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Larsen Thanks Distinguished Service Cross Recipient First Lieutenant Jackson of Oak Harbor, Washington

For Immediate Release
Contact: Amanda Mahnke
(202) 225-2605

November 2, 2007

Washington, D.C. — At a ceremony at the Pentagon today, U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) congratulated First Lieutenant Walter B. Jackson of Oak Harbor, Washington on receiving the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in combat operations in Iraq. 

“I thank First Lieutenant Jackson for his extraordinary service to his comrade and his country,” said Larsen. “Washington state and the nation will always remember his courage and his selfless heroism.”
According to his Distinguished Service Cross citation, Second Lieutenant Jackson (who has since been promoted to First Lieutenant) “distinguished himself as a Company Fire Support Officer on 27 September 2006 while engaged in combat operations against an armed insurgent force in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

“While recovering a disabled vehicle, Second Lieutenant Jackson’s unit came under heavy enemy machine gun fire. Despite the danger, he applied first aid to a severely wounded comrade and was then hit in his thigh with a bullet. Upon regaining consciousness after being shot, Second Lieutenant Jackson alternated between returning fire and administering first aid to the Soldier.

“Second Lieutenant Jackson was hit again with machine gun fire as he helped carry his wounded comrade to safety, but he never faltered in his aid. Although his own severe wounds required immediate evacuation and surgical care, Second Lieutenant Jackson refused medical assistance until his wounded comrade could be treated.

“Second Lieutenant Jackson’s selfless courage under extreme enemy fire were essential to saving another Soldier’s life and are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service, reflecting great credit upon himself, Company A, Task Force 1-36 Infantry, and the United States Army.”

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