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Unauthorized Appropriations
and Expiring Authorizations

pursuant to

Section 202(e)(3) of the Congressional Budget and
Impoundment Control Act, as Amended


January 15, 2004


This report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) satisfies the requirements of section 202(e)(3) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, as amended. The purpose of the report is to help the Congress adopt authorizing legislation that should be in place before it considers the 13 regular appropriation bills for fiscal year 2005, which begins on October 1, 2004.

Ordinarily, this annual report shows the total amount that the Congress has provided in appropriation acts for programs whose authorization has expired. At the time that this report was prepared, however, only six of the 13 regular appropriation acts had been enacted for fiscal year 2004 (Defense, energy and water, Homeland Security, Interior and related agencies, legislative branch, and military construction). Programs covered by the other seven appropriation acts are currently funded under a temporary continuing resolution (Public Law 108-135), which expires on January 31, 2004. For those programs, information on appropriations is unavailable. That fact is noted on entries in Appendix A, which consequently omits figures and totals relating to unauthorized appropriations for those programs.

The Scorekeeping Unit of CBO's Budget Analysis Division prepared this report, under the direction of Janet Airis. The other members of that unit are Joanna Capps, Catherine Little, Virginia Myers, Robert Sempsey, and Jason Wheelock. The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of CBO's Ellen Hays, Sandy Davis, Mary Froehlich, and Lenny Skutnik, as well as numerous staff members of Congressional committees.

Christine Bogusz edited the report, and Juyne Linger proofread it. Ernestine McNeil and Sharon Corbin-Jallow prepared the report for publication, and Annette Kalicki produced the electronic versions for CBO's Web site. Questions about the contents of this report should be directed to Janet Airis.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin
January 15, 2004


Each year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is required to report to the Congress on unauthorized appropriations and expiring authorizations. That requirement comes from the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, which amended the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. Section 221(b) of the Deficit Control Act added the following requirement to section 202(e)(3) of the Congressional Budget Act, as amended:

On or before January 15 of each year, the Director [of CBO], after consultation with the appropriate committees of the House and the Senate, shall submit to the Congress a report listing (A) all programs and activities funded during the fiscal year ending September 30 of that calendar year for which authorizations for appropriations have not been enacted for that fiscal year, and (B) all programs and activities for which no authorizations for appropriations have been enacted for the fiscal year beginning October 1 of that calendar year.

According to the conference report on the Deficit Control Act, the purpose of that amendment was "to help Congress use the early months of the year to adopt authorizing legislation that must be in place before the thirteen regular appropriation bills can be considered."

The Role of Authorizations

Authorization laws are an outgrowth of the long-standing legislative practice of distinguishing between the laws that set forth federal policies and the laws that fund them. In general, authorization laws establish, continue, or modify federal programs. Funding for many of those programs is then provided separately in annual appropriation acts. Some authorization laws merge policy and funding decisions--in effect, combining an authorization and appropriation in the same act. The resulting spending is referred to as direct, or mandatory, spending.

There are two kinds of authorization laws. The first type is the "organic," or "enabling," statute, which grants broad authority, establishes federal offices or duties, creates federal programs, or permits various activities to be carried out. The second type is a provision that specifically authorizes the appropriation of funds either to carry out the various authorities or duties established under an organic statute or to achieve other purposes. That kind of authorization may appear in the enabling statute or be enacted in a separate law.

This report focuses on the second type of authorization law. In general, those laws are intended to offer guidance to the appropriations committees on the amount of program funding to be provided in annual appropriation acts. That guidance is typically expressed as an authorization of appropriations. Such authorizations are provided either for specific dollar amounts (definite authorizations) or for "such sums as are necessary" (indefinite authorizations).

Authorizations of appropriations may be permanent, or they may cover only particular fiscal years. Authorizations that have a stated duration may be annual (pertaining to one fiscal year) or multiyear (pertaining to two, five, or any specific number of fiscal years). When such authorizations expire, the Congress may choose to extend the life of a program by reauthorizing the activity. The Congress may also extend a program simply by providing new appropriations for it. However, appropriations that are made available for a program after its authorization of appropriations has expired are considered "unauthorized" appropriations.

House and Senate rules--dating from the 19th century--generally preclude the Congress from considering appropriations that are not authorized by law. Rule 21 of the House of Representatives prohibits the inclusion of unauthorized appropriations in a general appropriation bill or in an amendment to a bill. For general appropriation bills, Rule 16 of the Senate restricts amendments that increase an appropriation or add a new item of appropriation unless they have been authorized by existing law. Both rules subject the legislation containing the unauthorized appropriation to a point of order upon its consideration by the House or Senate.(1) However, House and Senate rules are not self-enforcing. A point of order must be raised by an individual Member for the rules to be enforced. In the House, a point of order under Rule 21 may be avoided by a waiver granted under the special rule that governs consideration of the general appropriation bill or amendments.(2) In the Senate, a point of order under Rule 16 cannot be waived in the same manner, but the Senate rule includes several exceptions. If no point of order is raised, an unauthorized appropriation may proceed through the legislative process.

Although this report is intended to aid the Congress by identifying those authorizations of appropriations that have expired or will expire, it does not identify programs that have never been authorized and therefore cannot be relied upon to determine the application of Rule 21 in the House or Rule 16 in the Senate. What constitutes an "unauthorized appropriation" under either rule is determined by the precedents of the House or Senate, and any question concerning the application of the rules should be addressed to the Office of the Parliamentarian.

More than half of all federal spending now funds programs for which the authorizing legislation provides budget authority. Such direct spending includes funding for most major entitlement programs. (Some entitlements are funded in annual appropriation laws, but the amounts provided are controlled by the authorizing legislation that established the entitlement.) The authorization laws that provide direct spending are typically permanent, but some major direct-spending programs, such as the Food Stamp program and certain transportation programs, require periodic renewal.

In 2003, lawmakers renewed several major authorizations of appropriations that had expired in earlier years. Those renewals include authorizations for the National Transportation Safety Board (which expired in 2002), Museum and Library Services (2002), and child abuse prevention programs (2001). In addition, they enacted laws extending major authorizations that were scheduled to expire at the end of 2003, such as those for the Department of Defense and intelligence agencies, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the U.S. Fire Administration. Lawmakers also enacted temporary authorizations for surface transportation programs (through February 29, 2004); the Small Business Administration (through March 15, 2004); and the flood insurance program, child nutrition programs, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (all through March 31, 2004).

Listings of Unauthorized Appropriations And Expiring Authorizations

This report covers all appropriated programs that at one time had an explicit authorization of appropriations that has expired or will expire this year. Appendix A lists programs that are likely to receive a full-year appropriation for fiscal year 2004 but whose applicable authorization has expired. Appendix B lists programs for which authorizations expire at or before the end of fiscal year 2004. The appendixes show the number and name of the public law containing the last authorization, the last year that the authorization was in effect, and the amount authorized in that year. If the authorization was provided for "such sums as are necessary," the report shows the amount authorized as "indefinite." The listings of public laws in the appendixes are displayed in three separate ways--by House authorizing committee, Senate authorizing committee, and appropriations subcommittee.

The information in this report is drawn from CBO's Legislative Classification System, a database reflecting all public laws that contain nonpermanent authorizations of appropriations--up to and including laws enacted during the first session of the 108th Congress.

In general, House and Senate rules require the appropriations committees, in their reports on general appropriation bills, to identify any programs that are funded in the bills but lack an authorization--including programs for which explicit authorizations of appropriations have never been enacted. This CBO report, in contrast, covers only programs that at one time had an explicit authorization that either has expired or will expire. Also, as mentioned earlier, many laws establish programs with authorizations of appropriations that do not expire. Both the reports of the appropriations committees and this report exclude programs with that type of authorization because its effect is permanent.

Programs Funded in Fiscal Year 2004 With Expired Authorizations of Appropriations

Appendix A lists programs and activities to be funded by an appropriation for fiscal year 2004 whose authorization of appropriations has expired. Ordinarily, this annual report shows the total amount that the Congress has provided in appropriation acts for such programs and activities. At the time that this report was prepared, however, only six of the 13 regular appropriation acts had been enacted (Defense, energy and water, Homeland Security, Interior and related agencies, legislative branch, and military construction). Programs covered by the other seven appropriation acts are currently funded under a temporary continuing resolution that expires on January 31, 2004 (Public Law 108-135). As noted in the entries in Appendix A, information on appropriations is unavailable for those programs. Thus, this report omits figures and totals relating to their unauthorized appropriations.

In recent years, the total amount of unauthorized appropriations reported by CBO has ranged between about $90 billion and $120 billion annually.(3) The total amount of unauthorized appropriations may be understated because funding for some unauthorized programs cannot be determined from available sources. In such cases, CBO lists the unauthorized amount as "not available" and does not add it to the total. Although information about specific appropriations for 2004 is currently unavailable for many programs and activities, examples of likely unauthorized appropriations include funding for the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Head Start program, foreign aid, and several programs for environmental research and water pollution control.

