[News from the HALL of Congress]

May 14, 2003


WASHINGTON, D.C. ...The House of Representatives last night overwhelmingly approved a resolution introduced by Rep. Ralph Hall (D-TX) commending those individuals who contributed to the debris collection effort following the Space Shuttle Columbia accident.  
 House Resolution 222 commends all those involved in the recovery operations, including personnel from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. Forest Service, Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies, along with State and local agencies and citizens of East Texas and other states who offered their support to the debris search teams.  The resolution also recognizes the two searchers who perished and three others who were injured in a helicopter crash while searching for debris.

 “In the weeks and months since the loss of Columbia and its crew, the focus has been on finding the cause of the accident – and examination of Shuttle debris has been an important part of that investigation,” Hall said in his Floor statement in support of the resolution.  

 Hall remarked that the debris collection effort is an “impressive accomplishment.”  Nearly 85 thousand pounds of debris – about 38 percent of Columbia’s dry weight – has been recovered.  This includes nearly 83 thousand specific items, of which more than 79 thousand have been identified  

“That was far more than had been hoped for when the search began in February,” Hall noted.  “Most importantly, the Board investigating the Columbia accident has said that the debris collected so far has been invaluable in helping them to determine the cause of the accident.”

 “We all mourn the loss of the seven brave astronauts who perished on Columbia, and we will never forget their sacrifice in the cause of space exploration and science,” Hall said.  “We also owe a debt of gratitude to the thousands of individuals and organizations who worked so tirelessly to recover the Space Shuttle debris, and this resolution expresses our thanks on behalf of all America.”
