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PCC Membership Benefits

  • Participate in programs that are shaping the future of cataloging practice
  • Participate in the review and development of national and international cataloging standards that result in more reliable and cost-efficient cataloging copy
  • Reduce the cost of cataloging operations by increasing the number of cataloging records that can be used with little or no local editing
  • Reduce the amount of authority creation and maintenance that must be done locally by increasing the number of authority records contributed through NACO
  • Modify or enhance records, including those cataloged by national libraries
  • Receive staff training by experienced PCC trainers
  • Interact with colleagues at national libraries and other institutions
  • Receive gratis online access to training materials and selected cataloging documentation for NACO participants and gratis copy of training documentation for BIBCO participants
  • Alleviate common cataloging burden on a local scale through collective efforts on a global scale
  • Shape the Program's policies, objectives, and standards through service on standing committees and task forces
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  January 3, 2008
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