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UPDATED: 24 Aug 2009 GMT
  • American Cultural Center Director giving US branded material to participants after his presentation in Zinder American Corners Trip from August 11 to 15, 2009

    The Public Diplomacy team conducted an outreach tour to highlight how the visits of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton underscore the importance of the U.S. relationship with Africa.

  • President Obama's discusses governance, development and his July 10–11 visit to Ghana. President Obama visits Ghana

    Well, part of the reason is because that Ghana has now undergone a couple of successful elections in which power was transferred peacefully,even a very close election. I think that the new President, President Mills, has shown himself committed to the rule of law, to the kinds of democratic commitments...

    Also: Story I
  • Ambassador Allen leads the children in a game of musical chairs. Ambassador and Embassy Staff Visit Local Orphanage

    Ambassador Bernadette Allen, Deputy Chief of Mission Eric Whitaker, and many other Embassy colleagues visited a local orphanage on June 27 and July 11, 2009 to share a meal, play games, and distribute tote bags, t-shirts, and soccer balls.

    Also: Story I
Regional News
The East and Central Africa (ECA) Global Competitiveness Hub, one of four such U.S.-sponsored African trade

Regional Reforms Increasing African Trade

A U.S. specialty food development company is helping African countries develop higher-end products.

African Specialty Foods Key Part of AGOA

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is putting a spotlight on food security and partnerships

Food Security Is Top Agenda Item on Clinton Africa Trip

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s August 4–14, 2009.

A New Beginning

President Obama's Ramadan
Ramadan Kareem.

Electronic Journal
The Electoral College

Ambassador Allen (right) listening to the Minister of National Education delivering his remarks.

75,000 Arabic books donated to the Minister of National Education
On June 3, 2009, Ambassador Bernadette M. Allen proceeded with the formal donation of 75,000 Arabic books to the Minister of National Education. The books were purchased through a partial grant of 85,000 USD. Another partial grant of 16,000 USD was awarded to the NGO ONPCB to carry out the distribution of these books

The IFTIC Director General on left receiving a camera from  Ambassador Allen on right

$100,000 USD grant allows for new equipment to IFTIC
On May 29, 2009, Ambassador Bernadette M. Allen proceeded with the formal dedication of equipment provided to IFTIC (the Institute of Journalism in Niger) funded by the Embassy through a grant of 100,000 USD. The Secretary General of the Ministry of Communication, the Director General of IFTIC among many other high ranking staff attended.

Imam Bakhach (center left) with Sultan of Zinder (center)

Imam Bakhach shares experiences of Islam in America
At the invitation of U.S. Embassy Niamey, Imam Moujahed Mouhammad Bakhach visited Niger from April 21- May 1, where he offered presentations on the topic of Islam in America in Niger’s Hausa-speaking eastern cities of Niamey, Tahoua, Maradi, Zinder, Konni, and Kiota. He also addressed the congregations at Friday mosque in Tahoua, University mosque.

speaker Mrs. Maiga Zeinabou Labo, Jurist, and member of the Nigerien Association of Female Jurists (AFJN)

Commemoration of the Nigerienne Women day
On May 14, 2009, in Commemoration of the Nigerienne Women day, Embassy Niamey sponsored a speaker presentation at the American Cultural Center with guest speaker Mrs. Maiga Zeinabou Labo, Jurist, and member of the Nigerien Association of Female Jurists (AFJN) on Women and the judiciary system.

The Direcror of the American Cultural Center (in the center) withe the Wake 2009 contestors

WAKE: Women’s Voice 2009 – The Third Annual Young Women’s Music Contest
In celebration of National Women’s History Month, the American Cultural Center at U.S. Embassy in Niamey sponsored the third annual young women’s music contest. WAKE, Women’s Voice 2009, took place on March 28, 2009. The American Cultural Center Collaborated with the Nigerien National Music Institute (CFPM) to create a successful music contest.