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Quarterly Report
2005 Q2

Monographic Aggregator Task Group

This task group is charged to "Develop a reference guide that lists the required data elements for machine-derived and machine-generated monographic records. The guide should include practical and detailed guidelines for application." The task group submitted an interim report in 2005 Q1. This report indicated that the task group had a number of questions and requests for guidance that will need to be addressed prior to finalizing the reference guide. On behalf of the task group, Becky Culbertson brought several of these issues before the BIBCO OpCo meeting on May 6th BIBCO OpCo 2005 Summary. At the time of the writing of this report, discussions are under way with regard to the proper next steps to enable the group to complete its charge. It is likely that the work of this task group will form the main agenda item for the standing committee's meeting at ALA. See Monograph Aggregator Task Group for further information about the charge to and membership of this task group.

Task Group on Normalization

During Q2, the charge to the Task Group on normalization was finalized and its membership organized. After some discussion, the deliverables of the task group were slightly revised and now read as follows:
  1. An identification of the various purposes to which normalization has been or may be used in library systems and the kind of normalization appropriate to each.
  2. A detailed normalization scheme (intended to supplant the existing NACO scheme) for the handling of the extended Latin character set, together with a description of the work required on the part of library system vendors to implement it.
  3. An extension of the normalization scheme for the extended Latin character set, together with a work required on the part of library system vendors to implement it.
  4. Principles for the extension of the normalization scheme to other alphabetic scripts.
  5. Principles for the extension of the normalization scheme to other scripts.
The task group was charged to deliver a draft final report no later than May 2006, with a final report to follow no later than Dec. 2006.

The membership of the task group was designed to be broadly representative of groups holding a stake in the issue. The members are:

Gary Strawn
Northwestern University

Tatiana Barr
University of Florida

Robert Bremer

Larry Dixson
Library of Congress

Helen Gbala

Ed Glazier

The full charge to the task group, which was initially drafted by chair Gary Strawn, should be posted to the PCC web site soon.

Respectfully submitted,
Gary Charbonneau, chair
June 14, 2005

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