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2004 Speeches

October 2004

Voting Is Going To be the In Thing In 2004 - October 8, 2004 Video
Republicans Have Their Hands in the Cookie Jar - October 7, 2004 Video
Republican Rhetoric Does Not Match Reality - October 6, 2004 Video
Lost Public Trust - October 5, 2004
When it Comes to the Question of a Draft, the kids get it
   - October 5, 2004 Video
It's Time to Declare a Code Red on the Nation's Debt Crisis
   - October 4, 2004 Video
A Tribute to Carl Ostrom - October 4, 2004

September 2004

McDermott Votes Against Proposed Amendment Denying Same Sex Marriage
   - September 30, 2004
Cheney was Right on Iraq... The First Time - September 30, 2004 Video
America's Priorities in Suspended Animation - September 29, 2004
Rubber-stamping Bush Pro-outsourcing Policy - September 29, 2004 Video
The Three R's of Republican Rhetoric - September 29, 2004 Video
Fiscal Danger - September 23, 2004 Video
The Truth About the "Working Families Tax Relief Act" - September 23, 2004
Be Afraid - September 23, 2004
Republicans Give With one hand, Then Take Away With the Other
   - September 22, 2004 Video
It's Time for New Partnership - September 22, 2004 Video
Silencing the Critics, Not the Gunfire - September 21, 2004
Three Trillion is a Big Number - September 21, 2004
Duwamish Tribe Deserves Recognition - September 21, 2004
Washington Results Bode Well for Democrats - September 15, 2004
Health Care Crisis is Getting Worse - September 14, 2004 Video
America Needs a Leadership Transplant - September 14, 2004 Video
Bipartisan Support for Assault Weapons Ban Ignored - September 13, 2004
Mr. Rumsfeld's Split Personality - September 13, 2004
The Economy is in a Mess - September 13, 2004
Bush Economic Policies are Bad For Average Americans - September 9, 2004
Demanding the Truth - September 8, 2004
Honoring the Soldiers From Washington Who Have Died in Iraq
- September 7, 2004

July 2004

Distractions Keep America from Addressing 9/11 Commission Report
- July 22, 2004

McDermott Addresses the House "Marriage Protection Act" - July 22, 2004
Bill Helps Generate Press Releases, Not "Tax Simplification" - July 21, 2004
Republicans Have Made Our Tax Code More Complex - July 21, 2004
Declaring Genocide in Darfur, Sudan - July 21, 2004
Bush Administration Continues Leak and Smear Campaign - July 21, 2004
America Needs to Be Strong, Not Afraid - July 21, 2004 Video
Administration Will Have to Account to the American People - July 20, 2004
Recognizing the 35th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing - July 20, 2004
What is the health of the U.S. economy? - July 20, 2004 Video
Administration Lacks a Coherent Terrorism Policy
   - July 19, 2004 Video
The Right Prescription - July 19, 2004
A Great National Debate and Open Dialogue Will Win the War on Terrorism
   - July 19, 2004 Video
A Leader's Responsibility - July 15, 2004
McDermott Urges Congress to Increase Support for Global Fund to Fight AIDS
   - July 15, 2004
Support for the United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement - July 14, 2004
Israel Has a Right to Exist, but There is No Such Thing as a One-sided Story
   - July 14, 2004
Economic Recovery? Americans Know better - July 14, 2004
Presidential Land Grab - July 13, 2004
A Critique of Vice President Cheney - July 13, 2004
Tell America the Truth - July 13, 2004
Support for the Flake Amendment to the 2005 Agricultural Appropriations Act
   - July 13, 2004
Ad Growth Industry - July 13, 2004
Elections, Not Fear, Make America - July 12, 2004
Congress Needs Credible Data - July 12, 2004
Knowledge is Power in American Politics - July 9, 2004
King George Rules Shut Down Dissent - July 9, 2004
They Stole the Vote - July 8, 2004
War Without End - July 8, 2004
House Should Pass the Sanders "Freedom to Read Protection Amendment"
   - July 8, 2004
Values - July 8, 2004
New Democratic Administration Will Unite America - July 7, 2004
In the Eye of the Beholder - July 7, 2004
Critiquing the Administration - July 6, 2004

June 2004

Rule of Law May Finally Rule in Iraq - June 22, 2004
Undeclared Draft - June 18, 2004
The Big Lie - June 18, 2004
The "Christmas Tree" Bill - June 17, 2004
The Oil War At Home - June 17, 2004
Bush's Environmental Record - June 16, 2004
Abuse of Power by Secretary Rumsfeld - June 15, 2004
We Need a President Not Tied to the Oil Industry - June 15, 2004
House Passage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act of 2004
   - June 14, 2004
AARP Owes seniors an Explanation - June 3, 2004
Fallen Heros - June 2, 2004
Negative Campaign Ads - June 2, 2004
Reasons Why Administration Has To Go - June 20, 2004