Authorizations of Appropriations That Expire on or Before September 30, 2004

Appendix B lists programs and activities with authorizations of appropriations that expire by the end of fiscal year 2004. The appendix indicates the amountsauthorizedto be appropriated in 2004 for expiring programs and activities, rather than the amounts actually appropriated in that year.

Definite authorizations contained in laws under the jurisdiction of 14 House and 15 Senate authorizing committees that will expire by the end of this fiscal year total about $424 billion (see Tables 1, 2, and 3). However, most of that amount (about $397 billion) is authorized in a single law, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (P.L. 108-136), which also includes an authorization for the Maritime Administration and the atomic energy defense activities of the Department of Energy. Typically, authorizations for defense funding are renewed annually. Another annual reauthorization is the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (P.L. 108-177). Most of the authorizations for intelligence activities are indefinite and classified.

Other major definite authorizations that expire by the end of 2004 include the Surface Transportation Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-88), the Trade Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-210), the Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act (P.L. 107-273), and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act (P.L. 105-285).

Thus, as in other recent years, the total amount of expiring definite authorizations of appropriations this year is concentrated in a handful of laws. Of the 59 laws with authorizations that expire this year, four account for nearly 99 percent of the year's expiring definite authorizations. Conversely, 27 laws have definite authorizations of $50 million or less; together, they make up less than 0.1 percent of the total amount of expiring definite authorizations.

Some laws with expiring indefinite authorizations also involve relatively large amounts of funding. Classified spending for intelligence activities is substantial and, as noted earlier, reauthorized annually. Other indefinite authorizations that expire this year include the Public Health Improvement Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-505), the Children's Health Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-310), and the Indian Tribal Justice Technical and Legal Assistance Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-559).
Table 1.
Authorizations of Appropriations Expiring on or Before September 30, 2004, by House Authorizing Committee

(Millions of dollars)
of Lawsa

Armed Services 1   397,499  
Education and the Workforce 5   2,060  
Energy and Commerce 6   101  
Financial Services 2   0  
Government Reform 1   1  
Intelligence 1   448  
International Relations 4   1,702  
Judiciary 9   317  
Resources 11   211  
Science 2   18  
Small Business and Entrepreneurship 3   138  
Transportation and Infrastructure 4   18,013  
Veterans Affairs 3   368  
Ways and Means 2   3,399  
  Total 51   424,274  

Source: Congressional Budget Office.
a. This column includes laws with expiring authorizations of appropriations for definite or indefinite amounts. The total is less than the sum of the entries because public laws containing authorizations that are under the jurisdiction of more than one committee are counted only once in the total.
b. The amount specified in statute or legislative history. When an authorization is indefinite (that is, "such sums as are necessary"), no amount is included. An amount of zero indicates that all expiring authorizations in that committee's jurisdiction are indefinite. The entries may not add up to the total because of rounding.

Table 2.
Authorizations of Appropriations Expiring on or Before September 30, 2004, by Senate Authorizing Committee

(Millions of dollars)
of Lawsa

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 1   0  
Armed Services 1   397,499  
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 2   0  
Commerce, Science, and Transportation 5   46  
Energy and Natural Resources 1   1  
Environment and Public Works 9   18,216  
Finance 3   3,449  
Foreign Relations 4   1,702  
Governmental Affairs 1   1  
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 8   2,091  
Intelligence 1   448  
Judiciary 9   317  
Select Committee on Indian Affairs 3   0  
Small Business and Entrepreneurship 3   138  
Veterans Affairs 3   368  
  Total 51   424,274  

Source: Congressional Budget Office.
a. This column includes laws with expiring authorizations of appropriations for definite or indefinite amounts. The total is less than the sum of the entries because public laws containing authorizations that are under the jurisdiction of more than one committee are counted only once in the total.
b. The amount specified in statute or legislative history. When an authorization is indefinite (that is, "such sums as are necessary"), no amount is included. An amount of zero indicates that all expiring authorizations in that committee's jurisdiction are indefinite. The entries may not add up to the total because of rounding.

Table 3.
Authorizations of Appropriations Expiring on or Before September 30, 2004, by Appropriations Subcommittee

(Millions of dollars)
of Lawsa

Agriculture 1   0  
Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies 17   1,443  
Defense 2   372,059  
Energy and Water Development 3   16,808  
Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs 4   802  
Homeland Security 3   3,268  
Interior 6   11  
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies 10   2,191  
Military Construction 1   9,189  
Transportation and Treasury 5   18,024  
VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies 8   480  
  Total 51   424,274  

Source: Congressional Budget Office.
Note: VA = Department of Veterans Affairs; HUD = Department of Housing and Urban Development.
a. This column includes laws with expiring authorizations of appropriations for definite or indefinite amounts. The total is less than the sum of the entries because public laws containing authorizations that are under the jurisdiction of more than one subcommittee are counted only once in the total.
b. The amount specified in statute or legislative history. When an authorization is indefinite (that is, "such sums as are necessary"), no amount is included. An amount of zero indicates that all expiring authorizations in that committee's jurisdiction are indefinite. The entries may not add up to the total because of rounding.

Summary of Programs Funded
in Fiscal Year 2004 with Expired
Authorizations of Appropriations

Agriculture, FDA and Related Agencies Subcommittee

P.L 105-0336  William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization of 1998

   *   Information Clearinghouse
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:               166,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0115  Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997

   *   PHS demonstration program - Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             3,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   FDA clinical pharmacology program
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             3,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0085  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998

   *   Agriculture Department conservation programs on public lands under the Sikes Act

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0127  Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996

   *   Global climate change program
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0129  Rural Electrification Loan Restructuring Act of 1993

   *   Electric hardship loans; Electric municipal-rate loans; Telephone hardship
       loans; Telephone cost-of-money loans

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0532  Enterprise for the Americas Initiative Act of 1992

   *   Department of Agriculture Center for North American studies
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0624  Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990

   *   Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (except portion funded by
       Agricultural Quarantine Inspection (AQI) fees)

         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:         1,730,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies

P.L 107-0273  21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act

   *   Department of Justice:  general administration; narrowband communications;
       counterterrorism fund; administrative review and appeals; Detention Trustee:
       Office of Inspector General (including additional funding increased audit and
       reviews); identification system integration

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         1,985,616,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Department of Justice:  U.S. Parole Commission; general legal activities (including Legal Activities
       Office); Antitrust Division; U.S. Attorneys; Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; U.S. Marshals; fees
       and expenses of witnesses; Community Relations Service; assets forfeiture fund; radiation exposure
       compensation; interagency crime and drug enforcement

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         3,669,778,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Federal Bureau of Investigation (including additional funds for the FBI
       Office of Professional Responsibility)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         4,325,612,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Drug Enforcement Administration
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         1,582,044,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Federal Prison System (including National Institute of Corrections)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         4,605,068,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Office of Justice Programs
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           215,811,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   DEA police training in South and Central Asia
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 107-0228  Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003

   *   Department of State diplomatic and consular programs; capital investment fund; embassy security,
       construction, and maintenance; representation allowances; protection of foreign missions and officials;
       emergencies in the diplomatic and consular service; repatriation loans; payment to the American
       Institute of Taiwan; and the Office of Inspector General

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         4,870,890,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   United States educational, cultural, and public diplomacy programs; National Endowment for
       Democracy; Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West; and the
       Dante B. Fascell North-South Center

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           319,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Contributions to international organizations (including funds needed to
       offset adverse fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates) and
       contributions for international peacekeeping activities

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         1,617,359,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   International Commissions - including the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States
       and Mexico; International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada; International Joint
       Commission; and the International Fisheries Commission

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            66,385,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to the Asia Foundation
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   International broadcasting operations (including Radio Free Asia); broadcasting capital improvements;
       broadcasting to Cuba; additional authorization for broadcasting to China and neighboring countries;
       additional authorization for Middle East Radio Network of Voice of America

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           644,486,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Commission on International Religious Freedom
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             3,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Authorizations of appropriations to the State Department to support the
       Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in persons

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             3,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   State Department funding for assistance for victims in other countries
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Voluntary contributions to the Organization for Security and Cooperation
       in Europe to advance projects aimed at preventing trafficking

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:               300,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 107-0204  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

   *   Securities and Exchange Commission functions and duties
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           776,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 107-0056  USA Patriot Act, 2001

   *   Foreign student monitoring program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            36,800,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Bureau of Justice Assistance program to share information among Federal
       state, and local law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0567  Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001

   *   Justice funding for enhancing protection of national security
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             8,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0555  Striped Bass Conservation, Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Management,
and Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Act of 2000

   *   Commerce funding - Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance grant program (Commerce)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             4,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0553  District of Columbia and Commerce Justice State Appropriations for 2001

   *   Coastal impact assistance grants to eligible states
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:           150,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0546  DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000

   *   Justice grants to states for analyses and indexing of convicted individuals

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0544  Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000

   *   U.S. Marshalls Service Fugitive Apprehension Task Force
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0503  Fire Administration Authorization Act of 2000

   *   NIST earthquake hazards reduction activities
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             2,534,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0450  Yukon River Salmon Act of 2000

