Hague Convention

General Instructions:

  • To invoke the Hague Convention, submit TWO completed applications for EACH child. The application form may be photocopied.
  • Type or print all information in black or blue ink.
  • Furnish as much of the information called for as possible, using an additional sheet of paper if you need more space.
  • If you have further questions about the form, you may wish to refer to the text of the Convention
  • You may also call the Office of Children’s Issues (CA/OCS/CI) at 1-888-407-4747.
  • Translation of the supporting documents into the official language of the receiving country may be necessary. Translations can speed up the overall process. Foreign attorneys and judges tend to respond more favorably with such documents. Ask CA/OCS/CI for more information about supporting documents.
  • You may fax your Hague application to CA/OCS/CI fax number (202) 736-9132.   
  • Send originals and supporting documents by mail, express mail, or courier service to:

  • Department of State, Office of Children’s Issues
    SA-29, 2201 C Street, NW
    U.S. Department of State
    Washington, DC 20520
    Note: Be sure to sign and date the application

Section Specific Checklist and Instructions for Completing the Hague Application

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Section I: First Child Subject of Application

This section is for information concerning the child for whom you are invoking the Hague Convention.

  • Child's Name - The child's full name: last name, first, middle
  • Date of Birth - Month/Day/Year
  • Place of Birth - City/State/Country
  • Address - Child's address in the country of habitual residence at the time of the abduction or removal.
  • United States Social Security Number - A nine-digit number: 000-00-0000 (if known)
  • Passport/Identity Card - Issuing country and passport or I.D. number (if known)
  • Address and Telephone Number of Child’s Current Location (if known) – Please provide any address information or details that may help locate the child.
  • Citizenship - Include all citizenships held by the child (e.g. U.S., Canadian).
  • Height - Feet and inches
  • Weight - Pounds
  • Sex - Male or Female
  • Color of Hair - Child's hair color
  • Color of Eyes - Child’s eye color (Include color photo, if available.)
  • Name of Child’s Father if not Listed in Section II or III - The father’s full name (if it is not listed later in section II or III)
  • Name of Child’s Mother if not Listed in Section II or III - The mother’s full name (if it is not listed later in section II or III)
Section II: Applicant (Person Seeking Return of/Access to Child/ren)

This section is for information concerning the person or institution applying for access to or the return of the child to the United States.

  • Name - Full name of applicant: last name, first, middle
  • Date of Birth - Month/Day/Year
  • Place of Birth - City/State/Country
  • Relationship to Child/ren- Relationship of the applicant requesting access/return to the child (e.g. mother, father)
  • Citizenship(s) - List all citizenships held by the requester (e.g. United States, Canadian)
  • United States Social Security Number - A nine-digit number: 000-00-0000.
  • Passport/Identity Card - Issuing country and passport or I.D. number.
  • Current Address, Telephone Number, and Email Address – Include mailing address, home telephone, work telephone, fax number, and email address.
  • Occupation – Occupation of the requester (if a person).
  • Name, Address and Telephone Number of Legal Adviser, if any - Include zip code as well as telephone and fax numbers. Some of this information may be the same as that already given.
Section III: Person Alleged to Have Wrongfully Removed or Retained the Child/ren

This section is for information concerning the person  alleged to have abducted or retained the child/ren. The information about the abducting parent is needed to assist in locating the child. Please provide all requested information and any additional facts that may help authorities locate the child.

  • Name - Full name of parent alleged to have abducted or wrongfully retained the child.
  • Date of Birth - Month/Day/Year
  • Place of Birth - City/State/Country
  • Relationship to Child/ren- Relationship of the alleged abductor/retainer to the child (e.g. mother, father)
  • Citizenship(s) - List all citizenships held by the alleged abductor/retainer (e.g. United States, Canadian)
  • United States Social Security Number - A nine-digit number: 000-00-0000 (if known).
  • Passport/Identity Card - Issuing country and passport or I.D. number (if known).
  • Occupation, Name and Address of Employer - Provide any employment information that may be helpful in locating the alleged abductor/retainer, such as usual type of work, potential employers or employment agencies.
  • Known Aliases - Any other names the alleged abductor/retainer may use.
  • Address and Telephone Number of Current Location - Of the alleged abductor/retainer in the country where the child was taken.
  • Height - Feet and inches
  • Weight - Pounds
  • Color of Hair – Alleged abductor/retainer's hair color.
  • Color of Eyes - Alleged abductor/retainer's eye color. (Include color photo, if available.)
Section IV: Additional Child/ren Subject of Application

This section is for information concerning any additional child/ren for whom you are invoking the Hague Convention. Provide the following information for EACH child.

