[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 22, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 22CFR41.51]

[Page 189-192]
                       TITLE 22--FOREIGN RELATIONS
                     CHAPTER I--DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                   Subpart F--Business and Media Visas
Sec. 41.51  Treaty trader or treaty investor.

    (a) Treaty trader. An alien is classifiable as a nonimmigrant treaty 
trader (E-1) if the consular officer is satisfied that the alien 
qualifies under the provisions of INA 101(a)(15)(E)(i) and that the 
    (1) Will be in the United States solely to carry on trade of a 
substantial nature, which is international in scope, either on the 
alien's behalf or as an employee of a foreign person or organization 
engaged in trade, principally between the United States and the foreign 
state of which the alien is a national, (consideration being given to 
any conditions in the country of which the alien is a national which may 
affect the alien's ability to carry on such substantial trade); and
    (2) Intends to depart from the United States upon the termination of 
E-1 status.
    (b) Treaty investor. An alien is classifiable as a nonimmigrant 
treaty investor (E-2) if the consular officer is satisfied that the 
alien qualifies under the provisions of INA 101(a)(15)(E)(ii) and that 
the alien:
    (1) Has invested or is actively in the process of investing a 
substantial amount of capital in bona fide enterprise in the United 
States, as distinct from a relatively small amount of capital in a 
marginal enterprise solely for the purpose of earning a living; and
    (2) Is seeking entry solely to develop and direct the enterprise; 

[[Page 190]]

    (3) Intends to depart from the United States upon the termination of 
E-2 status.
    (c) Employee of treaty trader or treaty investor. An alien employee 
of a treaty trader may be classified E-1 and an alien employee of a 
treaty investor may be classified E-2 if the employee is in or is coming 
to the United States to engage in duties of an executive or supervisory 
character, or, if employed in a lesser capacity, the employee has 
special qualifications that make the services to be rendered essential 
to the efficient operation of the enterprise. The employer must be:
    (1) A person having the nationality of the treaty country, who is 
maintaining the status of treaty trader or treaty investor if in the 
United States or if not in the United States would be classifiable as a 
treaty trader or treaty investor; or
    (2) An organization at least 50% owned by persons having the 
nationality of the treaty country who are maintaining nonimmigrant 
treaty trader or treaty investor status if residing in the United States 
or if not residing in the United States who would be classifiable as 
treaty traders or treaty investors.
    (d) Spouse and children of treaty trader or treaty investor. The 
spouse and children of a treaty trader or treaty investor accompanying 
or following to join the principal alien are entitled to the same 
classification as the principal alien. The nationality of a spouse or 
child of a treaty trader or treaty investor is not material to the 
classification of the spouse or child under the provisions of INA 
    (e) Representative of foreign information media. Representatives of 
foreign information media shall first be considered for possible 
classification as nonimmigrants under the provisions of INA 
101(a)(15)(I), before consideration is given to their possible 
classification as nonimmigrants under the provisions of INA 
101(a)(15)(E) and of this section.
    (f) Treaty country. A treaty country is for purposes of this section 
a foreign state with which a qualifying Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, 
and Navigation or its equivalent exists with the United States. A treaty 
country includes a foreign state that is accorded treaty visa privileges 
under INA 101(a)(15)(E) by specific legislation (other than the INA).
    (g) Nationality of the treaty country. The nationality of an 
individual treaty trader or treaty investor is determined by the 
authorities of the foreign state of which the alien claims nationality. 
In the case of an organization, ownership must be traced as best as is 
practicable to the individuals who ultimately own the organization.
    (h) Trade. The term ``trade'' as used in this section means the 
existing international exchange of items of trade for consideration 
between the United States and the treaty country. Existing trade 
includes successfully negotiated contracts binding upon the parties 
which call for the immediate exchange of items of trade. This exchange 
must be traceable and identifiable. Title to the trade item must pass 
from one treaty party to the other.
    (i) Item of trade. Items which qualify for trade within these 
provisions include but are not limited to goods, services, technology, 
monies, international banking, insurance, transportation, tourism, 
communications, and some news gathering activities.
    (j) Substantial trade. Substantial trade for the purposes of this 
section entails the quantum of trade sufficient to ensure a continuous 
flow of trade items between the United States and the treaty country. 
This continuous flow contemplates numerous exchanges over time rather 
than a single transaction, regardless of the monetary value. Although 
the monetary value of the trade item being exchanged is a relevant 
consideration, greater weight is given to more numerous exchanges of 
larger value. In the case of smaller businesses, an income derived from 
the value of numerous transactions which is sufficient to support the 
treaty trader and his or her family constitutes a favorable factor in 
assessing the existence of substantial trade.
    (k) Principal trade. Trade shall be considered to be principal trade 
between the United States and the treaty country when over 50% of the 
volume of international trade of the treaty trader is conducted between 
the United States and the treaty country of the treaty trader's 

