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November 16,1987

Honorable James C. Miller III
Office of Management and Budget
Washington, D.C. 20503

Dear Mr. Miller:

In accordance with the new procedures of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act of 1987, Public Law 100-119, I herewith transmit to you my revised sequestration report for fiscal year 1988.

The purpose of this report is to indicate whether and to what extent, as a result of laws enacted and regulations promulgated since October 10, 1987, the Congressional Budget Office estimates for the budget baseline deficit for 1988 and the required amount of outlay reductions have changed from my initial sequestration report. This report is based on the same economic and technical assumptions, employs the same methodologies, and uses the same definition of the budget baselines and the same criteria and guidelines as those used for my initial sequestration report.

As of the close of business November 13, 1987, our estimate of the baseline deficit for 1988 is $179.9 billion. This is $0.6 billion higher than our estimate as of October 10, 1987, as a result of the enactment of Public Law 100-136. This legislation requires that certain veterans housing loans be sold with recourse to the federal government. Under our scoring conventions, the receipts from such sales are not counted as offsetting collections, which raises our baseline outlay estimates for the Veterans Administration.

The increase in our estimate of the baseline deficit does not change the required amount of outlay reductions to be obtained through sequestration, which by law is limited to $23 billion for 1988. Accordingly, the sequestration calculations required for this revised report, with certain minor exceptions, are identical to those contained in my initial report. These calculations were printed in the Federal Register of October 16, 1987 (Vol. 52, No. 200, Part VI, pages 38682-38737) and are submitted again by reference to this earlier report, with certain changes as set forth in Attachment A to this letter.

With best wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Edward M. Gramlich
Acting Director


FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988 (In thousands of dollars)

In a few instances, the amounts shown in the appendix to CBO's October 15 report were incorrect. Listed below are the initial and revised sequestration calculations for the affected accounts.


    Base Sequester   Base Sequester

Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Buildings and facilities
(12 1401 01 352)
  Budget authority 32,510   2,829     1,042   91  
Cooperative State Research Service
Cooperative State Research Service
(12 1500 01 352)
  Budget authority 317,200   27,597     392,034   34,107  
  401 (c) authority 9,170   798     0   0  
  Outlays 177,514   15,444     214,848   18,692  
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Conservation reserve program
(12 3319 01 302)
  Budget authority and outlays 560,700   48,781     584,250   50,830  
Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation
Working capital fund
(14 4524 04 301)
  Budget authority 6,400   557     6,669   580  
  Outlays 4,480   390     4,668   406  
National Park Service
Operation of the national park system
(14 1036 01 303)
  Budget authority 758,567   65,995     749,559   65,212  
Office of Territorial Affairs
Administration of territories
(14 0412 01 806)
  Budget authority 81,637   7,102     44,782   3,896  
Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
Unemployment trust fund (training and employment)
(20 8042 07 504)
  Obligation limitation 361,157   31,421     630,535   54,857  
Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing Programs
Nonprofit sponsor assistance
(86 4042 03 604)
  Direct loan limitation 1,000   87     1,042   91  
Federal Housing Administration fund
(86 4070 03 371)
  Direct loan limitation 73,800   6,421     76,900   6,690  
  Guaranteed loan limitation 100,000,000   8,700,000     104,200,000   9,065,400  
  Obligation limitation 306,962   26,706     334,555   29,106  
Housing for the elderly or handicapped fund
(86 4115 03 371)
  Budget authority 3,907   340     4,071   354  
  Direct loan limitation 621,700   54,088     617,553   53,727  
Government National Mortgage Association
Guarantees of mortgage-backed securities
(86 4238 03 371)
  Guaranteed loan limitation 150,000,000   13,050,000     156,300,000   13,598,100  
Department of Transportation Coast Guard
Offshore oil pollution compensation fund
(69 5167 02 304)
  Obligation limitation 60,000   5,220     62,520   5,439  
Deepwater port liability fund
(69 5170 02 304)
  Obligation limitation 50,000   4,350     52,100   4,533  
Independent Agencies Environmental Protection Agency
Advances to the hazardous substance superfund
(68 0250 01 304)
  Budget authority 0   0     167,000   14,529  
Veterans Administration
Direct loan revolving fund
(36 4024 03 704)
  Direct loan limitation 1,000   87     1,042   91  
Loan guarantee revolving fund
(36 4025 03 704)
  Guaranteed loan limitation 31,622,000   2,751,114     32,700,000   2,844,900