   *   Acquisition of fishery survey vessels
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            60,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Reimbursement for seized commercial fishermen under the Fisherman's
       Protective Act of 1967

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0408  Fish and Wildlife Programs Improvement and National Wildlife Refuge Centennial Act of 2000

   *   National Fish and Wildlife Foundation activities - Commerce
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0405  Commercial Space Transportation Competitiveness Act of 2000

   *   Commerce Department Space Commercialization activities
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:               626,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0386  Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

   *   Funds for Justice Department to assist victims in the U.S. ($10 million)
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Matching grant program for school security (Justice)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            30,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0314  Strengthening Abuse and Neglect Courts Act of 2000

   *   Grants to state courts and local courts to reduce pending backlog of abuse
       and neglect cases

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to expand court-appointed special advocate program in underserved areas

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0310  Children's Health Act of 2000

   *   DEA and state and local law enforcement training programs relating to
       clandestine laboratories

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             5,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   DEA agreement with Iowa State University regarding anhydrous ammonia research

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:               500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0256  Oceans Act of 2000

   *   Commission on Ocean Policy ($6 million for fiscal years 2001-2003)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0177  Child Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act of 2000

   *   Jennifer's Law - grants to states to improve the reporting of unidentified
       and missing persons

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             2,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0165  Women's Business Centers Sustainability Act of 1999

   *   Women's Business Centers sustainability pilot program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            14,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0393  Economic Development Administration and Appalachian Regional
Development Reform Act of 1998

   *   Economic Development Administration
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           335,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0310  Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Strategy Act of 1998

   *   National money laundering and related financial crimes strategy, and financial crime-free
       communities support program

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0305  Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998

   *   NIST funding for Next Generation Internet program
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:             7,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0277  Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999

   *   Police Corps
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            90,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination - State Department agricultural
       research and development activities (modified by P.L. 106-31)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            23,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   State Department funding for deployment of counter-narcotics and
       interdiction programs ($20 million over fiscal years 1999 through 2001)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0251  National Criminal History Access and Child Protection Act

   *   DOJ grants to states to provide information to the National Criminal His
       tory Background Check System

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0042  International Dolphin Conservation Program Act

   *   NMFS research on improved methods for yellowfin tuna fishing
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             4,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0297  Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996

   *   Fishery conservation and management programs; Fishery monitoring and
       research; Fisheries financing under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and
       Management Act

         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:           159,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Transition to sustainable fisheries: Fisheries disaster relief; Fishing
       capacity reduction program

         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   NOAA fisheries information collection and analysis, conservation and
       management operations, and state and industry cooperative programs

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:           110,470,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0216  Federal Trade Commission Act of 1996

   *   Federal Trade Commission operations
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:           111,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0208  Making Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations for 1997

   *   Criminal Alien Tracking Center
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0155  Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996

   *   extension of Department of Justice implementation of the Hate Crime
       Statistics Act

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0150  Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1996

   *   Coastal Zone Management Fund administrative expenses
         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to states for administration of coastal zone management programs; Program development
       grants; Resource management improvement grants; Coastal zone enhancement grants; Coastal
       nonpoint pollution control program development

         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            55,300,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0132  Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996

   *   DOJ grants to local fire and emergency service departments
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National Institute of Justice research and development to support
       counterterrorism technology

         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Byrne grants to state and local law enforcement authorities for
       antiterrorism training and equipment

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            25,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0419  Civil Rights Commission Amendments Act of 1994

   *   United States Commission on Civil Rights
         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:             9,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0414  Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

   *   Funding for the Federal Communications Commission for law enforcement
       assistance capabilities ($500 million authorized for 1995 through 1998)

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0392  Jobs Through Trade Expansion Act of 1994

   *   Export promotion programs of the International Trade Administration
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0322  Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

   *   Cops on the Beat program (Title I)
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:           268,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Violent offender incarceration and truth-in-sentencing incentive grants;
       Certain punishment for young offenders: Undocumented criminal alien
       incarceration (Title II, as modified by P.L. 104-134)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:         3,133,100,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Crime Prevention programs - Ounce of Prevention Council; Local crime prevention block grant; Model
       intensive grants; Family and community endeavor schools grants; Assistance for delinquent and at-risk
       youth; Police recruitment grants; Urban recreation and at-risk youth; Community-based justice grants for
       prosecutors;  Family unity demonstration projects; Substance abuse treatment in federal prisons;
       Residential substance abuse treatment in state prisons; Tuberculosis in correctional institutions; Gang
       resistance education and training (Title III)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:           586,510,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Criminal Aliens and Immigration Enforcement - criminal alien tracking center (Title XIII)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:             3,900,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   State and local law enforcement:  Family support for law enforcement personnel; DNA identification
       grants; DNA quality assurance methods; Improved training and technical automation grants (excluding
       facilities improvement at Quantico); Federal assistance to state courts to ease burdens resulting from
       this Act (Title XXI)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            91,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Marketing scams targeting senior citizens:  Additional funding for FBI
       investigations, US Attorneys and Justice prosecutions, and Justice
       training (Title XXV)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:             5,100,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Missing Alzheimer's Patient Alert (Title XXIV)
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:               900,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Motor vehicle theft prevention (Title XXII)
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:             1,800,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   DOJ program to train probation and parole officers in working with
       released sex offenders

         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National Commission on Crime Prevention and Control
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Extension of Byrne Grant funding (Title XXI)
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0238  Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994

   *   Department of Commerce conservation and protection of marine mammals
         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            34,768,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Marine Mammal Commission
         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:             1,750,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0010  Export Administration Act Reauthorization

   *   Commerce Department export control activities
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0572  Federal Courts Administration Act of 1992

   *   State Justice Institute activities
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            25,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0567  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992

   *   National Ocean Service; NOAA program support and construction
         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:           426,407,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National Weather Service; National Environmental Satellite, Data and
       Information Service; Oceanic and atmospheric research

         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:         1,589,081,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   NOAA fleet modernization
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0538  Telecommunication Authorization Act of 1992

   *   National Telecommunication and Information Administration (except for public
       telecommunications facilities, planning and construction); PEACESAT program

         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:            19,400,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0523  International Dolphin Conservation Act of 1992

   *   Commerce and State Departments administrative expenses to carry out a
       treaty on fisheries between certain pacific islands and the U.S.

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:               400,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0521  Child Support Recovery Act of 1992

   *   DOJ criminal child support enforcement
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0356  Public Telecommunications Act of 1992

   *   NTIA public telecommunications facilities, planning and construction
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            42,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0245  American Technology Preeminence Act of 1991

   *   Activities of the Under Secretary and Assistant Secretary for Technology
       Policy; Scientific and technical research and services activities; Upgrading
       of facilities; Industrial technology services

         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:           393,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0396  Federal Communications Commission Authorization Act of 1990

   *   Federal Communications Commission activities
         FY 1991 Appropriations Authorized:           119,831,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0381  Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990

   *   Department of Justice support for state testing of convicted felons
         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0073  Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989

   *   Department of Justice investigations, prosecutions, and civil proceedings,
       and federal courts proceedings involving financial institutions

         FY 1992 Appropriations Authorized:            85,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  95-0222  Legal Services Corporation Act Amendments of 1977

   *   Citation Summary
         FY 1979 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Defense Subcommittee

P.L 105-0085  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998

   *   Defense Department conservation programs on military installations under
       the Sikes Act

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             1,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0178  Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994

   *   National Security Education Trust Fund
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           8,000,000

Energy and Water Development Subcommittee

P.L 106-0554  Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   Delta Regional Authority
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            30,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           5,000,000

P.L 106-0541  Water Resources Development Act of 2000

   *   Flood damage reduction in North Carolina and Ohio
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             6,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0469  Energy Act of 2000

   *   Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0377  Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development
and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   Department of Interior drought relief programs for the Reclamation States
       ($90 million over fiscal years 1992 through 2001)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0053  Water Resources Development Act of 1999

   *   Corps of Engineers Everglades and South Florida Ecosystem restoration ($75
       million for the period 1997-2003)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   John Glenn Great Lakes Basin program ($1 million for period 2000-2003)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Measurements of Lake Michigan diversions
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             1,250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Missouri and Middle Mississippi Rivers enhancement project ($30 million
       for fiscal years 2000-2001)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0388  Energy Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1998

   *   State energy conservation program and schools and hospitals program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Weatherization program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Indian energy resource development
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0277  Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999

   *   Denali Commission
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:          55,000,000

P.L 104-0303  Water Resources Development Act of 1996

   *   Engineering and environmental innovations
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Sediment management
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0066  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993

   *   Nuclear Regulatory Commission salaries and expenses
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         618,800,000

P.L 102-0580  Water Resources Development Act of 1992

   *   Corps of Engineers New York City zebra mussel program
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:             2,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0575  Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992

   *   Department of Interior water conservation projects
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0486  Energy Policy Act of 1992

   *   Fusion energy program
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Renewable energy for electricity generation; fuel cell research and development

         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 100-0203  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987

   *   Nuclear Waste Policy Act programs funded from the nuclear waste fund
         FY 1990 Appropriations Authorized:           484,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         223,100,000

