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PCC Standing Committee on Training

Notes from the SCT Meeting

held at ALA Midwinter
January 19, 2002, New Orleans

Attending members: David Banush (Cornell), Ana Cristán (LC BIBCO liaison), Bill Garrison (U. of Colorado at Boulder), Carol Hixson (U. of Oregon, Chair and Recorder), Glenn Patton (OCLC liaison), Ruta Penkiunas (LC liaison), Louise Rees (U. of Pennsylvania), Frieda Rosenberg (UNC-Chapel Hill), Adam Schiff (U. of Washington)

The meeting began at 9:30 a.m. in the OCLC Blue Suite at the Hilton.

1.Introduction and welcome to new members

New members attending for the first time were David Banush, Frieda Rosenberg, and Adam Schiff.

2.News from the Coop Team

Penkiunas noted that the Coop Team had been working very hard to pull together a training Web site with resources for PCC trainers. It is not intended for the general public, although it is not a restricted Web site. The URL was made available to all trainers via the trainer's listserv and is avialable upon request from the Coop Team.

3.National Level Record

Shortly before ALA, Hixson, Cristán, Patton, and Glazier were discussing the National Level Record (NLR) standards and the implication of them for BIBCO records. This issue came up as Hixson attempted to resolve the standards for Full and Core records for the BIBCO Participants' Manual. RLIN refers their catalogers to the NLR for cataloging input. BIBCO Core standards also refer to the NLR with reference to the Leader, Directory and Variable Control Fields such as the 001,003,005,007, and 008. It's not clear where the NLR comes from or what authority it enjoys.

Action: Hixson will communicate with the Chair of the Standing Committee on Standards and ask for clarification of the use of the NLR in BIBCO standards.

4.Uniform Titles for Videos

BIBCO libraries cataloging moving image materials have raised the question of uniform titles in BIBCO records. LC's Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division does not use AACR2 for its descriptive rules but instead uses the 2nd edition of the Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual (AMIM2). While LC can give the LC position on cataloging these materials, BIBCO libraries need some guidance from AACR2. CPSO has indicated its willingness to give guidance in this area, although it is not clear that this course of action will be sanctioned by the Cataloging Directorate. There is a proposed plan to incorporate AMIM standards into LC Rule Interpretations.

5.Arrays of Subject Headings

In November, Duke University, undergoing BIBCO training, raised the issue of arrays of subject headings and whether they were required for BIBCO Core records. The examples in the document Introduction to the Core Record imply that arrays are not required. However, BIBCO documentation developed so far has indicated that catalogers are to follow the SCM regarding arrays, even for Core records. CPSO has advised the use of the arrays. Cristán reported on concern expressed by the Steering Committee about requiring arrays. The issue as it stands need to be clarified because the examples imply one approach and the documentation states the opposite.

Action: Hixson will work with the Chair of the Standing Committee on Standards and the PCC Steering Committee to clarify the expectations for LC subject headings on Core records.

6.LC Action Plan

Rees had asked for discussion of the SCT's role in furthering the LC Action Plan for Bibliographic Control of Web Resources. The SCT is mentioned as a possible collaborator in several sections of the Action Plan, specifically:

3.2 Identify and publicize existing registries of metadata schemes to establish points of convergence among them, to promote the consistent labeling of fields, and to facilitate mapping of fields.

3.5 Prepare guidelines for deciding when to create separate bibliographic records and when to create a single record for manifestations.

5.1 Address educational needs through improved curricula in library and information science schools and through continuing education for cataloging practitioners by: promoting consensus on determination of "Core Competencies;" devising training in the two areas of "Mind set and values" and "Managing operations;" developing Toolkits; and identifying other mechanisms to meet these needs.

5.2 Sponsor a series of open forums on metadata needs to support reference service in conjunction with various professional association meetings to include catalogers, reference librarians, vendors, systems developers, publishers, and administrators.

5.3 Promote the use and understanding of standards for describing Web resources through education, targeted outreach, etc.

Hixson explained that she understood that another individual or group had been designated as the lead investigator in each of these instances. Her understanding is that no action is required of the SCT until such time as it is contacted by the Lead Investigator for a particular action item.

Action: Hixson will clarify the SCT's role in the Action Plan with the LC Cataloging Directorate.

7.Developing a Course on Integrating Resources

Rees raised the issue of training for integrating resources. The challenge lies in developing training that does not cite specific rules that are being revised but are not yet published. Copyright issues require that documentation and training not cite actual text of rule revisions until they are published. SCCTP has taken the approach of talking about general concepts. There is already a group of PCC advisers and reviewers for LCRIs to the new rules. The group includes Adam Schiff, Paul Weiss, and Ann Sitkin. The Policy Committee has directed the SCT to develop a Task Group to develop training for integrating resources. There is a need to develop training for the CONSER/BIBCO Operations Committee Meeting in May. It was suggested that the existing LCRI review group be tapped to be the group to develop the training. In addition, Steve Miller of OLAC was suggested. Rees also volunteered to be part of this group. Implementation is scheduled for September. It might also be possible to do a session at ALA, similar to the SACO sessions that are frequently offered.

Action: Hixson will work with Jean Hirons and Ana Cristán to develop a charge for a task group to develop the training.

8.Revision of BIBCO Participants' Manual

The remaining time was spent on revision of the BIBCO Participants' Manual draft. Hixson thanked everyone for coming prepared. Some general editorial comments were made:

  • Should Core be capitalized or not? If it is PCC Core, use it as a proper noun phrase and capitalize it. Otherwise, do not capitalize it.
  • LCRI should be capitalized; when spelled out, Library of Congress Rule Interpretations should be italicized.
  • MARC 21 should have a space between it.
  • AACR2 should be referred to as simply AACR
  • When the BPM is made available in electronic form, all terms should be hotlinked to the glossary.

The group reviewed up through sections A2.4 before time ran out.

Action: Hixson will arrange a conference call with SCT members following ALA so that the review can continue.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15.

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