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Core Bibliographic Record for Monographic Computer Files

approved March 31, 1999

Computer files cover material encoded for manipulation by computer. These materials fall within the scope of Chapter 9 of AACR2 and, where applicable, the Guidelines for Bibliographic Description of Interactive Multimedia (ALA, 1994) for those institutions choosing to use these optional guidelines. Included are data (e.g., text, image, numeric, sound) and software (e.g., spreadsheets, word processors, games) that may be stored on, or contained in, carriers available by direct access (e.g., CD-ROMs) or by remote access (e.g., Internet resources).

MARC 21 coding conventions for these materials call for treating computer software (including programs, games, fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia and online systems or services as computer files (Leader/06 code 'm'). Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (for example, language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). Use of this core record for all monographic electronic resources regardless of the Leader/06 code is sufficient. This does not preclude considering the requirements of another core standard if desired.

March 13, 1999

M = Mandatory; MA = Mandatory if applicable
LEADER & DIRECTORY                        Code as national level [1]
   001, 003, 005, 006, 007, 008           Code as national level [1]
010: Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)      MA
020: $a International Standard Book Number (ISBN)   MA
040: Cataloging Source                              M
042: Authentication Code                            M [2]
1XX: Main Entries                                   MA
240: Uniform Title                                  MA [3]
245: Title Statement
       $a, h                                        M
       all other subfields                          MA
246: Varying Form of Title                          MA [4]
250: Edition Statement                              MA 
260: Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint)      M
300: Physical Description                           M [5]
4XX: Series Statements                              MA [6]
5XX: Notes                                          MA [7]
        538: System Details Note                    M [8]
        500: Source of Title Proper                 M
        500: Source of Edition Note                 MA [9]
        500: Accompanying Material                  MA [10]
        502: Dissertation Note                      MA 
        520: Summary, etc.                          MA [11]
        505: Formatted Contents Note                MA [12]
6XX: Subject Access Fields                          MA [13]
7XX: Added Entries                                  MA [14]
8XX: Series Added Entries                           MA [6]

856: Electronic Location and Access                 MA [15]     

  1. Applying the latest published version of the National Level Record (NLR) standard, code all bytes and fields designated by the NLR as mandatory, and supply any applicable bytes and fields designated by the NLR as mandatory-if-applicable. The NLR standard is detailed in Appendix A of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data prepared by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress. Note: Depending on the individual automated system or bibliographic utility, part or all of the Leader and Directory and some variable control fields may be system supplied.
  2. For Program for Cooperative Cataloging records only; use the code "pcc".
  3. Supply a uniform title if it is known or can be readily inferred from the item being cataloged.
  4. Title Variants: Use judgment in assessing each item and assign a complement of title variants which covers variations deemed important and coded as appropriate. The importance of title variant access information is intended to reflect individual cataloger's judgment and/or local institutional policy.
  5. For direct access files : Mandatory. Not applicable to remote access files.
  6. Transcribe all series as found on an item in either a 490 or a 440 field. All traced series must be supported by a national level authority record. Untraced series need not be supported by a national level authority record. If a national level series authority record already exists for the series, follow the first tracing practice indicated on the record and record the series and tracing appropriately (i.e., in a 490 field, a 440 field or a 490/8XX pairing).
  7. Only those notes that support identification of the item need be included. Criteria may vary from one item to another. Notes are not required to justify added entries.
  8. For direct access files: Make a "System requirements" note according to Chapter 9 of AACR2. For remote access files : Make a "Mode of access" note according to Chapter 9 of AACR2.
  9. Make a note for the edition statement if it is not taken from the source of the title proper. If using the Guidelines for Bibliographic Description of Interactive Multimedia, make a note according to the instructions in those guidelines.
  10. For remote access files: Make if material is available as a separate online file or physical document and that information is not already given in another note.
  11. Minimally, supply a brief summary note if the content of the item is not obvious from the rest of the bibliographic record.
  12. Supply as appropriate for collections, compilations, or for any multi-part work.
  13. If appropriate, supply at least one or two subject access fields from an established thesaurus or subject heading system and/or genre/form list recognized by the MARC 21 Format.
  14. Use judgment in assessing each item and assign a complement of added entries which cover primary relationships associated with a work (e.g., writer, programmer, principal investigator, producer, featured composer, animator and/or other artist). The inclusion and importance of added entries are intended to reflect individual cataloger's judgment and/or local institutional policy.
  15. If applicable, assign at least one 856 field giving an electronic location of the item at the time of cataloging.
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