P.L  97-0035  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981

   *   DOE power marketing administrations
         FY 1984 Appropriations Authorized:           327,568,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         214,290,000

P.L  97-0035  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981

   *   Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE departmental administration
         FY 1984 Appropriations Authorized:           521,963,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         420,933,000

Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee

P.L 107-0228  Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003

   *   Migration and refugee assistance
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           820,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Foreign military sales and financing authorities: grant assistance and direct loans

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         4,107,200,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   International military education and training
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            85,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Antiterrorism assistance
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            64,200,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Nonproliferation and export control assistance
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           162,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Further authorization for Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and
       Related Programs

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           382,400,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0570  Assistance for International Malaria Control Act of 2000

   *   AID funding for programs for treatment and control of malaria
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            50,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0035  Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination Technical Corrections Act of 1999

   *   International narcotics control funding
         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0030  Peace Corps Act Amendments of 1999

   *   Operations of the Peace Corps
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           365,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0277  Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999

   *   Assistance for justice in Iraq ($3 million); Assistance to the democratic
       opposition in Iraq ($15 million)

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            18,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination - AID alternative crop development
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  99-0415  Anglo-Irish Agreement Support Act of 1986

   *   U.S. contribution to the international fund in Support of the Anglo-Irish
       Agreement of November 15, 1985

         FY 1988 Appropriations Authorized:            35,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  99-0083  International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985

   *   Funds appropriated to the President for international economic assistance, including Economic Support
       Fund, AID operating expenses, Development Assistance programs, the Inter-American Foundation, and
       the African Development Foundation

         FY 1987 Appropriations Authorized:         2,240,162,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Homeland Security

P.L 107-0295  Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002

   *   U.S. Coast Guard authorization - including operation and maintenance; acquisition, construction,
       rebuilding, and improvement of aids to navigation, shore and offshore facilities, vessels, and aircraft;
       research, development, test, and evaluation; retired pay; alteration or removal of bridges over navigable
       waters; environmental compliance and restoration at Coast Guard facilities

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         5,998,456,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       6,775,505,000

P.L 107-0273  21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act

   *   Immigration and Naturalization Service:  including Border Patrol,
       detention and removals, intelligence, investigations, inspections, and
       international enforcement; salaries and expenses; and general administration

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         4,131,811,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       4,927,835,000

P.L 107-0210  Trade Act of 2002

   *   U.S. Customs Service:  Child Cyber-Smuggling Center
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   U.S. Customs Service:  reestablishment of the Customs Service operation in New York City

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   U.S. Customs Service:  transshipment enforcement operations, outreach, and education

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             9,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           4,750,000

P.L 106-0215  Immigration and Naturalization Service Data Management Improvement Act of 2000

   *   Task force on improving immigration data collection and data sharing
       (Justice,State, Commerce, and Treasury)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available
P.L 105-0277  Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999

   *   Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination - Coast Guard interdiction funding
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:           151,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:          38,500,000

   *   Coast Guard international maritime training vessel ($15 million for fiscal
       years 1999 through 2001)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Customs Service - deployment of counternarcotics and interdiction ($71.5
       million for fiscal years 1999 through 2001)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0132  Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996

   *   Antiterrorism activities of the Customs Service ($7 million); Department
       of Treasury law enforcement agencies ($10 million); and the US Secret
       Service ($15 million)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            32,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 100-0690  Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988

   *   Federal Law Enforcement Training Center salaries and expenses
         FY 1991 Appropriations Authorized:            50,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         155,432,000

P.L  99-0499  Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986

   *   FEMA grants to support training and review of emergency systems related to
       hazardous chemicals

         FY 1990 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Interior and Related Agencies Subcommittee

P.L 106-0568  Omnibus Indian Advancement Act of 2000

   *   Programs under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and the Indian
       Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1986

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       2,958,164,000

P.L 106-0555  Striped Bass Conservation, Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Management,
and Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Act of 2000

   *   Interior funding - Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:               250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance grant program (Interior)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0511  Bosque Redondo Memorial Act of 2000

   *   Establishment of Bosque Redondo Memorial
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:               500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0503  Fire Administration Authorization Act of 2000

   *   U.S. Geological Survey earthquake hazards reduction activities; Operation
       of the Advanced National Seismic Research and Monitoring system

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            62,858,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           4,400,000

   *   Real-time seismic hazard warning system(USGS?)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             2,825,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0469  Energy Act of 2000

   *   Strategic petroleum reserve
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         171,963,000

P.L 106-0450  Yukon River Salmon Act of 2000

   *   Yukon River salmon stock restoration enhancement project
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             4,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           3,400,000

P.L 106-0408  Fish and Wildlife Programs Improvement and National Wildlife Refuge Centennial Act of 2000

   *   National Fish and Wildlife Foundation activities - Interior
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            20,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           5,650,000

P.L 106-0291  Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   National Underground Railroad Freedom Center($16 million over two fiscal years)

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0263  Shivwits Band of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah Water Rights Settlement Act of 2000

   *   Water rights and habitat acquisition program ($3 million for fiscal years 2001-2003)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:             123,000

P.L 106-0163  Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation Indian Reserved Water Rights
Settlement and Water Supply Enhancement Act of 1999

   *   Tribal compact administration; Tribal economic development; Bonneau dam
       enlargement; Tiber River MR&I feasibility study; Regional study

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            22,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:              33,000

   *   East Fork and Reservoir enlargement; Brown's Dam and Reservoir
       enlargement; Towe's Pond enlargement

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             8,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Other tribal water resource projects; add deleted item at 5 million
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             8,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0108  Arctic Tundra Habitat Emergency Conservation Act

   *   Management of mid-continent light geese populations
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0361  Native American Programs Act Amendments of 1998

   *   Grants to improve tribal regulation of environmental quality
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             8,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0355  Automobile National Heritage Act of 1998

   *   Blackstone River National Heritage Corridor ($5 million for fiscal years 1998-2000)

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:               1,000

P.L 105-0322  Financial Assistance to the State of Maryland

   *   Interior assistance to Maryland for a pilot program to develop measures to
       eradicate or control nutria and restore marshland damaged by nutria ($ 2.9
       million over three years 2000-2002)

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0312  Partnerships for Wildlife Act

   *   to carry out provisions
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             6,250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0256  Technical Corrections in Laws Relating to Native Americans

   *   Oklahoma City and Tulsa Clinic Demonstration projects (Indian Health Care Improvement Act)

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0242  National Wildlife Refuge System Volunteer and Community Partnership
Enhancement Act of 1998

   *   Volunteer enhancement pilot projects
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             2,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0226  John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Authorization Act of 1998

   *   Maintenance, repair and security ($15 million) and capital projects ($17 million)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            32,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:          32,560,000

P.L 105-0156  Environmental Policy and Conflict Resolution Act of 1998

   *   operating costs of the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             1,250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0085  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998

   *   Interior Department conservation programs on public lands and military
       installations under the Sikes Act

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             7,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0333  Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996

   *   Bureau of Land Management - management of lands and resources; land
       acquisition; construction and maintenance; loans to states

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         877,193,000

   *   Upper Klamath Basin Ecological Restoration Projects
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0332  National Invasive Species Act of 1996

   *   Ballast water management programs to prevent the introduction and spread
       of nonindigenous species in U.S. waters

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            27,800,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0323  Cache La Poudre River Corridor Act

   *   Cache La Poudre River Corridor Commission
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:                50,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:              45,000

P.L 104-0301  Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute Settlement Act of 1996

   *   Office of Navajo and Hopi Relocation
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            30,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:          13,352,000

P.L 104-0298  Water Desalination Act of 1996

   *   Research and studies ($5 million) and desalination demonstration and
       development ($25 million)

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            30,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0271  Hydrogen Future Act of 1996

   *   Integration of fuel cells with hydrogen production systems ($50 million over FY 1997-1998)

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0208  Making Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations for 1997

   *   Upper Klamath Basin Ecological Restoration projects
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0043  Fisheries Act of 1995

   *   Yukon River Restoration and Enhancement Fund
         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:               400,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0016  Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act Amendment of 1995

   *   Indian child resource and family services center;  Indian child protection
       and family violence prevention program

         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            33,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0243  Coastal Heritage Trail Authorization

   *   Authorizing $1 million over five years (1994-1998) for the Coastal
       Heritage Trail Route in New Jersey

         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:             225,000

P.L 103-0238  Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994

   *   Department of Interior - conservation and protection of marine mammals
         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            10,296,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0106  National Forest Foundation Act Amendments of 1993

   *   Start-up and matching funding; project expenses for the Foundation
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           3,000,000

P.L 102-0587  Oceans Act of 1992

   *   Matching contributions to the Wildlife Conservation and Appreciation Fund
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:             6,250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0575  Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992

   *   Three Affiliated Tribes Economic Recovery Fund
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             6,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0486  Energy Policy Act of 1992

   *   All coal provisions except innovative clean coal technology transfer program

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         202,300,000

   *   Research, development and commercial application of coal
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         172,000,000

