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Larsen Votes “No” on Retroactive Immunity

For Immediate Release
Contact: Amanda Mahnke
(202) 225-2605

June 20, 2008

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) voted today against the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act of 2008.  Larsen released the following statement:

“Americans who may have been the targets of illegal surveillance have the right to a fair hearing in a federal court. But as a result of this bill, the Bush Administration could be let off the hook for its warrantless wiretapping program.

“The question our federal courts should be allowed to decide – free from congressional intervention -- is whether the law was broken, not whether the Administration wrote permission slips to break it.

“I have supported legislation to establish a strong, effective FISA court and provide the intelligence community with the tools it needs to protect us. But the Bush Administration has placed greater importance on retroactive immunity.  This is nothing less than an attempt to protect itself from the legal consequences of its actions at the expense of our national security.”

In November 2007 and in March 2008, Larsen voted for legislation which would have clarified and expanded current FISA law to provide the intelligence community with the tools it needs to keep us safe while maintaining basic rights for American citizens.


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