For Immediate Release
May 2, 2007

Rep. Scott Votes to Override President's Veto

(Washington D.C.) - Congressman Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-VA-03) today voted to override the President’s veto of H.R. 1591, the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act of 2007, which was passed with bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate last week. Although a majority of the House voted to override the veto by a vote of 222 to 203, a 2/3 majority is required to override (Roll No. 276).

"The bill that the President vetoed yesterday funded our troops fighting overseas, spent billions more on health care for our veterans, and it established a strategy to intelligently begin to bring our troops home," said Rep. Scott. "The President’s veto defies the will of the American people by further delaying vital resources for our troops on the front lines and our veterans at home, and keeping our troops indefinitely stuck in the middle of a civil war marked primarily by sectarian violence."



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