About Us
The content on ExpectMore.gov is developed by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Federal agencies. Together, we assess the performance of every Federal program and hold ourselves accountable for improvement.
HOW WE ASSESS PROGRAMS - The Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)The Federal Government wants programs to work. It is assessing all programs to make sure they are working well for the American people.
We use a standard questionnaire called the Program Assessment Rating Tool, or PART, for short. The PART asks approximately 25 important, yet common sense, questions about a program's performance and management. For each question, there is a short answer and a detailed explanation with supporting evidence. The answers determine a program's overall rating. Once each assessment is completed, we develop a program improvement plan so we can follow up and improve the program's performance.
PART assessments help us learn how we can achieve better results for the American people - we are always striving to make improvements, regardless of whether a program performs well or not.
For detailed information on the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) process used to assess Federal programs, visit OMB's Performance Portal.
The program rating indicates how well a program is performing, so the public can see how effectively tax dollars are being spent.
ExpectMore.gov tells you whether or not a program is performing.
- Programs that are PERFORMING have ratings of Effective, Moderately Effective,
or Adequate.
Programs categorized as NOT PERFORMING have ratings of Ineffective or Results Not Demonstrated.
There is always room for improvement, which is why each assessed program has a plan to improve performance and management over time. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Federal agencies develop these plans collaboratively and then track the progress that is made. As a result, all assessed programs are held accountable for improving their performance and management.
The type and scope of the follow-up actions in improvement plans vary greatly. In some cases, the recommended actions focus specifically on one or two key areas needing improvement. In other cases, the follow-up actions are much broader. Sometimes, a program assessment finds that a program is duplicative of other, better run programs or even that the program has already fulfilled its original purpose. In cases such as these, one of the follow-up actions might be to work with the Congress to end, or terminate, the program. Read more about some programs that have recently been terminated:
This is the fourth year that we have assessed the strengths and weaknesses of Federal programs and made recommendations for improving their performance.
To date, we have assessed about 98% of all Federal programs. Here's how they stack up, by rating.
Distribution of Program Ratings |
Number of Programs Assessed | 1,017 |
Effective | 193 |
Moderately Effective | 326 |
Adequate | 298 |
Ineffective | 27 |
Results Not Demonstrated | 173 |
Visit the homepage to search for an individual program and to learn whether or not it is performing.