Congressman Brian Baird speaks Counter Drug Task Force
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Throughout his congressional tenure, Representative Baird has championed good government issues like the three-day rule, which would give Members of Congress time to actually read the bills they vote on, and Continuity of Congress, which would ensure all Americans have government representation in the event of a terrorist attack in our nation's Capital.

Congressman Baird is now setting his sights on unraveling the powerful connections between Wall Street, K Street, and the U.S. Congress. Learn more:

  • Capitol Hill Newspaper Endorses Baird Insider Trading Ban.
  • SEC Investigates Medicare Leak; The Latest on Insider Trading.
  • Watch Congressman Baird discuss Capitol Hill insider trading on     MSNBC and CNBC.
  • Listen to Congressman Baird on the Majority Report and NPR
  • Read about insider trading in the Wall Street Journal and     Business Week

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