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Jay Inslee: Washington's 1st Congressional District

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Media Ownership

Inslee and Colleagues Introduce FCC Media Diversity Amendment

Tuesday, June 22, 2003

U.S. Reps. Jay Inslee (D-WA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), and David Price (D-NC) introduced an amendment today to the Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations bill that would essentially suspend the FCC’s recent decision to weaken media ownership rules for cross-ownership and local TV ownership. Inslee has been working with his colleagues to oppose the FCC’s weakening of the rules, and has since worked on a legislative resolution of the issue.

Windows Media *

Video player icon of Rep. Inslee on the House floor speaking with one person in the background

U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee speaking on the House floor in support of the amendment.

* In order to view the videobite, you will need to download Windows Media Player, which is available here for free.