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PCC BIBCO-at-Large—Summary

ALA Annual, New Orleans
Sheraton New Orleans, Napoleon Ballroom D3
500 Canal Street, Third Floor
Sunday June 25, 2006

This summary reflects the marathon session held Sunday, June 25 in one convenient location at ALA Annual. Les Hawkins has distributed the notes for the 8:00 and 8:45 portions separately at this location: CONSER-At-Large Meeting Summary

8:00 am CONSER-at-Large issues

8:45 am Joint CONSER and BIBCO session
Series—PCC practices and training plans

9:30 am Joint CONSER and BIBCO session
The sign-in sheets circulated during this portion of the meeting included 85 names.

OCLC--Glenn Patton (OCLC)
With the implementation of the Connexion 1.60 client, OCLC has completed a large MARC update project that includes most, but not all changes from the 2002 AACR2 rule revisions. Bib level "i" for integrating resources has been implemented, though the repeatable 260 field has not. Support for Connexion 1.50 ends in October 2006. Capabilities in the new client include improved ability to extract metadata from electronic resources including those in HTML, PDF, and Word formats. Full implementation of the ISBN-13 is to be completed by November 2006.

OCLC has recently issued its response to the LC series decision and posted the steps OCLC will take to assure that existing controlled series access on OCLC member bibliographic records is not overlaid by LC records.
Please confer with: OCLC's Response to the Library of Congress Decision

The combining of OCLC and RLG will be official 1st July. Transition teams of OCLC and RLG staff are at work. The RLG Programs Division will be part of the OCLC Research Office, reporting to Lorcan Dempsey. The RLIN21 system will continue for the present, while RLG users are migrating to OCLC. Migrating the RLG cultural digital archives to OCLC is judged to be an easy task. Eureka services are being moved to FirstSearch. OCLC needs to work on licensing agreements with content partners who originally contracted their arrangements with RLG. One of the transition tasks currently underway is the identification of the RLIN21 interfaces that are not present in Connexion. The presence of record clusters in RLIN21 is very different from the WorldCat single record approach. Check the OCLC web page for transition timelines.

After giving these points about the combined organization, Glenn Patton introduced Ed Glazier, RLG representative to BIBCO.

RLG—Ed Glazier, a participant in PCC matters since 1991, will continue to work on the implementation teams for the merger of OCLC and RLG, after the June 30 dissolution of RLG as a separate entity. He expressed his appreciation that he always had "a place at the [PCC] table." We thanked Ed and his colleague Karen Smith-Yoshimura for enriching PCC discussions with their distinctive voices and insights. The applause from the gathering registered high respect and affection for these valued colleagues.

A member of the audience posed a question and Glenn Patton responded:
Q: What about BIBCO records appearing in both utilities—will they be merged?
A: The answer is not yet available. The transition team will evaluate this along with other aspects of the database loading planning.

PCC Standing Committees:

Automation--Gary Charbonneau (Indiana) reported that two active task groups were topics of the standing committee's ALA annual meeting. The Monograph Aggregator Task Group is developing a guide to data requirements for machine derived or generated records for vendors.

The TG on Normalization is working on the Authority File Comparison Rules. They ask if 1xx, 4xx, and 5xx are sufficiently different to add to the database? They will revise and will post a final version soon, with Sept. 15 the deadline for comments. They have two versions for comparing name and subject authority records:
Version 1 assumes that they will be compared the same way
Version 2 assumes that they will use a slightly different comparison method
For a comprehensive summary see the SCA Midyear 2006 Report

Standards--Paul Weiss (UC San Diego) gave a very short report, saying that the group discussed series policy and the methods to review and offer comments on RDA.
SCS Midyear Report

Training--Caroline Miller (UCLA) reported on the ALCTS/PCC "teaser" workshops given at ALA Annual. The Series course attracted a good crowd on Saturday afternoon, and the LC Classification course would be offered on Sunday afternoon. The SACO Participants' Manual revisions are in the review stage. The midyear summary may be seen at:
SCT June 2006 Report

10:00 am BIBCO-at-Large issues

PCC/LC Coop activities--Carolyn Sturtevant (LC)
CDS is distributing a new brochure at the LC booth at ALA to promote the courses that are part of the Catalogers’ Learning Workshop (CLW). These include SCCTP courses of interest to serials librarians, Cat21 courses on metadata, and the ALCTS/PCC courses mentioned in the Standing Committee on Training report.

