November 8, 2001


[United States Congress]
Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he is pleased that the residents of American Samoa are working together to protect our fragile island economy.

“I want to thank the 10,000 residents of American Samoa who signed a petition in support of our efforts to urge Congress to exclude canned tuna from the Andean Trade Preference Act,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.   “I am pleased that our joint efforts have prompted StarKist to announce that American Samoa is now the permanent home of Charlie the Tuna.”

“I am hopeful that our local leaders will take note of StarKist’s new pledge of commitment to the Territory, particularly during the course of our next minimum wage hearings.  We are well aware that StarKist has repeatedly testified that if duties were eliminated in low labor cost areas and wages were increased, it would take its business elsewhere.  I am pleased to know that this will no longer be the case,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.

“I want to thank Mr. Herman Gebauer, General Manager for COS/Packing for his letter of support and his continued commitment to save the jobs of more than 1,000 workers in American Samoa.  I also want to thank the U.S. tuna boat owners for their courage and support.  I am hopeful that StarKist will soon join our efforts to protect the interests of American Samoa,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.

“As StarKist stated, ‘a decrease in production or departure of one or both of the existing processors [in American Samoa] could devastate the local economy resulting in massive unemployment and insurmountable financial problems.’  Because the Andean Trade Preference Agreement (ATPA) threatens employment at COS Samoa Packing, I must continue to oppose the ATPA expansion legislation as currently proposed,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.

“At this time, I am pleased to announce that I have been able to gain the support of Senator Orrin Hatch, Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on International Trade.  This committee is responsible for reviewing S.525 – the Andean Trade Preference Expansion Act and making a determination about what should or should not be included in the legislation,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “Senator Hatch understands the serious threat this legislation poses to the economy of American Samoa and is committed to doing what he can to protect the interests of our Territory.”

“Senators Ted Stevens (R-AK), Frank Murkowski (R-AK), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), and Daniel Akaka (D-HI) are also supporting our efforts.  In fact, these Senators, along with Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) and Congressman Acevedo-Vila (D-PR), signed on to a letter I sent to members of the Senate Finance Committee expressing our joint concerns about the inclusion of canned tuna in the ATPA,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.

“I believe it is important for the people of American Samoa to know that we are not alone,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “For more than three months, I have been working behind the scenes to build a bi-partisan coalition of support.  More than 34 U.S. businesses, including ConAgra – an $27 billion corporation three times the size of H.J. Heinz – and parent company of Bumble Bee, are supporting American Samoa and the U.S. tuna industry.  Puerto Rico’s Governor’s office is also supporting us.”

“I have also brought this matter to the attention of our local leaders,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “Over the course of the past several months, I have written letters to the Governor and our Fono members and informed them about pending legislation that would include canned tuna in the ATPA.  I also attached letters from the CEOs of Chicken of the Sea and Bumble Bee in which both outlined the negative impact this legislation would have on the American Samoa tuna industry.”

“I also visited with the Governor and Lt. Governor about this matter during my last visit to the Territory.  I am sure the Governor and our local legislature will be making their decision in the near future,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.

“I have also written the Secretary of the Interior, the Honorable Gale Norton, and requested her assistance.  I am hopeful that the U.S. Department of Interior – the lead federal agency for American Samoa -- will support our efforts to protect our fragile, island economy, which depends almost entirely on the tuna fishing and processing industries.”

“I am confident that as this matter progresses, American Samoa will continue to gain support from industry leaders and other members of Congress, both Republican and 
Democrat,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “I am also hopeful that as a result of our united efforts we will be able to reach a compromise that saves local jobs and protects the interests of American Samoa in this time of national crisis.”

“I respect StarKist’s decision to do what is in its best corporate interest,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “I have said before, and I will say again, if workers at StarKist were threatened with lay-offs as a result of the ATPA, I would work as aggressively to save their jobs.  Since this is not the case, I must work to save the jobs of more than 1,000 workers at COS Samoa Packing.  I hope StarKist can also be respectful of my position.”

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