May 2004

A Draft By Any Other Name - May 20, 2004
Who Investigates the Investigators? - May 19, 2004
Health Care Crisis Demands Real Leadership - May 19, 2004
Trust Us, Rumsfeld Must Go - May 17, 2004
Recognizing Dr. Lee L. Huntsman - May 12, 2004
Congress Needs to Stop Digging - May 13, 2004
Shameful Images From Iraq - May 13, 2004
Affirming Democracy - May 12, 2004
Profligate Spending Will Come Home To Roost - May 12, 2004
Disposition of Unused Health Benefits - May 12, 2004
Send the President Back To Texas - May 12, 2004
Rhetoric of the War Crusade - May 11, 2004
Crimes in Iraq May Go Unpunished - May 11, 2004
Clean House - May 11, 2004
Congress Needs to Go Beyond Damage Control - Deploring Pictures of
Abuse in Iraq
- May 6, 2004
Rumsfeld Must Go - May 6, 2004
Expressing Concern About Iran's Development of Means to Produce
Nuclear Weapons
- May 6, 2004
Cyberstalking - May 5, 2004
Alternative Minimum Tax Band-Aid - May 5, 2004
Administration Has Failed Education - May 5, 2004
Iraq War Keeps Getting Worse - May 4, 2004

April 2004

Congressman Jim McDermott Remarks Upon Accepting The Ralph
Bunche Award
- April 30, 2004
Congress Must Pass Bill That Includes Money For the Alaskan Way Viaduct
   - April 28, 2004
The War on the Truth - April 27, 2004
Missing Without Action - April 27, 2004
Bush's War on the Environment - April 22, 2004
Credentials Needed For Those Attacking John Kerry - April 22, 2004
Presidential Arrogance Continues Mistakes in Iraq - April 21, 2004
We Must Not Abandon The Kurds - April 21, 2004
Play the Tapes - Reaction to Bob Woodward inter on 60 Minutes
   - April 21, 2004
Save the Hubble Space Telescope - April 20, 2004
Time to Get the truth about the President's war in Iraq - April 20, 2004
The Republican "Pray-As-You-Go" Budget Policy - April 2, 2004

March 2004

The Administration Giveth and the Republican Congress Taketh Away
- March 30, 2004
Congress Needs to Take a Real Step Toward Economic Recovery and Extended Unemployment Benefits - March 30, 2004
EU Decision Against Microsoft Leaves Unresolved Questions - March 25, 2004
A Tribute to Mr. Harry Thomas - March 24, 2004
Legacy of The "Exxon Valdez" - March 24, 2004
The 2005 Budget Shell Game - March 24, 2004
"Exxon Valdez" Is Not the Only Ship Aground - March 23, 2004
Support the Soldiers, Not the Politics - March 17, 2004
America's Preemptive War - March 17, 2004
Communicating the Reality of the Republican Medicare Prescription Drug Bill
   - March 17, 2004
Biblical Principles Behind the Budget - March 16, 2004
Bush's New Math - March 10, 2004
The Bush Administration is Outsourcing Its Responsibilities on Jobs and
the Economy
- March 9, 2004
An Urgent Call for Universal Health Care in America - March 4, 2004
In Honor of Peace Corps Week - March 3, 2004
Save The Hubble Telescope - March 3, 2004
Congress Must Acknowledge the Medical Issues Facing Our Soldiers
   - March 2, 2004

February 2004

Codifying "Biblical Principals" of Marriage - February 25, 2004
Regarding Justice Scalia's Refusal to Recuse Himself From Hearing Case Concerning the Vice President - February 25, 2004
Pentagon Opens Criminal Fraud Investigation Into Halliburton
- February 25, 2004
Bush Spin-Doctors Alter Health Disparities Report - February 11, 2004
McDermott again challenges the President to support legislation that extend unemployment benefits - February 04, 2004

January 2004

The Condition of the People's House: Where is the Outrage? - January 28, 2004
The President and the Republican Leadership Needs to Pass an Extension of Unemployment Benefits Now - January 20, 2004
The State of Our Union - January 20, 2004
Congressman McDermott accepts a Community Service Award
   - January 15, 2004

Also, see McDermott floor speeches from 
 • 2006
 • 2005
 • 2004
 • 2003

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McDermott Signs onto Resolution Considering Impeachment of the President

Speech on Gas Stamps Legislation

House Acts on Key McDermott Africa Initiative

Congress Passes the Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS Act

Speech on Single Payer Health Care


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