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Pictorial Americana

Selected Images from the Collections of the Library of Congress


1836 | 1840 | 1844 | 1848 | 1852 | 1856 | 1860 | 1864 | 1868 | 1872 | 1876 | 1880 | 1884 | 1888 | 1892 | 1896 | 1900 | 1904 | 1908

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Grand match between the Kinderhook poney and the Ohio ploughman Grand match between the Kinderhook poney and the Ohio ploughman. Lithograph by H. R. Robinson, 1836.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1581
Political race course - Union track - Fall races 1836 Political race course - Union track - Fall races 1836. Lithograph by H. R. Robinson [1836].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1572
Set-to between the Champion Old Tip & the swell Dutchman of Kinderhook - 1836 Set-to between the Champion Old Tip & the swell Dutchman of Kinderhook - 1836. (Cartoon) Lithograph by H. R. Robinson [1836].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1570


General Harrison's log cabin march and quick step. (Music cover) General Harrison's log cabin march and quick step. (Music cover). Lithograph by Eb Weber & Co., 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-4551 (color film copy transparency)
Harrison quadrilles. (Music cover) Harrison quadrilles. (Music cover). Lithograph by Gimber, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-4748
Harrisonian rally. (Vignette of the log cabin , the barrel of hard cider, and of Willaim H. Harrison behind the plow) Harrisonian rally. (Vignette of the log cabin , the barrel of hard cider, and of Willaim H. Harrison behind the plow). Broadside, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7565
General Harrison. The Washington of the West. (On horseback) General Harrison. The Washington of the West. (On horseback.) Lithograph by T. Sinclair, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-250
Gen. William Henry Harrison. (On horseback; 12 vignettes of his life) Gen. William Henry Harrison. (On horseback; 12 vignettes of his life). Lithograph by G. Endicott, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-31
The log cabin [The log cabin]. Lithograph by T. Sinclair , 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-5550
The people's candidate. the hero of Tippecanoe. (Campaign badge with portrait of Harrison) The people's candidate. the hero of Tippecanoe. (Campaign badge with portrait of Harrison). Lithograph by E. Weber, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7564
National Democratic Republican nomination. (Martin Van Buren and Richard Johnson) National Democratic Republican nomination. (Martin Van Buren and Richard Johnson). Lithograph by G. Endicott, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7568
The people's line. Take care of the locomotive. (Cartoon) The people's line. Take care of the locomotive. (Cartoon). Wood engraving, 1840.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-4746


Grand Democratic banner.(James K. Polk and George M. Dallas) Grand Democratic banner.(James K. Polk and George M. Dallas). Lithograph by J. Baillie, 1844.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3985
Grand National, Democratic banner. (James K. Polk and George M. Dallas) Grand National, Democratic banner. (James K. Polk and George M. Dallas). Lithograph N. Currier, 1844.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2486 (color film copy slide)
Grand National Whig prize banner badge. (Inset portrait of Henry Clay) Grand National Whig prize banner badge. (inset portrait of Henry Clay). Lithograph by E. Weber & Co., 1844.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1426
Foot race, Pennsylvania Avenue. Stakes $25,000. (Cartoon) Foot race, Pennsylvania Avenue. Stakes $25,000. (Cartoon) Lithograph by J. Baillie, 1844.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1275
The Presidential sweepstakes of 1844. (Cartoon) The Presidential sweepstakes of 1844. (Cartoon). Lithograph by H. R. Robinson, 1844.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7561


Free Soil candidates for President and Vice President. (M. Van Buren & Charles F. Adams) Free Soil candidates for President and Vice President. (M. Van Buren & Charles F. Adams). Lithograph by Kelloggs & Comstock, 1848.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1035
Grand Democratic Free Soil banner. (Martin Van Buren & Charles F. Adams) Grand Democratic Free Soil banner. (Martin Van Buren & Charles F. Adams). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1848.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2465 (color film copy slide)
Genl. Z. Taylor and his battles. The nation's choice for the 12th President of the U.S. Genl. Z. Taylor and his battles. The nation's choice for the 12th President of the U.S. Lithograph by J. Baillie, 1847.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3984
Grand National, Whig banner. (Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore) Grand National, Whig banner. (Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1848.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-584 (color film copy slide)
Zachary Taylor, the people's choice for Twelfth President of the United States. (Bust) Zachary Taylor, the people's choice for Twelfth President of the United States. (Bust). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1848, after portrait from life by Risso.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-5659
Taylor Taylor. Lithograph by J. G. Bruff, 1848.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-4033
Zachary Taylor, the nation's choice for Twelfth President of the United States. (Half-length, seated) Zachary Taylor, the nation's choice for Twelfth President of the United States. (Half-length, seated). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1847.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-3198 (color film copy slide)
Grand Presidential sweepstakes for 1849 Grand Presidential sweepstakes for 1849. Lithograph by H. R. Robinson, 1849.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1586
The Presidential fishing party of 1848. (Cartoon) The Presidential fishing party of 1848. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Peter Smith, 1848.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7553
Millard Fillmore, Whig candidate for Vice President of the United States Millard Fillmore, Whig candidate for Vice President of the United States. Lithograph by N. Currier, 1848, after dag. by Plumbe.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7549


