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Historic Bibliographies and Reference Aids
Created by the Archive of Folk Culture,
The majority of these bibliographies and reference aids were compiled
by Archive staff and interns more than 20 years ago, but they still
contain helpful information for researchers, especially references
to unindexed
These publications are presented here, for the most part, as they
originally appeared in print. To obtain copies of books and
articles, check with your school or local
library. For copies of 'print only' publications, contact
the Folklife Reading Room.
States | Countries,
Ethnic/Cultural/Religious Groups | Music
Genres | Songs | Instruments | Performers | Folklore
and Ethnomusicology | Miscellaneous
- A Brief List of Materials Relating to Alaskan Music (1965) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating
to Colorado Folk
Music (1965) [full text]
- A Brief List of Works Dealing with Illinois Folk
Music (1965) [full text]
- A Brief Bibliography on Maryland Folksong
and Dance (1977) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material to New
York State
Folk Music (1975) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to Ohio Folksong
(1970) [full text]
- Pennsylvania Folk
Music: A Bibliography of Books (1981) [full text]
- A Brief List of Publications Pertaining
to Folk Music from Virginia (1971) [full text]
Countries, Ethnic/Cultural/Religious
- Bibliographies and Discographies of African Music (1975) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to American Folk
Music (1965) [full text]
- American Indian and Eskimo Music: A Selected
Bibliography through 1981 (1983)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to Australian Folksongs (1970) [full text]
- A Brief Bibliography on Cajun Music (1977) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material in English Relating to the Folk Music
of France (1965) [full text]
- A Selected List of Material Relating to Hebrew and
Israeli Folk
Music (1970) [available upon request]
- A Brief List of Material Related to the Music of the Incas
and Early Peru (1966) [full text]
- Irish Music in America: A Selected Bibliography
(1981) [available upon request]
- A Selected List of References on Mormon Folklore
and Folksong (1970) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to the Music of Morocco (1972)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating to Puerto Rican Folklore
and Folk Music (1968) [full text]
- A List of English-Language Material on Serbian Folk
Dance (1974) [full text]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating to Shaker Music (1967) [full text]
- American Snake-handling Sects:
A Selected Bibliography (1980) [full text]
- A List of English-Language Materials Relating to Spanish
and Basque Folk Music and Dance (1971) [full text]
- A Brief List of Materials Dealing with the Music of Tahiti (1970) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to the Music of Viet-Nam (1968)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to Yiddish Folk
Music (1970) [full text]
Music Genres
- Bibliography on the Ballad (1975) [full text]
- Bluegrass Music:
A Select Bibliography (1977) [full text]
- A Bibliography of the Blues (1971) [full text]
- A Selected List of References to Camp
Songs (1970) [full text]
- A
Brief List of Material Relating to the Folksongs and Carols
of Christmas (1974) [full text]
- Country Music before
World War Two: A Selected Bibliography (1978) [full text]
- Cowboy
Songs: A Select Bibliography of Books (1980) [full text]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating to Folk Dance (1966)
[available upon request]
- A Brief Introductory List of Books About American Folk Dancing (1971)
[available upon request]
- A Selected List of Materials Relating to Games and
Play (1970) [available upon request]
- Fiddling, Fiddle Tunes, and Related Dance
Tune Collections in North America: Including Representative Materials
from the British
Isles and Scandinavia (1974) [available upon request]
- A Brief List of Material Relating
to the Folksong Revival (1969) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to Freedom Songs of
the Civil Rights Movement (1974) [full text]
- Labor and Industrial Folksongs:
A Select Bibliography (1978) [full text]
- Logging
and Lumbermens' Songs of
the United States and Canada: A Selected Bibliography (1979) [full text]
- A Selected Bibliography on American Maritime Folksong
(1977) [full text]
- Old-Timey, Bluegrass, and Early Country and Western Music:
A Selected Bibliography of Recent and Current Song Books (1979)
[available upon request]
- A List of Materials Relating to Protest Song (1969) [full text]
- A Brief List of References to Popular and Folk Music of the
American Revolutionary
War (1975) [full text]
- Rhymes of Children:
A Select Bibliography of English Language Materials (1980) [full text]
- Rhythm & Blues: A Bibliography of Books
(1979) [available upon request]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating to Rounds, Catches,
and Glees (1982) [full text]
- A List of Long-Playing Recordings of Sacred Harp and
Other Shape-Note Singing (1979)
[available upon request]
- Shape-Note Singing:
A List of References (1977) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material on the Negro Spiritual (1972) [full text]
- A Selected Bibliography of Street Cries (1965) [full text]
- Sources for Songs of the Woman’s
Suffrage Movement (1969) [full text]
- Women and Folk Music:
A Bibliography (1978) [full text]
- A Selected List of Songs Dealing with Women
in Prison (1977) [full text]
- A Brief List of Works Containing "Barnacle
Bill the Sailor" (1968) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to "Bingo" (B-I-N-G-O) (1974) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to "Black
is the Color" (1964) [full text]
- A Brief List of Works Containing "Cripple
Creek" (1965) [full text]
- A Brief List of References Relating to "Drimindown" (1968) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to "Dumbarton’s
Drums" (1967) [full text]
- A List of Sources for "The
Dummy Line" (1977) [full text]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating
to "Easy Rider" (C.C.
