Weekly Washington Update

12/19/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling

12/12/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
This week the House considered legislation to give the auto industry $14 billion.  Let me share with you several reasons why I could not and did not support this bill. ...More

11/25/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
Last week, Congress considered another multi-billion dollar bailout—this time for the auto industry in Detroit.  They have suppliers and dealers all over the nation, and I do not want to see them fail, but they have brought many of these problems upon themselves.  For example, their labor costs are two-thirds higher than their competitors.  And while they produce many good cars, trucks, and SUVs for us in Texas, overall they rank low on consumer satisfaction surveys. ...More

11/21/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
Americans have much for which to be thankful. This week, I want to take a break from my usual weekly Washington update to recognize and thank those who have fought or are currently fighting to protect our nation’s freedoms and liberty. ...More

11/14/2008 Weekly Washington Update From Congressman Jeb Hensarling
With the holidays upon us, families are preparing to budget for gifts, food, and decorations.  Most Texas families do not have an unlimited amount of funds to spend and neither does Washington. ...More