Grand National, Democratic banner. (Franklin Pierce & William R. King) Grand National, Democratic banner. (Franklin Pierce & William R. King). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1852.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2487 (color film copy slide)
Managing a candidate. (Cartoon) Managing a candidate. (Cartoon). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1852.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1993
Franklin Pierce. Democratic candidate for the Presidency. (Bust) Franklin Pierce. Democratic candidate for the Presidency. (Bust). Lithograph by C. G. Crehen, 1852.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-5859
Genl. Franklin Pierce, Democratic candidate for the Presidency. (Three-quarter length, seated) Genl. Franklin Pierce, Democratic candidate for the Presidency. (Three-quarter length, seated). Lithograph by Wagner & McGuigan, 1852, after dag. by Root.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1797


The champions of freedom. Jno. C. Fremont and Wm. L. Dayton The champions of freedom. Jno. C. Fremont and Wm. L. Dayton. Lith .by Chs. Grebner, 1856.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7815
Col. John C. Fremont hoisting the American flag on the highest peak of the Rocky Mountains Col. John C. Fremont hoisting the American flag on the highest peak of the Rocky Mountains. Lithograph by C. Grebner, 1856.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-759
Grand National Republican banner. (John C. Fremont & William L. Dayton) Grand National Republican banner. (John C. Fremont & William L. Dayton). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1856.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2625 (color film copy slide)
Col. Fremont's last grand exploring expedition in 1856. (Cartoon) Col. Fremont's last grand exploring expedition in 1856. (Cartoon). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1856.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7785
Millard Fillmore, thirteenth President ... and National American candidate for fifteenth President. (Half-length, seated) Millard Fillmore, thirteenth President ... and National American candidate for fifteenth President. (Half-length, seated). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1848.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7547
The great American buck hunt of 1856. (Cartoon) The great American buck hunt of 1856. (Cartoon). Lithograph N. Currier [1856].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1991
James Buchanan. Democratic candidate for fifteenth President of the United States. (Half-length) James Buchanan. Democratic candidate for fifteenth President of the United States. (Half-length). Lithograph by N. Currier [1856].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1307
The great Presidential sweepstakes of 1856. (Cartoon) The great Presidential sweepstakes of 1856. (Cartoon). Lithograph by N. Currier, 1856.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7594


Lincoln and Hamlin Lincoln and Hamlin. Lith, by J. H. Bufford, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3980
The Union must and shall be preserved. (Abraham Lincoln & Hannibal Hamlin) The Union must and shall be preserved. (Abraham Lincoln & Hannibal Hamlin). Lithograph by W. H. Rease, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-7996 (color film copy transparency)
The Republican banner for 1860. (Lincoln & Hamlin) The Republican banner for 1860. (Lincoln & Hamlin). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-2067
Hon. Abraham Lincoln ... National Republican candidate for sixteenth President of the United States. (Bust) Hon. Abraham Lincoln ... National Republican candidate for sixteenth President of the United States. (Bust). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860, after a photograph.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3732
n heir to the throne, or the next Republican candidate. (Cartoon) An heir to the throne, or the next Republican candidate. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2564 (color film copy slide)
"The Irrepressible Conflict." Or the Republican barge in danger. (Cartoon) "The Irrepressible Conflict." Or the Republican barge in danger. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1988
The political gymnasium. (Cartoon) The political gymnasium. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1989


The Republican Party going to the house. (Cartoon) The Republican Party going to the house. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1990
Stephen A. Douglas. Democratic candidate for sixteenth President of the United States. (Half-length, seated) Stephen A. Douglas. Democratic candidate for sixteenth President of the United States. (Half-length, seated). Lithograph by E. C. Kellogg [1860].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1092
The undecided political prize fight. (Cartoon) The undecided political prize fight. (Cartoon). Lithograph, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7877
Honest Abe taking them on the half shell. (Cartoon) Honest Abe taking them on the half shell. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1860.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-2068
Grand National Union banner for 1864. (Abraham Lincoln & Andrew Johnson) Grand National Union banner for 1864. (Abraham Lincoln & Andrew Johnson). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1864.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2492 (color film copy slide)
A little game of bagatelle, between old Abe the rail splitter & little Mac the gunboat general. (Cartoon) A little game of bagatelle, between old Abe the rail splitter & little Mac the gunboat general. (Cartoon). Lithograph by J. L. Magee [1864].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-1969
Platforms illustrated. (Cartoon) Platforms illustrated. (Cartoon). Lithograph, 1864.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7176
Union and Liberty! And Union and Slavery! (Cartoon) Union and Liberty! And Union and Slavery! (Cartoon). Wood engraving by M. W. Siebert [1864].
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-945


