The sidebar link to the NAS report has been changed to take you to a page that includes 2 articles from the LC staff paper, the Gazette.
10/26/00 Descriptive Resource Needs from the Reference Perspective
Authors: Carolyn Larson and Linda Arret
10/23/00 All conference participants may want to familiarize themselves with the National Academy of Sciences report, LC21: A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress (
10/18/00 Partnerships to Mine Unexploited Sources of Metadata
Author: Regina Reynolds
10/18/00 Business Unusual: How "Event-Awareness" May Breathe Life Into the Catalog?
Author: Carl Lagoze
10/16/00 Crossing a Digital Divide: AACR2 and Unaddressed Problems of Networked Resources
Author: Matthew Beacom
10/02/00 A Comparison of Web Resource Access Experiments: Planning for the New Millennium
Author: Jane Greenberg
10/02/00 Some Observations on Metadata and Digital Libraries
Author: Caroline R. Arms
9/28/00 Extending MARC for Bibliographic Control in the Web Environment: Challenges and Alternatives
Author: Sally McCallum
9/11/00 The Catalog as Portal to the Internet
Author: Sarah Thomas
8/31/00 Metadata for Web Resources: How Metadata Works on the Web
Author: Martin Dillon
8/17/00 Summary for dinner speaker Clifford Lynch's paper The New Context for Bibliographic Control In the New Millennium
8/16/00 Redesign of Library Workflows: Experimental Models for Electronic Resource Description
Author: Karen Calhoun
8/16/00 Summary for discussion paper Metadata, Cataloging, Digitization and Retrieval: Who is doing what to whom? The Colorado Digitization Project Experience
Authors: Liz Bishoff, Bill Garrison
8/10/00 Authority Control on the Web
Author: Barbara Tillett
8/3/00 Exploiting LCSH, LCC, and DDC to Retrieve Networked Resources
Author: Lois Mai Chan
8/3/00 Resource Discovery Using Z39.50: Promise and Reality
Author: William E. Moen
7/24/00 Exploring Partnerships: What Can Producers and Vendors Provide?
Author: Michael Kaplan
7/18/00 The Library Catalogue in a Networked Environment
Author:Tom Delsey
7/5/00 International Metadata Initiatives: Lessons in Bibliographic Control
Author: Priscilla Caplan
6/30/00 AACR2 and Its Place in the Digital World: Near-term Revisions and Long-term Direction
Author: Ann Huthwaite