Rider) (1968) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to "The Great
Silkie of Sule Skerry" (Child Ballad 113) and
the Seal-Folk Legends (1975)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of Works Containing "The
House of the Rising Sun" (Rising Sun [Blues]) (1965) [full text]
- A Brief List of Works Containing "I
Wonder as I Wander" (1965) [full text]
- A Brief List of References to Joe
the Person and the Song (1974) [full text]
- A List of Songs Concerning John
(1970) [full text]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating to "John
Henry" (1970) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to "John the
Revelator" (1967)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of References to "Johnny I Hardly
Knew You" (1965)
[available upon request]
- A List of Printed Sources for "Little
Brown Dog" and
Similar Songs (1969) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to "Michael
Row the Boat Ashore" (1968) [full text]
- A Brief List of References Containing "Mister
Banjo" (Michie
Banjo) (1968) [full text]
- A Brief List of Works Containing "She is More
to be Pitied Than Censured" (by William B. Gray,
1898) (1964) [available upon request]
- Songs Relating to the Submarine Thresher (1970)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of References to "Sur le Pont d’Avignon" (1963) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating
to "Tell
Old Bill" and "This
Morning, This Evening, So Soon" (1968) [full text]
- The Autoharp: A
Select Listing of Instruction Books and Articles (1979) [full text]
- A Bibliography of the History and Playing Styles of the Five-String Banjo
(1978) [full text]
- The Five-String Banjo: A Listing of Contemporary
Instruction Books (1979) [available upon request]
- Celtic Harps:
A Brief Listing of Recent Books (1978) [full text]
- A Brief List of Introductory Materials Concerning the Concertina (1976) [full text]
- Dobro Instruction Books: A Bibliography (1978)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating
to "Talking" Drums (ca. 1970) [full text]
- Hammered Dulcimer and Related Instruments:
A Bibliography (1979) [available upon request]
- A Bibliography of the Plucked (Appalachian or Mountain)
Dulcimer and Related Instruments (1978) [full text]
- Folk Guitar Instruction Books: A Bibliography
(1978) [available upon request]
- A Selected List of References to the Harmonica (1976) [full text]
- The Jews Harp: A Select List of References
(1977) [available upon request]
- A Brief List of Recent American Mandolin Instruction
Books (1977) [available upon request]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to the Yugoslavian Tambura
(Tanbura) (1965) [full text]
- Irish Tin-Whistle Instruction
Books: A Bibliography (1979) [full text]
- The Carter Family:
A Selected Bibliography (1977) [full text]
- Bob Dylan:
A Select Bibliography (1970) [full text]
- A List of Material Relating to Woodrow
Wilson (Woody) Guthrie (1977) [full text]
- Brief List of Material Relating
to Eddie "Son" House (1967) [full text]
- A Brief List of Material Relating to Mississippi
John Hurt (1970) [full text]
- A Brief List of Works Concerning Aunt
Molly Jackson (1975) [full text]
- A Brief List of Materials Relating
to Pete Seeger (1973) [full text]
Fields of Folklore and Ethnomusicology
- American Folklore:
A Bibliography of Major Works (1975) [full text]
- The Archive of Folk Song:
A Bibliography (1978) [full text]
- Commercially Issued Recordings of Material in the Archive
of Folk Song (1978)
[available upon request]
- Recent Publications on Folklore Archives
and Archiving in
North America, 1969-1973 (1975) [full text]
- The Use of Computers in
Folklore and Folk Music: A Preliminary Bibliography (1979) [full text]
- Copyright and
Folksong (1978) [full text]
- A Select Listing of Bibliographies in the Field of Ethnomusicology (1976)
[available upon request]
- A Brief List of Material
Relating to Ethnomusicology (1967) [full text]
- A Tentative Beginning Toward a Bibliography on the History
of American Folkloristics and the American Folklore
Society (1973) [available upon request]
- A Brief List of Suggested Public
Domain Sources
of Folksongs (1974) [full text]
- Theses and Dissertations in the Library of
Congress Containing Collections of Folksong and Folk Music (1981)
[available upon request]
- Folklore and the W.P.A:
A Preliminary Bibliography (1979) [full text]