   *   Alternative fuel fleets
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Electric motor vehicle commercial demonstration program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Electric motor vehicle research and development
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:           100,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Renewable energy export technology training and advancement awards
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:             6,050,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Alternative fuel by light duty federal vehicles program; Minimum federal
       fleet requirement; Refueling program

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   State and local incentive programs for alternative fuels
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Innovative renewable energy, clean coal and environmental technology
       transfer programs

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:           300,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Enhanced oil recovery program; natural gas supply program to increase
       recovery; oil and gas demand reduction and substitution

         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:          79,000,000

   *   Electric motor vehicle infrastructure and support systems development program

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0593  Fish and Wildlife Authorizations

   *   Implementation of fishery resource restoration plans originating in the New
       England river systems

         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fish passage study for rivers and streams
       in New England due to presence of dams

         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:               500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0512  Arts, Humanities, and Museums Amendments of 1990

   *   National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities
       including matching grants

         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         259,480,000

P.L 100-0478  Endangered Species Act Authorization

   *   Department of Interior endangered species listings, recovery plans,
       protection of plants programs

         FY 1992 Appropriations Authorized:            41,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         138,704,000

P.L  97-0035  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981

   *   DOE economic regulation and Energy Information Administration
         FY 1984 Appropriations Authorized:           137,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:          82,111,000

P.L  95-0514  Public Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978

   *   Bureau of Land Management inventory, management, and improvement of
       rangelands suitable for domestic livestock grazing

         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:         102,302,000

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies

P.L 107-0020  Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   Corporation for Public Broadcasting program to convert public broadcasting
       services from analog to digital technology

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            20,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0580  National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Establishment Act of 2000

   *   National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0525  Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000

   *   National Academy of Sciences report on HHS data relating to race or

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0505  Public Health Improvement Act of 2000

   *   Supplemental grants to states and other entities for conducting
       evaluations of public health needs

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Improvement of biomedical and behavioral research facilities (NIH)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to increase rural access to emergency devices, particularly
       automated external defibrillators

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Expansion and intensification of lupus research and activities (NIH);
       Delivery of services regarding lupus

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0402  Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000

   *   Staff development program for workers who assist individuals with
       developmental disabilities

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0386  Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

   *   Transitional housing assistance
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            25,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Safe Havens for Children pilot program
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0310  Children's Health Act of 2000

   *   HRSA statewide newborn and infant hearing screening, evaluation and
       intervention programs and systems;  CDC technical assistance, data
       management and applied research; National Institute on Deafness and
       Other Communication Disorders technical assistance, data management
       and applied research

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS study on metabolic disorders
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS projects for children and violence; Grants to enable entities to address
       emergency substance abuse or mental health needs in local communities;
       High-risk youth reauthorization; Substance abuse treatment services for children
       and adolescents; Early intervention services for children and adolescents;
       Youth interagency research, training and technical assistance centers;
       Prevention of methamphetamine and inhalant abuse and addiction; Comprehensive
       community services for children with serious emotional disturbance; Services for
       children of substance abusers

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS services for youth offenders; Grants for strengthening families
       through community partnerships; Programs to reduce underage drinking;
       Service for individuals with fetal alcohol syndrome; Centers of Excellence
       on services for individuals with fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-related
       birth defects and treatment for individuals with such conditions and their
       families; Suicide prevention for children and adolescents

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS programs to address priority mental health needs of regional and
       national significance; Grants for the benefit of homeless individuals;
       Projects for assistance in transition from homelessness; Community
       mental health services performance partnership block grant

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS programs for the protection and advocacy of the mentally ill
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants for emergency mental health centers; Grants for jail diversion
       programs; Improving outcomes for children and adolescents through service
       integration between child welfare and mental health services; Grants for the
       integrated treatment of serious mental illness and co-occurring substance
       abuse; Mental illness awareness training grants

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS priority substance abuse treatment needs of regional and national
       significance; Substance prevention needs of national significance;
       Substance abuse prevention and treatment performance partnership block grants

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Alcohol and drug prevention or treatment services for Indians and Native
       Alaskans; Commission on Indian and Native Alaskan Health Care

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to states for mental health and substance abuse data infrastructure

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS additional funding for carrying out amendments to the Controlled
       Substances Act

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   NIH methamphetamine and amphetamine treatment initiative
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0104  Amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act, 1999

   *   HHS refugee and entrant assistance programs
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0394  Assistive Technology Act of 1998

   *   Coordination of federal research under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
       National activities including outreach and training; Development of
       alternative financing mechanisms

         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0392  Health Professions Education Partnership Act of 1998

   *   Centers of Excellence - grants for diversity in health professions education

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Training in primary care medicine and dentistry
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Area health education centers; Health education and training centers;
       Education and training related to geriatrics

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Health professions workforce information and analysis, including Council
       on Graduate Medical Education; programs to increase size of public health

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Financial Assistance: school-based revolving loan fund for loans to
       disadvantaged students

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             8,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Office of Minority Health
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   State Offices of Rural Health; Demonstration Projects regarding Alzheimer's
       Disease; Project grants for immunization services; Project grants for
       preventive health services regarding tuberculosis

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Centers for Disease Control Loan repayment program
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Community programs on domestic violence
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   State loan repayment program; funding for trauma care; health information
       and health promotion

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Fetal Alcohol Syndrome prevention and services program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0361  Native American Programs Act Amendments of 1998

   *   HHS grant to ensure survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Native Hawaiian Revolving Fund
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             1,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Native American programs to promote economic and social self-sufficiency of tribes

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0340  Women's Health Research and Prevention Amendments of 1998

   *   NIH programs for DES research and education; osteoporosis, Paget's Disease and
       related bone disorders; breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and related cancers; heart
       attack stroke and other cardiovascular disease; aging processes regarding women

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   CDC programs:  National Center on Health Statistics; National Program of
       Cancer Registries; preventive health programs for breast and cervical cancers;
       supplemental grants for additional preventive health services; research and
       development in health promotion

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0332  Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Amendments of 1998

   *   Carrying out all parts of the Act except for Tech-Prep and Sec.117
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Tribally-controlled Post-Secondary Vocational/Technical Education - Sec.117
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             4,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Tech-Prep demonstration program (automatically extended one fiscal year
       from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            25,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   All Tech-Prep Education programs except for demonstration program
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0305  Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998

   *   NIH funding for Next Generation Internet program
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:             7,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0285  Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998

   *   Head Start program (sections 642a and 649g)
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            40,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Head Start activities (section 640d); Community Services Block Grant;
       Community Food and Nutrition programs

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National or regional programs designed to provide instructional activities
       for low-income youth

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   carrying out the Assets for Independence Act
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            25,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0248  Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 1998

   *   Certification of mammography facilities
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0244  Higher Education Amendments of 1998

   *   Alcohol and drug abuse prevention grants (automatically extended one
       fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Parts C and D of Title VII (pre-1987) and Part C of Title VII - both
       post-1992 and pre-1998 (automatically extended one fiscal year from date
       shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Strengthening institutions; Strengthening historically black colleges and universities;
       challenge grants for institutions eligible for these funds; historically black college and
       university capital financing; minority science and engineering improvement program
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Student assistance:  Pell grants; federal TRIO programs; early intervention and
       college awareness program;  academic achievement incentive scholarships;
       federal supplemental educational opportunity grants; leveraging educational
       assistance partnership program; special programs for students whose families
       are engaged in migrant and seasonal farmwork; Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship
       program; child care access means parents in school; learning anytime anywhere
       partnerships (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant
       to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Federal family education loan program - subsidized loans to new borrowers
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Loan forgiveness for child care providers (automatically extended one
       fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Federal Work-Study programs - grants for federal work-study programs; Work Colleges
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Federal Perkins loans to new borrowers (automatically extended one fiscal
       year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Developing Institutions (automatically extended one fiscal year from date
       shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   International education programs:  international and foreign language studies;
       Institute for International Public Policy; Business and international education programs
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program; Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need;
       Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity Program Fund for the Improvement
       of Post-Secondary Education; Urban Community Service; demonstration projects to
       ensure students with disabilities receive a quality higher education
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Advance placement incentive program;Olympic Scholarships; grants to states
       for workplace and community transition training for incarcerated youth offenders;
       grants to combat violent crimes against women on campuses
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Underground Railroad Educational and Cultural Program (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             3,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Indian Higher Education programs:  grants to tribally-controlled colleges
       and universities; tribally-controlled community college endowment fund; 
       tribal economic development; Navajo Community College
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Gallaudet University; Kendall Demonstration Elementary School; Model
       Secondary School for the Deaf; National Technical Institute for the Deaf
       (automatically extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   United States Institute of Peace (automatically extended one fiscal year
       from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0220  Workforce Investment Act of 1998

   *   Workforce Investment programs: Youth activities; Adult employment and
       training activities; dislocated worker employment and training activities

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Job Corps programs
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   national workforce investment programs:  native american programs; migrant
       and seasonal farmworker programs; veterans workforce investment programs;
       technical assistance; demonstration and pilot projects; evaluations ; incentive grants

