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Earmark Information

A number of safeguards and disclosure requirements have been established for the appropriations process to increase transparency of the process and to ensure that projects are thoroughly vetted and are in the public’s interest. Members of Congress for the first time have to sign a declaration for each project that they request funding for stating that they or their family members do not have a financial interest in the project. While it is true that a select few of my colleagues in Congress have abused the earmark process, the vast majority use earmarks for their true purpose; to give direct federalfinancial backing to valuable and necessary public projects.

Over the years I have secured funding in my district for a number of important transportation and freight mobility projects, after school programs, environmental restoration projects, housing developments, and health infrastructure and research programs, among others. I have never received an earmark that I would be afraid to disclose, which is why I will be posting all the earmarks I receive on this page.

For the 110th Congress funding for eleven of the twelve regular appropriations bills was passed in the form of a continuing resolution and therefore did not contain earmark requests. Congress should take up these appropriations bills again when Congress reconvenes in January. Currently the only earmark information available at this time is for the Department of Defense FY09 Appropriations Bill. Please know that as the other 11 regular appropriations bills are passed I will update this site with the appropriate information on the earmarks requests that were granted.

Thank you for your interest in the legislative process.


Defense Appropriations Earmarks

Optical Neural Techniques for Combat/ Post-Traumatic Healthcare   

 $ 1,600,000

Systems Biology Biomarkers Toxicology Initiative       

 $ 2,640,000

Blood Safety and Decontamination Technology 

 $ 1,600,000

Control of Inflammation and Tissue Repair    

 $ 3,200,000

Institute of Surgical and Interventional Simulation      

 $ 4,400,000

Reactive Overlay and Removable CBRN Coatings        

 $ 1,600,000

Observation Systems for the 21st Century           

 $ 3,000,000

Special Operations Forces Modular Glove System

 $ 800,000


 $ 18, 840,000



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