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What is RSS?

Real Simple Syndication is a format that allows Web users to monitor the content of multiple Web sites through a RSS Reader program and receive a notice when they have been updated.  A Web site is using RSS if it has a RSS, RSS 2.0, XML, or RSS feed icon.

Why subscribe through RSS?

A RSS subscription would allow you to get up to date information for free without having to continuously check a particular Web page.  A notice is sent directly to your RSS Reader program with a short description that can be viewed at your leisure.

How do I use RSS?

"Right Click" and "Copy Shortcut" the hyperlink associated with the RSS Feed icon or simply copy the address that appears in your browser when you click on the RSS Feed icon and paste the hyperlink provided to your RSS Reader program.  After adding the RSS Feed to your RSS Reader program you will be subscribed to the office's Web site for future updates.

Where do I get a RSS Reader?

There is no standard RSS Reader program to use with a RSS subscription.  The following links are provided to help find which RSS Reader program suits your needs best.

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Washington, DC Office:

U.S. House of Representatives
2350 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3536
Fax: (202) 225-3478
Vancouver Office:

O.O. Howard House
750 Anderson Street, Suite B
Vancouver, WA 98661
Phone: (360) 695-6292
Fax: (360) 695-6197
Olympia Office:

120 Union Avenue
Suite 105
Olympia, WA 98501
Phone: (360) 352-9768
Fax: (360) 352-9241