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Adult education and literacy programs (automatically extended one fiscal
       year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to states for vocational rehabilitation services (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Client assistance program (automatically extended one fiscal year from
       date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   professional development and special projects and demonstrations -
       training and demonstration projects, including programs for migrant and
       seasonal farmworkers and recreational programs (automatically extended
       one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National Council on Disability (automatically extended one fiscal year
       from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Rights and advocacy programs (automatically extended one fiscal year from
       date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Projects with industry to promote employment opportunities for individuals
       with disabilities, and supported employment services for individuals
       with the most significant disabilities (automatically extended one fiscal
       year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Independent Living Services and Centers for Independent Living (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L.103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Independent Living Services for older individuals who are blind (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L.103-382) 

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Helen Keller National Center (automatically extended one fiscal year from
       date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L.103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0196  National Bone Marrow Registry Reauthorization Act of 1998

   *   National Bone Marrow Donor Registry
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0168  Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1998

   *   CDC birth defect prevention programs
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0017  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997

   *   Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National activities to improve education of children with disabilities:
       state program improvement grants for children with disabilities; and
       coordinated research, personnel preparation, technical assistance,
       support and dissemination of information

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0193  Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

   *   Child care and development block grants
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:         1,000,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Additional costs of disability reviews and redeterminations under Title
       XVI of the Social Security Act

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:           100,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0016  Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act Amendment of 1995

   *   Indian child abuse treatment grant program
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0183  Preventive Health Amendments of 1993

   *   Tuberculosis prevention; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
       Disease research and research training

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   CDC preventive health and health services block grants
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HHS grants for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted
       diseases; CDC programs regarding infertility and sexually transmitted

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0082  National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993

   *   VISTA; University year for VISTA; VISTA literacy corps; Special volunteer
       programs; Literacy challenge grants; Retired and senior volunteer program;
       Foster grandparents program; Senior companion program; Innovative
       demonstration programs involving older Americans; Administration and coordination

         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0043  National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993

   *   Programs of the National Cancer and National Heart, Lung and Blood
       Institutes; National Institute on Aging; National Library of Medicine;
       National Research Service awards and grants

         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Director's discretionary fund; Contraceptive and infertility programs; HIV
       vaccine studies planning; Model protocol for clinical care of HIV-infected

         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0550  Housing and Community Development Act of 1992

   *   National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health grants for training
       workers engaged in lead-based paint activities

         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0531  Preventive Health Amendments of 1992

   *   Office of Adolescent Family Life
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0356  Public Telecommunications Act of 1992

   *   Corporation for Public Broadcasting
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:           425,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0321  ADAMHA Reorganization Act

   *   National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute on
       Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health

         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0103  National Dropout Prevention Act of 1991

   *   Awards to National Science scholars; National Academy of Science, Space,
       and Technology school program (automatically extended one fiscal year from
       date shown)

         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:            12,200,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0616  Transplant Amendments Act of 1990

   *   Organ transplant administration, procurement and reports
         FY 1993 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  98-0512  Reauthorization of Programs Under Titles X and XX of the Public Health Service Act

   *   HHS project grants and contracts for family planning services and for
       family planning and population growth information (Title X)

         FY 1985 Appropriations Authorized:           162,600,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  98-0512  Reauthorization of Programs Under Titles X and XX of the Public Health Service Act

   *   Adolescent family life demonstration projects (Title XX)
         FY 1985 Appropriations Authorized:            30,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Legislative Branch Subcommittee

P.L 104-0285  National Film Preservation Act of 1996

   *   National Film Preservation Foundation
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:               250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:             250,000

P.L 104-0004  Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995

   *   additional funding for the Congressional Budget Office to carry out its
       duties and responsibilities under the act

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:             4,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:           2,335,000


P.L 107-0252  Help America Vote Act of 2002

   *   Election Assistance Commission:  grants for research on voting technology

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            20,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Election Assistance Commission:  grants for pilot program for testing of
       voting equipment and technology

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0405  Commercial Space Transportation Competitiveness Act of 2000

   *   Transportation Department Office of Commercial Space Transportation
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            16,478,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0277  Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999

   *   Transportation - Maritime Law Enforcement Training Center in San Juan
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             1,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Office of National Drug Control Policy, including Counter-Drug Technology
       Assessment Center and President's Council on Counter-Narcotic

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination - Treasury funding for expansion of
       radar coverage and operations ($14.3 million for fiscal years 1999-2001)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   ONDCP funding for anti-drug national media campaign
         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            20,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0258  Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998

   *   Federal Maritime Commission activities
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0206  Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998

   *   National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0178  Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century

   *   Swift Rail Development Act:  $10 million for Sec. 26101; $25 million for
       Sec. 26102; Grants to states for one-call notification programs ($5
       million and administrative expenses)

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            40,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Light density rail line pilot projects ($17.5 million) and Alaska Railroad
       ($5.25 million)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            22,750,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0134  Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1997

   *   Capital expenditures, operating expenses, and mandatory payments of the
       National Railroad Passenger Corporation

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:           955,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0033  Balanced Budget Act of 1997

   *   additional funds for the Treasury Department for improved application of
       the Earned Income Tax Credit

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:           146,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0155  Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996

   *   Department of Treasury efforts to investigate, prevent and respond to
       potential violations

         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0088  ICC Termination Act of 1995

   *   Surface Transportation Board of the Department of Transportation
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            12,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0013  Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

   *   OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs funds to implement Act
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             8,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0440  Federal Railroad Safety Authorization Act of 1994

   *   FRA railroad safety programs
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            90,739,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0311  Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994

   *   DOT hazardous materials transportation programs other than training
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            19,670,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Hazardous material employee training grants, including instructor training
         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:             4,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  96-0253  Federal Election Commission Authorization for FY 1981

   *   Federal Election Commission
         FY 1981 Appropriations Authorized:             9,400,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Veterans, HUD and Independent Agencies Subcommittee

P.L 108-0146  Tornado Shelters Act

   *   construction of tornado-safe shelters for residents of manufactured
       housing, and for the provision of assistance to nonprofit and for-profit
       entities for such construction or improvement.

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0569  American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000

   *   Assistance for self-help housing providers
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Homeownership pilot programs
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Supportive housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities; Service
       coordinators and congregate services for elderly and disabled housing

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0554  Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   Sewer overflow control grants
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           750,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0503  Fire Administration Authorization Act of 2000

   *   FEMA earthquake hazards reduction activities; NSF engineering and
       geosciences research

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            55,168,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0391  National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2000

   *   Human space flight ($5,387.6 million); Space aeronautics and technology
       ($6,548.9 million); Mission support ($2,666.2 million); Inspector General
       ($22.7 million)

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:         4,625,400,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0117  Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act of 1999

   *   Construction, Major projects ($57.5 million) and Medical Care account
       ($2.2 million) for fiscal years 2000 and 2001

         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 106-0074  Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development,
and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000

   *   Grants for conversion of elderly housing to assisted living facilities
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0305  Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998

   *   NASA funding for Next Generation Internet program
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 105-0276  Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998

   *   Public housing capital and operating funds
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Demolition, site revitalization, replacement housing and tenant-based
       assistance grants for projects

         FY 2002 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Section 8 Tenant-based housing assistance
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Public housing drug elimination programs
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Rehabilitation demonstration grant program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0262  Veterans' Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996

   *   Veterans' medical care - Hospital care and Medical services (authorizing
       committee states that language intended only to cap program in fiscal
       years 1997 and 1998)

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:         7,900,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Centers for Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Activities
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             6,250,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0182  Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996

   *   Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water studies, assessments, and
       analyses supporting regulations or the development of methods

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            35,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Promulgation of national primary drinking water regulation for arsenic
         FY 2000 Appropriations Authorized:             2,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   small public water systems technology assistance centers ($5 million);
       environmental finance center and national capacity development
       clearinghouse ($1.5 million); sole source aquifer demonstration program
       ($15 million);wellhead protection areas ($30 million); and underground
       injection control grant ($15 million)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            66,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   technical assistance to small public water systems
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   grants to states for training operators of public water systems ($30
       million)and public water system supervision program ($100 million)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:           130,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available
   *   monitoring program for unregulated contaminants
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   New York City Watershed protection program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   state revolving loan fund for drinking water treatment programs
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:         1,000,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   state groundwater protection grants
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            15,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   source water petition program
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Drinking water assistance ($25 million) and Wastewater assistance ($25
       million) to Colonias (low-income communities along the U.S.- Mexico border)

         FY 1999 Appropriations Authorized:            50,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   studies on harmful substances in drinking water
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            12,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Waterborne disease occurrence study
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:             3,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   additional funds for drinking water research (not to exceed $26,593,000 annually)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   assistance for water infrastructure and watersheds (plus an additional $25
       million available under certain conditions)

         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            25,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0170  Food Quality Protection Act of 1996

   *   Fees collected by the EPA for registration of pesticides
         FY 2001 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 104-0120  Housing Opportunity Program Extension Act of 1996

