Jeb in the News

By Lauren Ricks
As Published in the Athens Daily Review November 18, 2008

CMS offering Medicare 101

The Medicare Prescription Drug Program can be confusing.

U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling staffer Barbara Luce and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) representative Melissa Scarborough will hold a meeting Wednesday to clear up the issue.

The meeting will be held at Oak Wood Place Assisted Living, on 603 Wood Street, at 10 a.m.

A press release from Hensarling’s office said the representatives will be available to discuss general program information, new plan benefits, program updates and answer any questions.

Hensarling Press Secretary Debbee Keller said the forum will help senior adults understand their Medicare plan.

She said Nov. 15 through Dec. 31 is the program’s “open season.” During this period individuals can change their Medicare Prescription Drug Plans.

“This is an opportunity to change your plan if your needs have changed,” Keller said. “Open season allows enrollees to access their current plan, compare it with a list of their medications, and see if it still fits their needs.”

CMS’ statistics show about 3.1 million Part D enrollees changed their plan in 2008. Part D of the Medicare Plan allows people in the program to enroll in a voluntary drug coverage plan.

Keller said the change is because private companies bid on plans and the company with the best plan is awarded the contract.

“So it is a combination of private companies and the federal government working together and influencing price changes,” she said.

Keller said the purpose of this forum is to help eligible individuals — 65 years old and up — understand and access the resources already available to them.

“All seniors are encouraged to come,” Keller said.
