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Rediscover Northern Ireland Programme
May 2-29, 2007, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Co-sponsored by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure/
Council of Northern Ireland; and
the American
Folklife Center
and the Music
Division, Library of Congress
Webcasts and Event Flyer Essays
for the
2007 Rediscover
Northern Ireland
Concerts, Lectures, and Symposium
at the Library of Congress

Barry Douglas of Camerata Ireland, March 23, 2007.
Detail of a photo by Guha Shankar. |
Friday, March 23, 2007
Concert: Camerata Ireland
View the webcast of this concert [Running time 1:34:29] In this webcast the orchestra Camerata Ireland, with founder and pianist Barry Douglas, perform works by Carter, Mozart and Beethoven. This event was produced by the Music Division, Library of Congress. |

John Moulden at the Library of Congress, May 2, 2007.
Photo by Stephen Winick. |
May 2, 2007
Lecture: North American Influence on a North Irish Song Collection
Presented by John Moulden, singer/author,
Read the event flyer essay
View the webcast of this lecture [Running time 0:59:23] In this webcast John Moulden, one of Ireland's leading authorities on traditional song illustrates his lecture by performing songs from the Sam Henry Collection. |

Rosie Stewart in concert at the Library of Congress, May 9, 2007. Detail of a photo by Stephen Winick. |
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Concert: Rosie Stewart, singer,
Co. Fermanagh
Read the event flyer essay
View the webcast of this performance [Running time 1:03:59] In this webcast Rosie Stewart performs traditional folksongs from Belcoo, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. |

Francis McPeake III in concert at the Library of Congress, May 16, 2007. Photo by Stephen Winick. |
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Concert: Francis McPeake Family and
past pupils from their renowned school in Belfast
Read the event flyer essay
Performers: Francis McPeake III, Francis McPeake IV, Mairéad Forde, and Sean O’Kane
[No webcast is currently available for this performance] |
May 16 (Mumford Room) 2:00 -- 5:30 pm
Symposium: "All
through the North, As I Walked Forth...": Northern Ireland's
Place Names, Folklife and Landscape
Read the event flyer essay for this symposium
View the symposium program
[A webcast for this event is not yet available.] This half-day symposium on Irish
place names, folklife and landscape featured two outstanding scholars: Dr.
Kay Muhr of
Queen's University, Belfast, and Dr. Henry Glassie of
Indiana University, Bloomington. This event was sponsored by the American Folklife Center's Benjamin Botkin Lecture Series.
Dáithí Sproule in concert
at the Library of Concert. Photo by Stephen Winick,
May 23, 2007. |

Robert Watt in concert
at the Library of Congress. Photo by Stephen Winick,
May 23, 2007. |
May 23, 2007
Concert: Dáithí Sproule, singer and guitarist & Robert Watt, Highland bagpiper
Dáithí Sproule, singer
and guitarist November 18, 2008 Biography
Watt, Highland bagpiper
Read the event flyer essay
View the webcast of
the Sproule and Watt concert [Running time 1:17:09] In this webcast, Robert Watt plays a selection of traditional tunes and a short example of pibroch, or formal music, on the Highland bagpipes.
Dáithí Sproule plays and sings traditional Irish songs, some in English and some in Irish.
This event was sponsored by the American Folklife Center's Homegrown Concert Series. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Concert and Lecture: "There's More that Unites Than Divides Us"
Spoken and performed by Gary Hastings and Brian Mullen
Gary Hastings, flute
player, Belfast
Brian Mullen, singer, Derry
Read the event flyer essay
View the webcast of
the Hastings and Mullen lectures and performaces
[Running time 1:29:01] In this webcast flutist Gary Hastings and singer Brian Mullen perform traditional Irish music and discuss its history in the context of the politics of Northern Ireland. |
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