   *   Administrative expenses for GNMA guarantees of mortgage-backed securities
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Capacity building for community development and affordable housing
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            10,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0446  Veterans Benefits Improvements Act of 1994

   *   Veterans Advisory Committee on Education
         FY 2003 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0325  Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994

   *   Community Development and Banking and Financial Institutions Act,
       including $2 million for the Community Development Credit Union Revolving
       Loan Fund

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:           111,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0233  Multifamily Housing Property Disposition Reform Act of 1994

   *   General and Special Risk Insurance funds
         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 103-0082  National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993

   *   School- and community-based service-learning programs and the Civilian
       Community Corps

         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   National Service Trust Program, National Service Trust and provision of
       National Service Educational Awards, including administrative expenses

         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:           770,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Points of Light Foundation
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:             5,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0580  Water Resources Development Act of 1992

   *   EPA ocean dumping regulations
         FY 1997 Appropriations Authorized:            14,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 102-0550  Housing and Community Development Act of 1992

   *   Community Development Block Grants, including Youthbuild program
       (except for capacity building reauthorized in P.L. 104-120)

         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:         4,209,680,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   HUD Research and Development
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            36,470,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Fair housing initiatives
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            26,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Lead-based paint hazard reduction
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:           250,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Home investment partnerships, including housing counseling assistance
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:         2,189,648,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:           156,300,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Homeless assistance grants:  emergency shelter; supportive/transitional;
       Safe Haven; Section 8 SROs; Shelter Plus care

         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:           808,123,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0619  National Environmental Education Act

   *   EPA programs for environmental education
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            14,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0608  Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 1990

   *   Consumer Product Safety Commission
         FY 1992 Appropriations Authorized:            45,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0593  Fish and Wildlife Authorizations

   *   EPA funding to increase staffing of the Office of Criminal Investigation
       and establish the National Enforcement Training Institute

         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:            33,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Regional marine research programs (EPA)
         FY 1996 Appropriations Authorized:            18,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0549  Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

   *   EPA testing of lead substitute gasoline additives, and grants to states to
       prepare implementation plans for air quality maintenance

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            15,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   EPA technical and financial assistance to developing countries that are
       parties to the Montreal Protocol

         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   EPA air pollution and control programs; Clean Air Act research,
       development and demonstration programs, studies and reports

         FY 1998 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   Grants to states to assist individuals adversely affected by compliance
       with the Clean Air Act

         FY 1995 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 101-0508  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990

   *   Appropriation from EPA Hazardous Substance Superfund ($5.1 billion
       authorized for 3 years)

         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   General Revenue share of the Hazardous Substance Superfund
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:           250,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 100-0572  Lead Containment Control Act of 1988

   *   Grants to states regarding lead contamination in school drinking water
         FY 1991 Appropriations Authorized:            30,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 100-0551  Radon Program Development Act of 1988

   *   EPA citizen's guide, model construction standards and techniques, and
       technical assistance to states for radon programs; Grants to states for
       radon programs; Regional radon training centers

         FY 1991 Appropriations Authorized:            14,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L 100-0004  Water Quality Act of 1987

   *   Various EPA water pollution prevention and control programs (except
       Chesapeake Bay program, Clean Lakes program, and National Estuary
       program--each authorized in other laws); areawide planning; interagency agreements

         FY 1990 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   EPA nonpoint source management grants for protecting groundwater quality;
       Implementation of management programs

         FY 1991 Appropriations Authorized:            Indefinite

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

   *   EPA water pollution control revolving fund grants to states
         FY 1994 Appropriations Authorized:           600,000,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  98-0616  The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984

   *   EPA solid and hazardous waste disposal and resource management programs
         FY 1988 Appropriations Authorized:           237,529,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  98-0581  Office of and Council on Environmental Quality Authorization for FY 1985-86

   *   Office of and Council on Environmental Quality
         FY 1986 Appropriations Authorized:               480,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  97-0129  Toxic Substances Control Act Reauthorization for Fiscal Years 1982 and 1983

   *   EPA toxic substances programs
         FY 1983 Appropriations Authorized:            63,500,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

P.L  96-0229  Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1980

   *   EPA environmental research, development and demonstration programs
       (appropriations exclude amounts authorized by Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking
       Water Act and Food Quality Protection Act)

         FY 1980 Appropriations Authorized:           338,800,000

         Unauthorized FY 2004 Appropriations:       Not Available

Summary of Authorizations
of Appropriations Expiring
on or Before September 30, 2004

Agriculture, FDA and Related Agencies Subcommittee

P.L 108-0134    An act to reauthorize certain school lunch nutrition programs through March 31, 2004.

   *   Section 2 extends the authorization to March 31, 2004 which allows
       for-profit child care centers to participate in the CACFP if at least 25
       percent of children served by the center are income-eligible for free or
       reduced-priced school meals.

         Expiration Date: 31-Mar-04

         FY 31-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   Section 3 extends the authorization until March 21, 2004 for states to be
       reimbursed out of sec. 32 funds for the cost of removal of commodities
       that pose a health or safety risk.

         Expiration Date: 31-Mar-04

         FY 31-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   Section 4 extends the authorization to use section 32 or CCC funds to purchase
       commodities for the National School Lunch Program until March 31, 2004.

         Expiration Date: 31-Mar-04

         FY 31-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   The Secretary is authorized to carry out a program to assist States, through
       grants-in-aid and other means, to initiate and maintain nonprofit food service
       programs for children in service institutions. For purposes of this section,
       (A) "program" means the summer food service program for children authorized
       by this section - extension of this authority until March 31 2004.

         Expiration Date: 31-Mar-04

         FY 31-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies

P.L 108-0172    To temporarily extend the programs under the Small Business Act and the
Small Business Investment Act of 1958 through March 15, 2004, and for other purposes.

   *   Small Business Administration salaries and expenses (including admin.
       expenses and necessary loan capital for disaster loans) for carrying out
       provisions of the Small Business Act and Small Business Investment Act.

         Expiration Date: 15-Mar-04

         FY 15-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   HUBZone program
         Expiration Date: 15-Mar-04

         FY 15-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         10,000,000

   *   Women's business enterprises, including Women's Business Council and
       studies research

         Expiration Date: 15-Mar-04

         FY 15-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          1,000,000

   *   Small business development center program

         Expiration Date: 15-Mar-04

         FY 15-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        125,000,000

P.L 108-0021    Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today
Act of 2003 "PROTECT Act."

   *   Support of Amber alert system and for technological improvements to Amber system.

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         10,000,000

P.L 107-0305    Cyber Security Research and Development Act

   *   Commerce Department funding for Computer System Security and Privacy
       Advisory Board

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          1,060,000

P.L 107-0273    21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act

   *   United States-Thailand drug prosecutor exchange program

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $             75,000

P.L 107-0210    Trade Act of 2002

   *   Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         33,108,000

   *   International Trade Commission
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         57,240,000

P.L 107-0056    USA PATRIOT ACT, 2001

   *   antiterrorist activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (reauthorizes
       amounts originally provided in the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty
       Act of 1996)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        200,000,000

P.L 107-0041    Brown v Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission Act

   *   Commission to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision
       in Brown v. Board of Education ($250,000 authorized for 2003 and 2004 combined)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            250,000

P.L 106-0562    NOAA Withdrawal from Pribilof Islands and Coral Reef Act of 2000

   *   Coral reef conservation activities; National coral reef activities
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         16,000,000

P.L 106-0555    Striped Bass Conservation, Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Management,
and Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Act of 2000

   *   Commerce funding for study of Eastern Gray Whale population
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            500,000

P.L 106-0554    Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   National veterans business development corporation
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          2,000,000

P.L 106-0546    DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000

   *   Justice grants to states for analyses of samples from crime scenes and to
       increase capabilities of state and local labs

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         25,000,000

P.L 106-0517    Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 2000

   *   Grants to state and local law enforcement agencies
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         50,000,000

P.L 106-0515    America's Law Enforcement and Mental Health Project of 2000

   *   Grants to establish mental health courts
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         10,000,000

P.L 106-0468    Kristen's Act

   *   Justice - grants for the assistance of organizations to find missing adults
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          1,000,000

P.L 106-0386    Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000

   *   Domestic Violence Task Force
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            500,000

P.L 106-0113    Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2000

   *   Additional funding for embassy security, construction and maintenance
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        900,000,000

P.L 106-0024    Small Business Disaster Mitigation Act of 1999

   *   Small business disaster mitigation pilot loan program

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

Defense Subcommittee

P.L 108-0177    Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004

   *   Intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   Intelligence Community Management Account
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        221,513,000

   *   CIA Retirement and Disability Fund
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        226,400,000

P.L 108-0136    National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004

   *   All Defense Military Programs and Activities (except Military Construction
       and Family Housing)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $    371,611,107,000

Energy and Water Development Subcommittee

   *   Atomic Energy Defense Activities (including weapons activities,
       environmental programs, nuclear nonproliferation, and other activities of
       the National Nuclear Security Administration)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $     16,698,752,000

P.L 108-0007    Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003

   *   Missouri and Middle Mississippi Rivers enhancement project (originally $30
       million for fiscal years 2000-2001, reauthorized in sec. 125 of the Energy
       Water division of PL108-7)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 106-0541    Water Resources Development Act of 2000

   *   Upper Mississippi River Basin sediment and nutrient study
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          4,000,000

   *   Illinois River basin restoration - critical restoration projects
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        100,000,000

   *   Charleston Harbor, South Carolina harbor projects planning, design,
       construction and evaluation

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          5,000,000

Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee

P.L 108-0031    Amend the Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act of 2000 and the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961

   *   Microenterprise development credits
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          1,500,000

   *   Microenterprise development grant assistance
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        200,000,000

P.L 107-0327    Afghanistan Freedom Support Act of 2002

   *   Support for International Security Assistance Force for Afghanistan
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        500,000,000

P.L 107-0026    Tropical Forest Conservation Act Reauthorization Act of 2001

   *   Reduction of debt under the Foreign Assistance Act and Title I of the
       Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954.

