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Larsen Statement on European Court Decision Against Microsoft

For Immediate Release
Contact: Amanda Mahnke
(202) 225-2605

September 19, 2007

Washington, D.C.U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) released the following statement on the ruling by a European court against Microsoft in an anti-trust case:

“The ruling by the European Union’s Court of First Instance affirming the European Commission’s decision against Microsoft sets a troubling precedent. I am concerned that punishing Microsoft will only be the tip of the iceberg and that other U.S. companies may also be penalized for their success in the European market.  The European Union should not stifle competition and punish innovation.

“Although this is clearly a setback, it is not the end.  I am committed to working with the Administration to address these issues and find a way forward with the European Union.”


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