[[Page 191]]

    (l) Investment. Investment means the treaty investor's placing of 
capital, including funds and other assets, at risk in the commercial 
sense with the objective of generating a profit. The treaty investor 
must be in possession of and have control over the capital invested or 
being invested. The capital must be subject to partial or total loss if 
investment fortunes reverse. Such investment capital must be the 
investor's unsecured personal business capital or capital secured by 
personal assets. Capital in the process of being invested or that has 
been invested must be irrevocably committed to the enterprise. The alien 
has the burden of establishing such irrevocable commitment given to the 
particular circumstances of each case. The alien may use any legal 
mechanism available, such as by placing invested funds in escrow pending 
visa issuance, that would not only irrevocably commit funds to the 
enterprise but that might also extend some personal liability protection 
to the treaty investor.
    (m) Bona fide enterprise. The enterprise must be a real and active 
commercial or entrepreneurial undertaking, producing some service or 
commodity for profit and must meet applicable legal requirements for 
doing business in the particular jurisdiction in the United States.
    (n) Substantial amount of capital. A substantial amount of capital 
constitutes that amount that is:
    (1)(i) Substantial in the proportional sense, i.e., in relationship 
to the total cost of either purchasing an established enterprise or 
creating the type of enterprise under consideration;
    (ii) Sufficient to ensure the treaty investor's financial commitment 
to the successful operation of the enterprise; and
    (iii) Of a magnitude to support the likelihood that the treaty 
investor will successfully develop and direct the enterprise.
    (2) Whether an amount of capital is substantial in the 
proportionality sense is understood in terms of an inverted sliding 
scale; i.e., the lower the total cost of the enterprise, the higher, 
proportionately, the investment must be to meet these criteria.
    (o) Marginal enterprise. A marginal enterprise is an enterprise that 
does not have the present or future capacity to generate more than 
enough income to provide a minimal living for the treaty investor and 
his or her family. An enterprise that does not have the capacity to 
generate such income but that has a present or future capacity to make a 
significant economic contribution is not a marginal enterprise. The 
projected future capacity should generally be realizable within five 
years from the date the alien commences normal business activity of the 
    (p) Solely to develop and direct. The business or individual treaty 
investor does or will develop and direct the enterprise by controlling 
the enterprise through ownership of at least 50% of the business, by 
possessing operational control through a managerial position or other 
corporate device, or by other means.
    (q) Executive or supervisory character. The executive or supervisory 
element of the employee's position must be a principal and primary 
function of the position and not an incidental or collateral function. 
Executive and/or supervisory duties grant the employee ultimate control 
and responsibility for the enterprise's overall operation or a major 
component thereof.
    (1) An executive position provides the employee great authority to 
determine policy of and direction for the enterprise.
    (2) A position primarily of supervisory character grants the 
employee supervisory responsibility for a significant proportion of an 
enterprise's operations and does not generally involve the direct 
supervision of low-level employees.
    (r) Special qualifications. Special qualifications are those skills 
and/or aptitudes that an employee in a lesser capacity brings to a 
position or role that are essential to the successful or efficient 
operation of the enterprise.
    (1) The essential nature of the alien's skills to the employing firm 
is determined by assessing the degree of proven expertise of the alien 
in the area of operations involved, the uniqueness of the specific skill 
or aptitude, the length of experience and/or training

[[Page 192]]

with the firm, the period of training or other experience necessary to 
perform effectively the projected duties, and the salary the special 
qualifications can command. The question of special skills and 
qualifications must be determined by assessing the circumstances on a 
case-by-case basis.
    (2) Whether the special qualifications are essential will be 
assessed in light of all circumstances at the time of each visa 
application on a case-by-case basis. A skill that is unique at one point 
may become commonplace at a later date. Skills required to start up an 
enterprise may no longer be essential after initial operations are 
complete and are running smoothly. Some skills are essential only in the 
short-term for the training of locally-hired employees. Long-term 
essentiality might, however, be established in connection with 
continuous activities in such areas as product improvement, quality 
control, or the provision of a service not generally available in the 
United States.
    (s) Labor disputes. Citizens of Canada or Mexico shall not be 
entitled to classification under this section if the Attorney General 
and the Secretary of Labor have certified that:
    (1) There is in progress a strike or lockout in the course of a 
labor dispute in the occupational classification at the place or 
intended place of employment; and
    (2) The alien has failed to establish that the aliens entry will not 
affect adversely the settlement of the strike or lockout or the 
employment of any person who is involved in the strike or lockout.

[62 FR 48154, Sept. 12, 1997]