Constituent Services


The White House

Metro Stop: Federal Triangle or Metro Center

All tours of the White House must be made through Congressional offices at least six weeks prior to your requested tour date. However, it is often best to submit your tour request several months. These self-guided tours of the East The White HouseWing are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis and are not guaranteed. Tours are available Tuesday through Saturday and visitors will be assigned a time between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The White House will notify congressional offices if the tour is confirmed or unavailable about 2-3 weeks before the requested tour date.

If a group tour has been confirmed, all attendees aged 14 and above are required to submit their name, date of birth, Social Security number, and country of citizenship to their congressional office. Attendees under the age of 14 only need to submit their name and date of birth. Approved tours are also subject to last minute cancellations due to special events, emergencies, etc.

To request a tour of the White House please fill out the online form.


United States Capitol

Metro Stop: Capitol South

The United States Capitol is a monument, a working office building, and one of the most recognizable symbols of representative democracy in the world. Visitors are welcome to enter the building through the Capitol Visitor Center, located underground on the east side of the Capitol. You can begin your Capitol experience at the Visitor Center by visiting the Exhibition Hall, perusing the Gift Shops or dining in the Restaurant. Please review the U.S. Capitol prohibited items list before your visit.

To tour the Capitol Building, visitors must make a reservation in advance through the Capitol Visitors Center. Note that tour schedules can fill up quickly, so it is advisable to book your tour well in advance of your visit.

Guided tours of the historic Capitol begin in the Capitol Visitors Center at the orientation theaters with a 13-minute film, "Out of Many, One," The U.S. Capitol Buildingwhich will take you on a journey through our country's struggle to establish the world's first truly representative democracy and introduce you to the magnificent building that houses our Congress.

For Individuals, Families and Small Groups, you can reserve your Capitol Tour by filling out the online form at the Capitol Visitors Center's website by clicking here.

For Large Groups, you can reserve your Capitol Tour by filling out the online form for large groups at the Capitol Visitors Center's website by clicking here. You will need to register as a large group first before making your reservation.

Please do not hesitate to contact my Washington Office at (202) 225-8351 if you have questions regarding reserving a tour of the Capitol Building.

My Office can also provide your group with tickets to the House Gallery, which are required to view the proceedings of the U.S. House of Representatives live.

I hope that while you are visiting the Capitol, you will take the opportunity to visit my office.

General Visiting Washington, DC Information

If you are experiencing difficulties with a Federal Government agency and you would like assistance from my office, please contact my Newport News District Office at (757) 380-1000. A Caseworker will be assigned to you and allow your process to be handled effectively.  You will also be asked to complete a Constituent Consent and Information Form and fax or mail it to my Newport News Office:

Office of Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott
2600 Washington Ave. Suite 1010
Newport News, VA 23607
(757) 380-1000
(757) 928-6694 FAX

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