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        100,000,000

P.L 106-0113    Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2000

   *   Costs of providing bilateral debt relief as provided in Title Five
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

Homeland Security

P.L 108-0171    National Flood Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2004

   *   Temporary Extension of National Flood Insurance Act of 1968
         Expiration Date: 31-Mar-04

         FY 31-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 107-0210    Trade Act of 2002

   *   U.S. Customs Service reauthorization; including noncommercial operations
       ($1,399,592,400), commercial operations ($1,683,667,050), and air and
       marine interdiction ($175,099,725)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $      3,258,359,000

P.L 105-0178    Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century

   *   Commercial remote sensing products and spacial information technologies
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         10,000,000

Interior and Related Agencies Subcommittee

P.L 106-0559    Indian Tribal Justice Technical and Legal Assistance Act of 2000

   *   Training and technical assistance, civil and criminal legal assistance grants

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   Indian tribal courts
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 106-0514    Coastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act of 2000

   *   Digital mapping pilot project
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            500,000

P.L 106-0425    Santo Domingo Pueblo Claims Settlement Act of 2000

   *   $15 million over FY 2002-2004 for deposit into the Pueblo of Santo Domingo
       Land Claims Settlement Fund

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 106-0408    Fish and Wildlife Programs Improvement and National Wildlife Refuge Centennial Act of 2000

   *   National Wildlife Refuge System Centennial Commission
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            250,000

P.L 105-0265    Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1998

   *   Great Lakes offices operation
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          3,500,000

   *   fish and wildlife restoration proposals
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          4,500,000

P.L 105-0242    National Wildlife Refuge System Volunteer and Community Partnership
Enhancement Act of 1998

   *   Awards and recognition for volunteers; Senior volunteer corps; community
       partnership enhancement; refuge education program development

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          2,000,000

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies

P.L 108-0173    Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003

   *   research on outcomes of health care items and services
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         50,000,000

P.L 108-0089    To extend temporary assistance for needy families and for other purposes

   *   Temporary assistance for needy families, abstinence education (section
       510), payment to territories (section 1108(b) and medicaid transition
       payments (section 1925).

         Expiration Date: 31-Mar-04

         FY 31-Mar-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 107-0210    Trade Act of 2002

   *   Interim health insurance coverage and other assistance
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         50,000,000

P.L 106-0525    Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000

   *   Grants for health professions education in health disparities and cultural competency

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          3,500,000

   *   Grants for health professions education in health disparities and cultural
       competency for nurses

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 106-0505    Public Health Improvement Act of 2000

   *   Prostate cancer research and preventive health measures
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 106-0174    Poison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness Act of 2000

   *   Establishment of a national toll-free number; nation-wide media campaign;
       grants to regional poison control centers

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         27,600,000

P.L 106-0170    Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999

   *   State grants for work incentives assistance to disabled beneficiaries
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          7,000,000

   *   Work incentives outreach program (Social Security Commissioner)
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         23,000,000

P.L 105-0394    Assistive Technology Act of 1998

   *   State grant programs to continue technology-related assistance and
       protection and advocacy related to assistive technology (automatically
       extended one fiscal year from date shown pursuant to P.L. 103-382)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 105-0285    Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998

   *   Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $      2,000,000,000

   *   Low-Income Home Energy Assistance incentive program for leveraging non-federal resources

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         30,000,000

P.L 105-0220    Workforce Investment Act of 1998

   *   Bureau of Labor Statistics
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

Military Construction Subcommittee

P.L 108-0136    National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004

   *   Military Construction ($5,726,527) and Family Housing ($3,462,873)
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $      9,189,400,000


P.L 108-0176    Vision 100--Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act

   *   report on long-term environmental improvements
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            500,000

   *   Assessment of wake turbulence research and development program

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            500,000

   *   FAA center for excellence for applied research and training in the use of
       advanced materials in transport aircraft

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            500,000

P.L 108-0088    Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2003

   *   Sec. 2:  Highway Formula programs
         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $     13,483,458,000

   *   Section 4: FHWA Administration
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        187,500,000

   *   Indian Reservation Roads (Sec. 5a)

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        114,583,000

   *   Public Lands Highways (Sec. 5a)
         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        102,500,000

   *   Park Roads, Refugee Roads, Border and Corridors (Sec. 5a)
         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        135,416,000

   *   Ferry boats, Scenic Byways
         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         27,291,000

   *   Value Pricing, Highway Use Tax evasion, Puerto Rico highway program,
       Safety Grants

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         52,707,000

   *   Transportation and community and system preservation pilot program,
       Transportation infrastructure finance and innovation

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         68,750,000

   *   Section 5b--Surface Transportation Research Tech deployment, Education and
       training, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, ITS research, ITS deployment

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        199,168,000

   *   Section 5c--Metropolitan Planning, Territories, Alaska Highway, Operation
       Lifesaver, Bridge discretionary, Interstate Maintenance discretionary,
       Recreation Trail Administration, High-speed Rail Setasides, Training/nondiscrimination

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        217,376,000

   *   Section 6--Safety grants for seatbelts, Safety grants for drinking and
       driving prevention

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         96,667,000

   *   Section 6b (NHTSA)--Sec. 402 grants, Sec. 403 operations, Sec. 405 grants,
       Sec. 410 grants, National Drivers Registry

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        124,583,000

   *   Section 7 (FMCSA)--Administrative Expenses, Motor Carrier Safety
       Assistance Program, Information Systems and Commercial Driver's License
       grants, Crash causation study

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        148,987,000

   *   Section 8 (FTA)--Formula Grants, Capital Grants, Planning and Research,
       University Transportation Research, Administration, Job Access and Reverse
       Commute grants

         Expiration Date: 29-Feb-04

         FY 29-Feb-04 Appropriations  Authorized $      3,042,500,000

P.L 108-0021    Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today
Act of 2003 "PROTECT Act."

   *   Grants for notification and communication system along highways for
       recovery of abducted children.

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         20,000,000

P.L 106-0310    Children's Health Act of 2000

   *   ONDCP programs to combat methamphetamine and amphetamine in high intensity
       drug trafficking areas

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 105-0389    Centennial of Flight Commemoration Act of 1998

   *   Centennial of Flight Commission and First Flight Centennial Federal Advisory Board

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $            600,000

Veterans, HUD and Independent Agencies Subcommittee

P.L 108-0170    Veterans Health Care, Capital Assets, and Business Improvement Act of 2003

   *   major medical facility projects, leases, and advance planning for major
       medical facility projects

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $        363,100,000

P.L 107-0095    Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assistance Act of 2001

   *   Domiciliary care programs for homeless veterans
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $          5,000,000

P.L 106-0568    Omnibus Indian Advancement Act of 2000

   *   Native Hawaiian affordable housing programs; Loan guarantees for Native
       Hawaiian housing

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 106-0554    Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001

   *   Wet weather watershed pilot projects
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         20,000,000

P.L 106-0503    Fire Administration Authorization Act of 2000

   *   NSF Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         17,000,000

P.L 106-0457    Estuaries and Clean Waters Act of 2000

   *   Pilot program for alternative water sources($75 million over fiscal years 2002-2004)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

   *   Clean Lakes programs: Grants to states ($50 million) and Demonstration
       program ($25 million)

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized $         75,000,000

P.L 106-0074    Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development,
and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000

   *   Enhanced voucher assistance for public housing residents upon expiration
       of contracts

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

P.L 105-0368    Veterans Programs Enhancement Act of 1998

   *   State cemetary grants program

         Expiration Date: 30-Sep-04

         FY 30-Sep-04 Appropriations  Authorized          Indefinite

1.  A point of order is an objection raised by a Member of Congress against a piece of legislation or a procedure on the grounds that it violates the rules of the House or Senate. The Presiding Officer decides whether to sustain or overrule the point of order on the basis of the specific rule and precedents under it. The decision of the Presiding Officer is subject to appeal to the full House or Senate.
2.  A special rule is a simple resolution, reported by the House Rules Committee, that sets the terms and conditions for the House's consideration of a piece of legislation.
3.  See Congressional Budget Office, Unauthorized Appropriations and Expiring Authorizations (released each year in January).