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In preparation for the breakout of the Operations attendees into five groups for the purpose of discussing the five PCC strategic directions 2010 and possible actions to realize the goals, Watson explained that the five strategic directions had their genesis with the PCC Policy Committee (PoCo) at the November 2005 PoCo meeting. The present stage, seeking input from the PCC operations-level representatives on possible action items, is prelude to PoCo meeting in November 2006 where the five draft strategic directions 2010, the goals, and the action items will be discussed and finalized.

PCC Strategic Directions 2010: Breakout Sessions and Action Item Reports

The attendees of broke into five groups:

  • Strategic Direction 1: Be a Forward Thinking, Influential Leader in the Global Metadata Community
    Action Items SD 1
  • Strategic Direction 2: Redefine the Common Enterprise
    Action Items SD 2
  • Strategic Direction 3: Build on and Expand Partnerships and Collaborations in Support of the Common Enterprise
    Action Items SD 3
  • Strategic Direction 4: Pursue Globalization
    Action Items SD 4
  • Strategic Direction 5: Lead in the Education and Training of Catalogers
    Action Items SD 5

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  January 3, 2008
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