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Most Frequently Asked Questions about joining BIBCO

  1. What is BIBCO?
  2. Who can join BIBCO?
  3. What exactly are the requirements for joining BIBCO?
    • What is meant by NACO independence?
    • Do these requirements apply to both RLG and OCLC members?
  4. Our library does not contribute series to NACO, is it required to take the series training before joining BIBCO?
  5. Do I have to use LC subject headings or LC classification to join BIBCO?
  6. Do I have to create Core records in order to join BIBCO?
  7. What exactly is a Core record?
  8. As a BIBCO participant may we contribute records in non-book or is BIBCO training required for each format?
  9. What evaluation and review process is required of OCLC members for Enhance authorization for separate bibligraphic formats?
  10. What are the responsibilities of the BIBCO representative in my library?
  11. How do I send statistics to the Program for our BIBCO activity?
  12. Is there a BIBCO application form?
  13. Is there any other paperwork involved?
  14. What preparations need to be made before integrating BIBCO as part of an institution's cataloging workflow?
  15. Who do I contact if I have more questions?
  1. What is BIBCO?
    BIBCO is the bibliographic record component program of the PCC through which participants create cataloging records using mutually agreed upon standards. The hallmark of the BIBCO record is that authorized headings support those access points which call for established forms. For more information see BIBCO program description on the BIBCO homepage

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  2. Who can join BIBCO?
    All independent NACO members of the PCC are invited to join BIBCO. If an institution is a member of OCLC, additionally, that institution must have an OCLC National Level Enhance authorization (see also responses 5-6 to Question 3 of this FAQ).

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  3. What exactly are the requirements to join BIBCO?
    There is a BIBCO paramenters document posted on the BIBCO Home Page that outlines the requirements but essentially, besides being an active, independent NACO library, the requirements include the following:
    1. New participants are asked to attend a training class (usually 2-3 days) held at their own institution. The training is tailored to each institution's needs and is presented by a regional BIBCO trainer.
    2. Institutions are asked to assume the cost of travel to and from the training site, the expenses for lodging, and the cost of meals for the trainer.
    3. In order that up-to-date information is on file and for administrative purposes institutions are asked to fill in a BIBCO survey form and a BIBCO application/information form.
    4. Commit to a contribute a minimun of 100 new BIBCO records a year. This does not necesarily mean 100 new originally cataloged records; however, it does mean that the records counted as contributed to BIBCO had not been previously coded 042 "PCC" and that at the time of contribution the item met the requirements of an authenticated PCC bibliographic record.
    5. If a library is an OCLC subscriber, it must have Enhance status and it will be necessary to apply for National Level Enhance status.
    • Note: Separate National Level Enhance authorizations are necessary for each non-book format in which contributions are to be made. It is also necessary that NACO independence in non-Roman languages must be achieved before contributing to BIBCO in those additional areas.
    • In the RLG database structure cataloging levels such as Enhance or National Level Enhance do not exist; consequently, there is no such requirement as for OCLC subscribers; however, RLG members must also be active, independent members of NACO in each non-Roman language in which they wish to contribute before joining BIBCO.
    • An independent NACO institution is defined as an institution that is meeting the contribution goals set for their institution and that has satisfactorily completed the quality review period for name authortiy records in all languages in which contributions will be made.

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  4. Our library does not contribute series to NACO, is it required to take the series training before joining BIBCO?
    No, it is not necessary to contribute series to NACO in order to join BIBCO; however, it is highly desirable. A library that does not contribute series authority records will not be able to contribute full level bibliographic records containing series which need to be established as traced. It may, however, create a core level record with series coded as untraced (490 0) in the bibliographic record and contribute it as a BIBCO record.

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  5. Does a Library have to use LC subject headings or LC classification in order to join BIBCO?
    No, the core record standard(s) defined by the PCC clearly state that a BIBCO record must contain subject headings from a "recognized thesaurus" such as AAT, MeSH, etc. Similarly with classification, it is not necessary to use LC classification in order to create a BIBCO records. For more information on classification numbers click here to read the Policy on classification numbers in BIBCO Records

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  6. Do I have to create Core records in order to join BIBCO?
    No, BIBCO libraries may contribute full and/or core records, but not minimal-level records. The true hallmarks of a BIBCO record are a full description and that all assigned access points have corresponding authority records in the national authority file. (See also response to question 7 in this FAQ)

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  7. What exactly is a Core Record?
    Ther core record represents a new level of cataloging between minimal- and full-level cataloging. Given the costs of cataloging and the shrinking resources in libraries, the PCC recognized the need for a new cataloging tool and developed the core record standards. These standards set a floor of data elements within a format which must always be included in any core record, yet may also be exceeded, thereby providing institutions with a new level of flexibility in their local cataloging. As described in a report by the Task Group on the Core Bibliographic Record for Audio Visual Materials (but which applies across the board to all formats) PCC core-level records:
    1. Are identifiable (a special code appears in the MARC 21 042 field)
    2. Meet specific requirements (i.e., comply with the official PCC core record standards, standards which require the inclusion of a minimum of key elements of information)
    3. Have all names and series (440/8XX) and LCSH access points under national authority control.
    4. Are dynamic -- the institution which creates the original core record may choose to exceed the core standard, and, other authorized PCC institutions may choose to enrich existing PCC core records (e.g., by adding or expanding notes, adding additional access points, etc.)
    5. Offer individual institutions greater flexibility in tailoring local cataloging practice to local needs and priorities.