  • Child's Name - The child's full name: last name, first, middle
  • Date of Birth - Month/Day/Year
  • Place of Birth - City/State/Country
  • Address - Child's address in the country of habitual residence at the time of the abduction or removal.
  • United States Social Security Number - A nine-digit number: 000-00-0000 (if known)
  • Passport/Identity Card - Issuing country and passport or I.D. number (if known)
  • Address and Telephone Number of Child’s Current Location (if known) – Please provide any address information or details that may help locate the child.
  • Citizenship - Include all citizenships held by the child (e.g. U.S., Canadian).
  • Height - Feet and inches
  • Weight - Pounds
  • Sex - Male or Female
  • Color of Hair - Child's hair color
  • Color of Eyes - Child’s eye color (Include color photo, if available.)
  • Name of Child’s Father if not Listed in Section II or III - The father’s full name (if it is not listed later in section II or III)
  • Name of Child’s Mother if not Listed in Section II or III - The mother’s full name (if it is not listed later in section II or III)
Section V: Time, Place, Date, and Circumstances of the Wrongful Removal or Retention

This section is for the applicant to describe the circumstances under which the child/ren were wrongfully removed or retained.

  • Provide the date, to the best of your knowledge, that the child left the United States or when the wrongful retention began. Include the place from which the child was taken.
  • Describe the legal relationship existing between you and the abducting parent when the   child was removed.
  • Describe the circumstances under which the child was removed/retained. What were the circumstances leading up to the removal or retention? How did you learn of the removal/retention? Did the other parent take the child during a scheduled visitation? Did the other parent take the child for what you believed would be a short visit and then inform you that they were staying? Did they purchase round-trip air tickets to show that they intended to return? Had you and your family moved to the other country, and then you decided to return to the United States?
  • Take this opportunity to tell your story. Try to anticipate what claims the other parent may make and provide your explanation.
  • Do not limit yourself to the space provided on the form. Additional pages may be attached to fully narrate the circumstances. However, please be concise.
Section VI: Factual and Legal Justification for the Request

This section is for the applicant to describe the legal basis for invoking the Hague Convention.

  • Habitual Residence – Provide details that establish the child’s place of habitual residence.
  • Basis of Applicant’s Custody Rights - Provide information and documentation establishing that you had, and were exercising, a right of custody at the time of the child's removal. Generally, a right of custody is created by a custody order when parents are divorced, or by operation of state law when parents are still married or were never married when the child was taken. - As stated, the Convention defines "rights of custody" as including "rights relating to the care of the child and, in particular, the right to determine the child's place of residence." Thus, you may have a "right of custody" as defined by the Convention even if you do not have court-ordered joint or sole custody of the child .

    *IMPORTANT*: If there is no applicable court order, please provide a copy of the state statute, case law, or an affidavit of law prepared by an attorney that establishes your right of custody at the time of the child's removal. This provision of the law may sometimes be found in the estate and wills section of the state code. Remember, you are not attempting to show that you would have an equal right to obtain custody in a subsequent custody proceeding, but that you had and were exercising a right of custody when the child was taken. SEND IN YOUR HAGUE APPLICATION IMMEDIATELY. Do NOT wait to get an order of custody. Orders issued after removal/retention are irrelevant in a Hague hearing.
  • Are civil proceedings currently in progress? - Indicate any civil action (in the United States or abroad) that may be pending (e.g.. custody, divorce). List court and hearing dates.
Section VII: Proposed Arrangements for Return Travel of Child

This section is for the applicant to describe how the return travel of the child/ren will be arranged.

Provide means by which you propose the child will return to the United States if this is ordered.

For example, would you travel to pick up the child, or would someone go in your place? Is the child old enough to travel by him or herself? Is there someone in the foreign country who could return with the child? Would the child travel by car, train, airplane? Be specific. Include:

  • Name of person to whom child will be returned.
  • Date of Birth of person to whom child will be returned.
  • Place of Birth - of person to whom child will be returned.
  • Address of person to whom child will be returned.
  • Telephone Number of person to whom child will be returned.
Section VIII: Other Persons with Additional Information Relating to the Whereabouts of the Children

This section is for the applicant to provide information concerning anyone else who may be able to provide information helpful in locating the child/ren. These persons would preferably be in the country of the child/ren’s current location.

  • Provide names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of anyone who could potentially give the Central Authority in the country of the child/ren’s current location information on the child's whereabouts.
Section IX: Other Relevant Information

This section is for the applicant to provide any other information that may be pertinent to the Hague application.

  • State here whether you are applying for return or access under the Convention.
  • You should include here any additional information that you believe may be pertinent to the Hague application.
  • Sign and date the application in BLUE ink.

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