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Montage of Wing Point in Bainbridge Island and the Edmonds Ferry.

Jay Inslee: Washington's 1st Congressional District

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Public Safety

New Port Security Regulations May Slow WA Ferries
Inslee Concerned; Praises Coast Guard for Including Local Input

1 July 2003

U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee commended the Coast Guard today for taking into account Washington state’s unique ferry system needs in new port security regulations released today. Inslee still has concerns about funding for the new regulations and how they will affect Washington commuters.

“I commend the Coast Guard for recognizing Washington’s unique ferry needs and going the extra mile to allow individual ferry routes to design and implement their own unique security plan,” said Inslee. “Whether it be aboard the Wenatchee Jumbo Class Ferry or the Chinook Fast Passenger Ferry, Washington ferries carry nearly 27 million passengers every year, and deliver to work 75,000 commuters every weekday up and down Puget Sound. The new ferry security standards cannot unnecessarily impede passenger service or else it will be a serious detriment to our economy. I look forward to working with the Coast Guard to develop a security plan that protects passengers as quickly and effectively as Washington ferries carry passengers across the water. After an initial review of the new regulations, I believe we need to ensure that:

  1. These regulations do not cause waiting at Marine Security Level Two;
  2. Car screening does not slow traffic;
  3. The federal government must adequately fund these measures. The Coast Guard estimates that the new port security measures will cost nearly $1.5 billion in the short term, but will only receive $232 million this year. Congress must fully fund the Coast Guard to make sure the Washington ferry system does not shoulder these costs. I will be working toward that end.”

When Inslee learned earlier this year that the Coast Guard’s proposed ferry security regulations would seriously inconvenience ferry passengers, he commissioned a report questioning the constitutionality of those regulations, and he also organized a classified meeting to allow Washington’s lawmakers to voice local concerns about the new regulations. The Coast Guard assured Inslee that Washington’s needs and local input would be taken into consideration during the rulemaking process.