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Federal Reinsurance for Disasters
September 2002


This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study, which was prepared at the request of the Senate Budget Committee, analyzes proposals for federal reinsurance of risks from terrorism and natural disasters. David Torregrosa of CBO's Microeconomic and Financial Studies Division wrote the paper, with contributions from Perry Beider, Kim Kowalewski, and Marvin Phaup, under the direction of Roger Hitchner. Tim VandenBerg, formerly of CBO, began the project.

Many other people contributed to the report. Rade T. Musulin of the Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies; Richard Roth Jr., a consulting actuary; Howard Kunreuther of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School; and Ron Feldman of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve reviewed several drafts. David Rafferty, formerly of the New Zealand Treasury, provided valuable information on New Zealand's disaster insurance program. Barry Anderson, Megan Carroll, Deborah Clay-Mendez, William Gainer, Mark Hadley, Arlene Holen, Deborah Lucas, Angelo Mascaro, Robert Murphy, Allison Percy, and Tom Woodward, all of CBO, made useful suggestions.

Amelie Cagle, Mark Puccia, Donald Watson, and David Weiss, all of Standard & Poor's, provided background information on the insurance industry and the implications of September 11. Anthony Mormino, Frank Nutter, and Mary Zetwick of the Reinsurance Association of America provided information on the reinsurance industry. Jim Boyd of Resources for the Future provided guidance on the effects of limiting damage awards.

The following people also contributed various forms of assistance or data: Dennis Kuzak of EQECAT; Barbara Jacobik, Tim Mantz, and Rick Shiver of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; Herbert Mitchell and Joyce Northwood of the Small Business Administration; Dan Kutzer of the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association; J.D. Lester of the Florida Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association; Jack Nicholson of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund; Stan Devereux of the California Earthquake Authority; Richard Kerr and Michelle Kinlaw of MarketScout; Barry Meiners of the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers; and John Rollins of the Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies.

Christine Bogusz edited the report, and Leah Mazade proofread it. Rae Wiseman produced drafts of the manuscript, and Kathryn Winstead prepared the study for publication. Annette Kalicki produced the electronic versions for CBO's Web site.

Dan L. Crippen
September 2002


  Summary and Introduction
The Market for Property Insurance
The Insurance Market's Response to Disasters
      Recent Unanticipated Losses
      Short-Run Market Adjustments
      Long-Run Market Adjustments
      States' Responses to Reduced Supply and Higher Prices for Coverage
      Federal Assistance After Disasters
Proposals for Federal Reinsurance
      Arguments For and Against Federal Intervention
      How Would Federal Reinsurance of Risks from Natural Disasters Work?
      Cost to the Federal Government of Reinsuring Risks from Natural Disasters
      How Would Federal Reinsurance of Risks from Terrorism Work?
      Cost to the Federal Government of Reinsuring Risks from Terrorism
      Advantages and Disadvantages of the Federal Reinsurance Contracts
      Other Federal Policies to Promote the Supply of Insurance
  Appendix A
State-Sponsored Insurance Programs in Florida and California

Appendix B
Innovations in Capital Markets

Appendix C
Disaster Insurance Programs in Japan, Great Britain, and New Zealand

1.  Operating Results for U.S. Property and Casualty Insurers, 1990 Through 2001
2.  Selected State-Sponsored Insurance Suppliers
3.  Insured Losses from Hurricane Andrew
4.  Annual Premiums for a $150,000 Frame Home in California, 1993 Through 2000
5.  Federal Financial Assistance After Selected Disasters
A-1.  Arbitration Decisions in Florida
1.  Catastrophe Reinsurance Price Index, 1984 to 2001
B-1.  USAA's Catastrophe Bonds

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