News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Secures Funding for Central Washington Community and Environmental Initiatives

Key Senate Committee Approves VA-HUD Appropriations Bill

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, July 25, 2002

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) -- Senator Murray announced today that she has secured $2.55 million in the fiscal year 2003 Veterans Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill for community and environmental initiatives in Central Washington.

"I am proud to have secured this important funding to help improve communities in Central Washington," said Murray. "I'm especially pleased to help out with the Klickitat Treatment Plant. Without this federal funding, local taxpayers would have to bear the burden themselves. This region's economy is facing tough times and we must do all that we can to retain and attract new business and jobs. I know this funding will go a long way to improving the quality of life and increasing economic prosperity here."


Klickitat County PUD New Sewage Treatment Plant $1,650,000

The requested funds will allow the PUD to replace a 46 year old treatment plant while maintaining affordable sewer rates for town residents, protecting the Klickitat Wild and Scenic River, and providing a vital part of the infrastructure needed for economic development. Without this funding, residents' sewer rates will triple to approximately $95 per month.

Horizons, Inc. UNITE Initiative, Sunnyside $250,000

Horizons will use the funding to purchase computer equipment at the facility housing the Up-Skill Network and Information Technology Enterprises (UNITE) initiative. The funding package for the facility itself is already in place. UNITE will provide one-stop technology-based education for low-income and underserved rural Americans, including people moving from welfare to work, migrant and seasonal farmworkers, at-risk youth, dislocated workers, and individuals with disabilities. Among other services, UNITE will expand free public access to computers and information technology resources through distance learning and a computer loan program.

Rural and Farmworker Housing Trust, Statewide Initiative $200,000

The housing trust will use the funding to kickstart its operations. The new organization will raise funding to create affordable housing for farmworkers in Washington state. RAFHT is the result of four years of work between Senator Murray, the Latino community, farmers, and affordable housing developers. Senator Murray has joined with leaders in these communities to address Washington state's tremendous need for safe and affordable farmworker housing. RAFHT's goal will be to raise the tens of millions of dollars needed to build new -- and rehabilitate existing -- farmworker housing throughout the state.

Port of Chelan Community Technology Center, Wenatchee $250,000

The Port of Chelan will use the funding to complete the construction and development of the Community Technology Center in Wenatchee. The center will serve as a small business incubator and provide education and job skills training with the goal of retaining and attracting technology-based businesses. The project will create an estimated 400 direct and indirect family-wage jobs.

Wenatchee Valley College Institute for Rural Innovation and Stewardship, Wenatchee $200,000

The college will use the funding to complete the construction of the Institute. The Institute will focus on returning vitality to family-based agriculture while encouraging environmental stewardship. Programs will include practicing sound farm management, developing alternative marketing strategies, and integrating applied technology. All farmers, including low-income Latino farmers, will benefit from the Institute.


Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission $700,000

The Washington State Tribes and the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Coordinated Water Quality Program, an EPA/Tribal partnership, has provided a forum for continuous and meaningful communication between tribes, state and federal agencies. It has generated successful state/federal partnerships to improve water quality and has helped fulfill the federal government's trust obligation to tribes.

Rural Development Council, Rural Community Assessment Program $100,000

The Washington State Rural Development Council will use the funding to help rural communities assess strengths and weaknesses, develop strategies to meet their economic, community, and human service goals, and link them to resources to build on and implement local plans.