The great November contest. Patriotism versus Bummerison. (Cartoon) The great November contest. Patriotism versus Bummerison. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Bromley & Co., 1868.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7186
National Democratic banner of victory, 1868 National Democratic banner of victory, 1868. Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1868.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7189
National Union Republican candidates. (Ulysses S. Grant and Shuyler Colfax) National Union Republican candidates. (Ulysses S. Grant and Shuyler Colfax). Lithograph by Kellogg & Bulkeley, 1868.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7602
The leader and his battles. Ulysses S. Grant. (Bust) The leader and his battles. Ulysses S. Grant. (Bust). Wood engraving by Haasis & Lubrecht, 1868.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-720


For President Horace Greeley of New York and for Vice President, Benj. Gratz Brown of Missouri For President Horace Greeley of New York and for Vice President, Benj. Gratz Brown of Missouri. Lithograph by S. Merinsky, 1872, after Henry Brueckner.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7191
Grand National Liberal Republican banner for 1872. (Horace Greeley and Benj. Gratz Brown) Grand National Liberal Republican banner for 1872. (Horace Greeley and Benj. Gratz Brown). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1872.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2489 (color film copy slide)
The people's choice. (Horace Greeley and Benjamin Gratz Brown) The people's choice. (Horace Greeley and Benjamin Gratz Brown). Lithograph by Wm. C. Robertson, 1870.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3978
Grant and Wilson Grant and Wilson. Lithograph by Armstrong & Co., 1872.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-5524
The working man's banner. (Ulyseses S. Grant and Henry Wilson) The working man's banner. (Ulyseses S. Grant and Henry Wilson). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1872.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3983


Grand National Republican banner. (Rutherford B. Hayes & Wm. A, Wheeler) Grand National Republican banner. (Rutherford B. Hayes & Wm. A, Wheeler). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1876.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2490 (color film copy slide)
National Democratic chart, 1876. (Samuel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendricks) National Democratic chart, 1876. (Samuel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendricks). Lithograph by H. H. Lloyd & Co., 1876.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-3637 (color film copy transparency)


Grand National Republican banner, 1880. (James A. Garfield and Gen. Chester A. Arthur) Grand National Republican banner, 1880. (James A. Garfield and Gen. Chester A. Arthur). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1880.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3988
Our nation's choice.  (James A. Garfield & Chester A. Arthur) Our nation's choice. (James A. Garfield & Chester A. Arthur). Lithograph by Haasis & Lubrecht, 1880.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-6109 (color film copy transparency)
Farmer Garfield cutting a swath to the White House. (Cartoon) Farmer Garfield cutting a swath to the White House. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1880.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-2317 (color film copy slide)
Gen. Chester A. Arthur. Republican candidate for Vice-President Gen. Chester A. Arthur. Republican candidate for Vice-President. Lithograph by A. S. Seers Lith. & Printing Co., 1880.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7614
Winfield S. Hancock, Democratic candidate for President. William H. English. Democratic candidate for Vice-President Winfield S. Hancock, Democratic candidate for President. William H. English. Democratic candidate for Vice-President. Lithograph by A. S. Seers Lith. & Printing Co., 1880.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7179


Democratic nominees. (Grover Cleveland & Thomas A. Hendricks) Democratic nominees. (Grover Cleveland & Thomas A. Hendricks). Lithograph by The Continental Publ. Co.,1884.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-2111 (color film copy transparency)
The Democratic souvenir . (Grover Cleveland and Thomas and A. Hendricks) The Democratic souvenir . (Grover Cleveland and Thomas and A. Hendricks). Lithograph by The Hatch Eng. Co., 1884.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3979
For President,James G. Blaine, of Maine. For Vice President, John A. Logan of Illinois For President,James G. Blaine, of Maine. For Vice President, John A. Logan of Illinois. Lithograph by Cosack & Co., 1884.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7183
Last match of the season to be decided Nov. 11th, 1884. (Cartoon) Last match of the season to be decided Nov. 11th, 1884. (Cartoon). Lithograph by MacBrair & Sons, 1884.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-8076
The nation's choice. (James G. Blaine and John A. Logan) The nation's choice. (James G. Blaine and John A. Logan). Lithograph by H. W. Kelley, 1884.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-1684 (color film copy slide)
The Republican souvenir. (James G. Blaine and John A. Logan) The Republican souvenir. (James G. Blaine and John A. Logan). Lithograph by The Hatch Eng. Co., 1884.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3987


