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House Sends Highway Trust Fund Fix to President’s Desk

For Immediate Release
Contact: Amanda Mahnke
(202) 225-2605

Larsen Works to Protect Transportation Dollars and Jobs  for Washington State

September 11, 2008

Washington, D.C.U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) voted today to protect critical transportation investments and nearly 380,000 jobs across the country, including 7,211 jobs in Washington state, by restoring the Highway Trust Fund, the primary source of federal funding for highways and bridges. The Highway Trust Fund Restoration Act (H.R. 6532) first passed the House in July and cleared the Senate yesterday after being amended to take effect immediately.  Today’s final vote in House sends the bill to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

“The Highway Trust Fund meets critical infrastructure needs and funds thousands of construction jobs in Washington state,” said Larsen. “Without this fix, the Highway Trust Fund will go broke within weeks, costing Washington state vital transportation funding and as many as 7,211 local jobs.  I urge the President to sign the Highway Trust Fund Restoration Act to help us fix this urgent problem.”

In 2005, Congress passed a major surface transportation bill (SAFETEA-LU) which authorized billions of dollars for federal-aid highways and bridges, paid for by the Highway Trust Fund.  Yet Highway Trust Fund revenues from the federal gas tax have fallen behind as high gas prices have led people to drive less and use less fuel. The legislative fix passed by the House today restores funds that were transferred from the Highway Trust Fund to the General Fund in 1998, complying with “pay-as-you-go” rules for fiscal responsibility.

After the House first passed the Highway Trust Fund Restoration Act in July, opposition from Senate Republicans delayed further progress until yesterday.

On Friday September 5, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters announced her support for the Highway Trust Fund Restoration Act, legislation which the Administration had previously opposed, stating that without this fix the Highway Trust Fund will go broke by October 1.


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