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A Review of CBO's Activities in 2004 Under
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
  March 2005  

Cover Graphic


In this report, thresholds are calculated on a fiscal year basis, and tables reflect calendar years.


This report is the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO's) annual review of its activities under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA). The report covers legislation considered by the Congress in 2004 that would impose mandates on state, local, or tribal governments or on the private sector.

The report was prepared by Theresa Gullo, Chief of the State and Local Government Cost Estimates Unit of CBO's Budget Analysis Division, under the supervision of Robert Sunshine, and by Patrice Gordon, Chief of the Private-Sector Mandates Unit of CBO's Microeconomic and Financial Studies Division, under the supervision of Roger Hitchner. The mandate statements referred to in the report were prepared by the CBO staff members listed in Appendix C.

Leah Mazade edited the report, and Loretta Lettner proofread it. Ernestine McNeil drafted the tables; Maureen Costantino took the cover picture and prepared the final version for publication. Annette Kalicki and Simone Thomas prepared the electronic version for CBO's Web site.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin
March 2005

Public Laws Enacted in 2004 That Contain Mandates
  Intergovernmental Mandates
  Private-Sector Mandates
Mandate Statements Prepared by CBO in 2004
Mandates Considered in 2004 That Had Estimated Costs Above the Statutory Thresholds
  Intergovernmental Mandates
  Private-Sector Mandates
Mandates Considered in 2004 Whose Costs Could Not Be Determined
  Intergovernmental Mandates
  Private-Sector Mandates
Mandate Statements Prepared Since UMRA Went Into Effect
Appendix A: Key Provisions in Title I of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Appendix B: Bills Reviewed by CBO in 2004 That Contain Mandates
Appendix C: Primary Contributors to CBO's Analyses of Mandates

1.  Laws Enacted in 2004 That Contain Intergovernmental Mandates
2.  Laws Enacted in 2004 That Contain Private-Sector Mandates
3.  Number of CBO's Mandate Statements for Bills, Proposed Amendments, and Conference Reports in 2004
4.  Status of 2004 Mandates Estimated to Have Costs That Exceed the Statutory Thresholds or Whose Costs Could Not Be Determined to Exceed Them
5.  Number of CBO's Mandate Statements for Bills, Proposed Amendments, and Conference Reports, 1996 to 2004
B-1.  Bills Reviewed by CBO in 2004 That Contain Intergovernmental Mandates
B-2.  Bills Reviewed by CBO in 2004 That Contain Private-Sector Mandates

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