Democratic nominees. For President, Grover Cleveland. For Vice President, A. G. Thurman Democratic nominees. For President, Grover Cleveland. For Vice President, A. G. Thurman. Lithograph by Kurz & Allison, 1888.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-2360
Democratic platform and Presidential nominees. (Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman) Democratic platform and Presidential nominees. (Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman). Lithograph by Siegel, Cooper & Co., 1888.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7182
The great national fishing match. The result. (Cartoon) The great national fishing match. The result. (Cartoon). Lithograph by Courier Lith. Co., 1888.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-5302
Principles of Prohibition Party. (Clinton B. Fisk and Dr. John Brooks) Principles of Prohibition Party. (Clinton B. Fisk and Dr. John Brooks). Lithograph, 1888.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3981
Republican nominees. (Harrison and Levi P. Morton) Republican nominees. (Harrison and Levi P. Morton). Lithograph by Siegel, Cooper & Co., 1888.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-ppmsca-07591 (digital file from original print)
Union Labor Party. For President, Anson J. Streeter. For Vice President, Chas. E. Cunningham Union Labor Party. For President, Anson J. Streeter. For Vice President, Chas. E. Cunningham. Lithograph by Kurz & Allison, 1888.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7826


Democratic platform and Presidential nominees. (Grover Cleveland and Adlai E. Stevenson) Democratic platform and Presidential nominees. (Grover Cleveland and Adlai E. Stevenson). Lithograph by Beckerman Brothers, 1892.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7612
Republican platform and Presidential nominees Republican platform and Presidential nominees. Lithograph by Beckerman Bros., 1892.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-5640


16 to 1. (Inset portrait of William Jennings Bryan & his family) 16 to 1. (Inset portrait of William Jennings Bryan & his family). Lithograph by Henderson Lith. Co., 1896.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-2112 (color film copy transparency)
Our home defenders. (William McKinley & Garret A. Hobart) Our home defenders. (William McKinley & Garret A. Hobart). Lithograph by Henderson Lithograph by Gillespie, Metzgar & Kelley, 1896.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-3162 (color film copy transparency)


The issue - 1900. Liberty, Justice, humanity. No crown of thorns, no cross of gold. (Inset portrait of W. J. Bryan) The issue - 1900. Liberty, Justice, humanity. No crown of thorns, no cross of gold. (Inset portrait of W. J. Bryan). Lithograph by Strobridge Litho. Co., 1900.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-2144
For President, Wm. McKinley. For Vice President, Theo. Roosevelt For President, Wm. McKinley. For Vice President, Theo. Roosevelt. Lithograph published by George Prince, 1900.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3986


Democratic candidates for President. For Vice President. (Alton B. Parker & Henry G. Davis) Democratic candidates for President. For Vice President. (Alton B. Parker & Henry G. Davis). Lithograph by Britton & Rey, 1904.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-3989
Democratic candidates. For President, Theo. Roosevelt. For Vice President, Chas. W. Fairbanks Democratic candidates. For President, Theo. Roosevelt. For Vice President, Chas. W. Fairbanks. Lithograph by Kurz & Allison, 1904.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7178
Republican candidates. For President - for Vice President, Chas. W. Fairbanks Republican candidates. For President - for Vice President, Chas. W. Fairbanks. Lithograph by Kurz & Allison, 1904.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-2143
Theodore Roosevelt. Chas. W. Fairbanks Theodore Roosevelt. Chas. W. Fairbanks. Lithograph by Sackett & Wilhelms Litho. & Ptg. Co., 1904
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7173
Roosevelt & Charles W. Fairbanks Roosevelt & Charles W. Fairbanks. Photograph by Pach Bros., 1904.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7351
The Socialist Party, 1904. For President, Eugene V. Debs. For Vice President, Ben Hanford The Socialist Party, 1904. For President, Eugene V. Debs. For Vice President, Ben Hanford. Lithograph by Eagle Lithographing Co., 1904.
Reproduction number: LC-USZC2-1778 (color film copy slide)


Republican candidates. 1908. (William H. Taft and James S. Sherman) Republican candidates. 1908. (William H. Taft and James S. Sherman). Lithograph by Kurz & Allison, 1908.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7636
Wm. H. Taft. "Good Times." (Bust) Wm. H. Taft. "Good Times." (Bust). Lithograph, 1908.
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-7175


For additional images:
  • Search terms for Prints & Photographs Online Catalog) include: Presidential elections; Political campaigns; Political conventions; Political platforms; Campaign insignia; Political posters and names of individuals.
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