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  8. Once we have joined BIBCO may we begin to contribute records in non-book formats or is BIBCO training required for each format?

    It is not necessary to have additional training in order to contribute records to BIBCO in the non-book (or non-Roman) formats. However, if a library is an OCLC subscriber, that library must also have Enhance status in any given format(s) and it will be necessary to apply for for National level Enhance status in that specific format(s) before proceeding to contribute records to BIBCO.
    There is no equivalent requirement for RLG subscribers, however, it is assumed that RLG institutions have provided training to their catalogers to enable them to contribute bibliographic records in the non-book formats which meet the requirements of the PCC. (Note comments below #5 in question 3 of this FAQ for additional information)

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  9. What evaluation and review process is required of OCLC members for Enhance authorization for separate bibligraphic formats?
    OCLC requires Enhance applicants to send a set number of records with their application in each separate format. Once the application in a given format is accepted a review of enhanced records commences until a full set complies with the guidelines for Enhance procedures. At their April 1999 meeting the BIBCO Operations Committee asked if some of these requirements could be streamlined. OCLC responded with a restatement of its policies on Record evaluation procedures for OCLC Enhance participants. The PCC strongly endorses OCLC's position in this matter.

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  10. What are the responsibilities of the BIBCO contact in my library?
    The BIBCO contact much like the NACO contact in a library is to act as the point person at his/her institution. Each institution defines the activities of its BIBCO contact. Such activities may include responding to BIBCO queries from other catalogers within his/her own institution or serving as a reviewer of records to be contributed to BIBCO. S/he may also be responsible for gathering and inputting statistics to the PCC statistics web form on a monthly basis and sending them to the Secretariat. The BIBCO contact is also eligible for selection, on a rotational basis, to represent his/her institution on the BIBCO Operations Committee and as such is responsible for interacting with the PCC standing committees on Standards, Automation, Training, etc. For more information on the responsibilities of the BIBCO representative read the PCC governance section on the BIBCO Operations Committee.

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  11. How do I send statistics to the Program for our BIBCO activity?
    The PCC Secretariat at the Library of Congress is responsible for compiling and posting the statistics for each of the BIBCO libraries on a monthly basis. Carolyn Sturtevant, in the Coop Team and David Williamson, PCC webmaster, are the persons currently responsible for this activity. However, each BIBCO library is responsible for collecting and reporting statistics to the Secretariat.
    1. Web reporting form:
      • The current method of reporting statistics involves filling in the boxes on a web page reporting site David Williamson, is available to answer questions on how to access this file.
        Once a library is trained for BIBCO David creates a reporting page for that institution and will send an email message containing those instructions. Please contact him by email if you are ready to post statistics for the month and your institution's page is not on the BIBCO statistics page.
    2. Collect statistics at your institutions in these categories:
      • New Full Program Records (this means any record regardless of format (original or upgraded from copy), which is new to the BIBCO Program).
      • New Core Program records (this means any record regardless of format (original or upgraded from copy), which is new to the BIBCO Program).
      • LC Bib File Maintenance (applies only to libraries working within the LC database)
    3. Submit one statistic report each month by filling in the web page as early in the next month as possible. The Secretariat runs a program about the 15th of each month to collect the statistics and then displays them on the web page. If you miss reporting before the 15th, the program will send a reminder and will list a zero for your institution. Contact Carolyn Sturtevant who will advise you on how to adjust the numbers or you may simply add the missing stats to the next month's report.
    4. Review your online statistics display for accuracy throughout the year. Report technical problems to David and report data problems to Carolyn.

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  12. Is there an application form?
    Yes, that form can be accessed on the BIBCO page or by clicking on here BIBCO application form
  13. Is there any other paperwork involved?
    Once a BIBCO workshop is scheduled we ask that catalogers fill in a Pre-training cataloger survey which will help the trainer develop a sense of the catalogers' familiarity with the PCC, areas of cataloging expertise, and specific cataloging interests. This cataloger survey may be sent directly to the trainer. Otherwise, there is no other required paperwork

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  14. What preparations need to be made before integrating BIBCO as part of an institution's cataloging workflow?
    Since each institution is unique, each institution needs to develop these strategies locally. The standing Committee on Training developed a "Preliminary BIBCO Survey" which may be of use to administrators in analyzing their current workflow and planning for the integration of the BIBCO workstream. The PCC recommends that prior to BIBCO training the institution look over the "Preliminary BIBCO survey" and be prepared to discuss the issues outlined there with their BIBCO trainer.
    Prospective BIBCO members are also encouraged to contact BIBCO liaisons or administrators at BIBCO institutions to discuss strategies used by other BIBCO partners.

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  15. Who do I contact if I have more questions?
    Contact the BIBICO Coordinator at the Library of Congress; e-mail:; phone: 202.707.7921; fax: 202.252.2082.
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  January 3, 2008
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