LC continues to work toward a goal of greater efficiency in managing the technical services end of collections. The Reorganization of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access (ABA) is in implementation stage, with groups dealing with team configurations, space allocation, materials handling, stats, etc. Their final reports are due during the summer months. We expect to have new division names, team names, and functions. New teams will have blended position descriptions including acquisition and cataloging functions. It's probable that some of the shifting will begin in Fall 2006.

In January 2006, about 175 Library Services staff took early retirements, causing some changes in assignments. Other LC units are doing some shifting as well. The Copyright staff will work in Crystal City for the year or so while their space in the LC Madison Bldg on Capitol Hill is renovated and reconfigured. Some of our AV processing staff have begun work in the new National Audio-Visual Conservation Center (NAVCC) facility in Culpepper, Virginia, and others will receive permanent postings there if they choose to relocate when it opens in 2007. There are some assignment-trades being negotiated.

Early drafts for reorganization of Library Services at LC propose new alignments with CPSO, CDS, and the internal training group, IDTD (Instructional Design and Training), and cooperative cataloging staff, (Coop Team, CONSER Coordinator and Specialist) in a location and configurations that accommodate all of us. Currently three of these units are in the Adams Building, and the Coop Team and CONSER staff reside in the Madison Building. Implementation teams will continue their planning throughout the summer and present their recommendations early in the fall, so there is no certainty at this point about the new organizational structure. No moves would happen before fall 2006. We’ll take our email addresses and phone numbers if and when we are moved, and will give ample advance notification.

PCC/NACO outreach
Gracie Gilliam delivered NACO training for the Caribbean Project and the Canada Project. Robert Ellett has been invited by the US State Dept. to address a conference in Madrid, Spain of military libraries on the topic of cooperative cataloging projects. Ana Cristán has visited Madrid and El Salvador. Carolyn Sturtevant promoted the PCC at the Ohio Library Council's Tech Services Retreat. UC Berkeley and UC Davis, who with others will form a UC CONSER funnel project, received NACO training from Joanna Dyla (Stanford). Other recent training efforts include classes in Minnesota by Edward Swanson, in Tennessee by Mary Charles Lasater, and in Texas by Mary Dabney Wilson.

BIBCO—The Harvard Yenching Library has achieved independent status.

SACO—John Mitchell and Paul Frank of the Coop team led a workshop on LC Classification at LC May 2006. The SACO-at-large meeting accepted an invitation from SAC to hold its meeting at their location Sunday, June 25, 11am-12 noon.

Code "i" implementation
Code "i" implementation is still in process. The new OCLC version will support code "i" in records for Integrating Resources, but that will not yet resolve such issues as the different enhance capabilities in BIBCO and CONSER contributors' profiles and the most efficient conversion method for records created under interim guidelines. Here’s a short version on Code "i":
Q: Can BIBCO folks contribute records with "i" as PCC records yet?
A: No. Watch the PCC pages for a timetable.

Unicode/multi-script records—Prior to this meeting, Dave Reser (LC) granted our request to use his presentation slides as prepared for the April BIBCO/CONSER OpCo meetings. Since he appeared among the audience, the chair invited him to narrate it for the group and he kindly agreed to do so. His powerpoint refers BIBCO contributors to utility guidelines and to PCC Record Standards for greater detail:
Guidelines for Multiple Character Sets

Reser's final slide gave examples of non-alphabetic characters that the new Unicode system will allow. The entire presentation may be viewed at: PCC and Expanded Use of Non-Latin scripts

10:30 am ECIP and the PCC—John Celli, Chief, Cataloging-in-Publication Division, (LC) used a presentation to display the screens used by publishers sending electron files for CIP cataloging. In the electronic environment, ECIP managers at LC direct galleys to cataloging staff to complete the CIP cataloging. Four PCC universities now receive galleys from LC's ECIP Division and provide the CIP records for their respective university press publications, and others are in the discussion stages to join this program: National Library of Medicine, Cornell University, Northwestern University, and National Agricultural Library. The University of Wisconsin, Madison will begin ECIP work soon. The entire PowerPoint may be viewed at: ECIP

11:00 am Karen Calhoun and Beacher Wiggins Update the PCC Operations Groups on the Calhoun Report
The summary for this segment will be prepared and posted on the PCC page in the near future.

12:00 noon Adjournment

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