 7, 2004

Groups willing to mediate with DOE - "Washington's two U.S. senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, both Democrats, also oppose DOE trying to insert that language during closed-door conference committee discussions."
- Tri-City Herald - October 20, 2003

DOE seeks legislation to reclassify waste - "'Unfortunately, this tactic of fighting the states and trying to do an end run around the other partners in the cleanup is not new to this administration,' Murray said. 'The truth is that the fastest, most effective way to clean up these sites is for the DOE to work in partnership with the states and federal regulators.'"
- Tri-City Herald - September 28, 2003

Abraham takes reclassification to lawmakers - “In a written statement, Murray said: ‘It is really disappointing that the Department of Energy is spending its time petitioning the Congress, rather than working with the states to actually solve the problem. It strikes me as overreaching, and, unfortunately, it follows a pattern of failing to work cooperatively with the states to clean up nuclear waste.’”
- Tri-City Herald - August 15, 2003

Senate panel OKs $2 billion for Hanford - “‘In the face of the most significant budget cuts in recent history, I am pleased to have secured this critical funding for nuclear waste cleanup at Hanford,’ Murray said.”
- Tri-City Herald - July 17, 2003

"$2 billion OK'd for Hanford cleanup"
- Tri-City Herald - July 23, 2002

"Murray questions Hanford cleanup plan"
- Tri-City Herald - April 19, 2002

"DOE's Hanford budget comes up short"
- Tri-City Herald - April 10, 2002

Editorial: "Bush's Hanford budget inadequate, insulting"
- Tri-City Herald - February 14, 2002

"Murray attacks budget proposal"
- Tri-City Herald - February 6, 2002

NPR Story on Budget Cuts (includes Murray questioning OMB Director Mitch Daniels) [Real Audio] February 5, 2002

"Funding for Hanford cleanup falls way short, lawmakers say"
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer - February 5, 2002

"Bush's Hanford plan raises debate "
- The Olympian - February 5, 2002

"Hanford cuts proposed"
- Tri-City Herald - February 5, 2002


"Congressional committee approves Hanford funding"
- Tri-City Herald - October 31, 2001

"Senate OKs Hanford cleanup money"
- Tri-City Herald -July 20, 2001

"Senate panel OKs bill to keep Hanford cleanup on schedule"
- Tri-City Herald - July 13, 2001

"Hanford budget raises worries"
- Tri-City Herald - May 16, 2001

"DOE's Hanford budget comes up short"
- Tri-City Herald- April 10, 2001

"Bush's DOE budget cuts $700 million; Hanford watchers concerned"
- Tri-City Herald - May 1, 2001

"Hanford cleanup funding expected to increase" - Tri-City Herald - February 14, 2000


Hanford Web Site

Washington State Department of Ecology