May 4, 2006
[United States Congress]

Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he has been invited by three military communities in Germany to speak at their celebrations of the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.  Due to scheduling concerns, Faleomavaega is only able to accept the invitations from U.S. Army Garrisons in Giessen and in Hohenfels but not Darmstadt.  Faleomavaega is in Heidelberg, Germany to attend the welcoming ceremonies as a special guest of CSM Iuniasolua Savusa who has been selected as Command Sergeant Major of the United States Army Europe and Seventh Army. 

“Especially during this month when we recognize the historic contributions Asian Pacific Americans past and present have made to our great nation, I am deeply honored to be in Heidelberg for the welcoming of Iuni Savusa to CSM of US Army Europe and Seventh Army,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “It is only fitting that his welcoming ceremony should be during May since his accomplishments exemplify what this month is all about.” 

“To honor the achievements and contributions of Asian-Pacific Americans, the United States Congress by Public Law 102-450 as amended designated the month of May each year as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month.  This year, President George Bush issued a proclamation and called upon the United States to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities.”

“Given the remarkable service and achievement of our troops, I am very pleased that the military recognizes the contributions of Asians and Pacific Americans by observing Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month even in places outside of the United States like Germany.  I am also pleased that during my time in Germany I will be able to join our Asian and Pacific Islander military members and their families during their Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month celebrations in Giessen as well as in Hohenfels.”  

“Upon my arrival in Frankfurt, Germany, I will immediately leave for Giessen to speak at their celebration.  On Friday, I will be meeting with Commanding General David McKiernan before we move to the official ceremony to welcome CSM Iuni Savusa as Command Sergeant Major of the USAREUR and the Seventh Army.  On Saturday, I will be visiting the wounded soldiers in the Landstuhl Army Medical Center before joining the Asian-Pacific Heritage Month celebration at Hohenfels.”

 “During these celebrations, I will note that Asians and Pacific Islanders have joined our military in record numbers and many have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our nation and our values.  Since the beginning of the war on terror in 2003, American Samoa, for example, has suffered more casualties per capita than any other state or territory of the United States.  Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention and honor the contributions of the Japanese-Americans who served in the U.S. Army’s 100th Battalion and 442nd Infantry Combat Group during World War II.”

 “Simply put, the people of Asia and the Pacific have contributed tremendously to making America what it is today and, this month, I pay special tribute to our military men and women.  As a Vietnam veteran, I salute those who have gone before us.  I also salute CSM Savusa and those serving today.  Because of their service and sacrifice, our liberties are protected and the world is a safer place.  For these reasons, let us remember their contributions long after the celebrations end,” Congressman Faleomavaega concluded.


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