June 12, 2003
[United States Congress]
       Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he has been able to get another fire-truck for American Samoa, free of charge to ASG.

       “I have been working with the U.S. Forest Service since December of last year to get an additional fire-truck for the Western District,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “Two years ago, I also got three fire-trucks, one of which was supposed to go to the Western District but has been needed elsewhere.  In total, these trucks and equipment were worth more than $400,000 if purchased new.  Not only were we able to get them without any cost to the government, but each truck had less than 30,000 miles.”

       “At my request, The Pacific Southwest Region, with headquarters in California, found another truck that the Honolulu Fire Department agreed to donate to American Samoa.  This fire-truck is valued at approximately $175,000 if purchased new and I have forwarded a picture of the truck to Samoa News for publication.  The fire-truck should be arriving on island within the next two to three months and the Honolulu Fire Department has agreed to put additional equipment on the truck prior to shipment.”

       “At this time, I want to thank Mr. Rusty Witwer and Dennis Orbus of the Fire and 
Aviation Management Division of the U.S. Forest Service in the Pacific Southwest Region for their continued support of American Samoa.  Every year our local fire department gets a grant from the U.S. Forest Service to help us meet our fire and safety needs.  In addition to this funding, the Pacific Southwest Region has always been very helpful in locating fire-trucks with low mileage that can be donated or sold to the Territory for a nominal fee.  Depending on the truck, we usually only have to come up with money for shipping,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.

       “In these circumstances, the U.S. Department of the Interior has been very supportive of my requests for funding and I want to especially thank Mr. Jim Johnson, Director of the Technical Assistance Program for his help this year as well as in years past.  I also want to thank Mr. Nik Pula, Director of the Office of Insular Affairs, and Mr. David Cohen, Assistant Secretary for Insular Affairs, for their support of American Samoa’s public safety needs.”

       “I believe we are fortunate that the Department of the Interior has favorably supported our efforts to improve our fire department and I am pleased that Mr. Cohen has responded to my letter of June 3, 2003 by forwarding me a copy of the reimbursable service agreement for the rehabilitation of the 750 gallon fire-truck that will be provided to American Samoa for use in the Western District,” Faleomavaega said.

       “I want to again emphasize that this truck is being sent for use in the Western District because the Western District continues to have limited use of a fire-truck that can put out structural fires.  With the addition of this truck, I am hopeful that our local fire department will have the equipment it needs to better respond to emergency situations that may arise.”

       “To our friends in Honolulu who have generously donated this truck for our use, I also want to say thank you.  The Pacific Southwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service includes California, Hawaii, American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, CNMI, Guam, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.  Many of these areas are also in need of fire equipment and vehicles and I believe we are fortunate that we have friends who support our needs.”

       “I also want to thank our Commissioner of Public Safety, High Chief Tuiteleleapaga, and our local firefighters for the great job they are doing in addressing our public safety needs.  I commend them for their service, I wish them the very best, and I will continue to do everything I can to support their efforts” the Congressman concluded.


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