Insurance/Risk Management
Earthquake Recovery
Fire Recovery
Flood Recovery
Hurricane Recovery
Mudslide Recovery
Tornado Recovery
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Earthquakes can damage collections in many ways.Books may be tossed from shelving and papers from file cabinets. Collections may be scattered, crushed or soiled. Roofs, rooms and buildings may collapse, burying collections under furniture, beams, dirt and yard debris, or leaving collections exposed and vulnerable to wind, rain and snow.Structural collapse may cause fire damage to collections due to broken gas and power lines, as well as water damage from fire hoses and sprinklers, or broken water or sewer pipes. Collections may be recovered from fire and water damage if appropriate measures are taken. Dry collections may be salvaged and cleaned of soil, wet collections may be frozen to prevent mold growth, and broken book bindings, photographs and papers can be boxed or treated by professional conservators. In general, resources for salvage and recovery after floods apply.
For more information, see the following links: